Term Papers on Arts and Plays |
A Midsummer Night's Dream: Role Of Puck
Number of words: 474 - Number of pages: 2.... a small village setting seems more appropriate for Puck. He is the
type of fairy that likes to be around mortals and cause them trouble, as opposed
to other fairies. This is why Puck's little job with a love potion and a young
couple is perfect for him and he perfect for the job.
Puck is a likable character who tends to create mischief around himself.
Everything is a game to crafty little Puck. Yet once he realizes that he has
caused a problem he will make sure to the best of his ability and power that it
is rectified. As in the scene with Hermia and Lysander, and He .....
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King Lear: Consequences Of One Man's Decisions
Number of words: 2000 - Number of pages: 8.... (Act I, Sc i, Ln 38-41)
This gives the reader the first indication of Lear's intent to abdicate his
throne. He goes on further to offer pieces of his kingdom to his daughters
as a form of reward to his test of love.
"Great rivals in our youngest daughter's love,
Long in our court have made their amorous
sojourn, And here are to be answered. Tell me, my
daughters (Since now we will divest us both of rule,
Interest of territory, cares of state),
Which of you shall we say doth love us most?
That we our largest bounty may extend
where nature doth wit .....
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Romeo And Juliet: Who Was Responsible
Number of words: 524 - Number of pages: 2.... Nurse is another example of someone who, in authority, did not show responsibility. She encourages Juliet to continue to see Romeo secretly, even after he has been banished. She even says to Juliet: “I’ll find Romeo to comfort you. I wot well where he is. Hark ye, your Romeo will be here at night.” (3.2.138-140) And is clearly telling her to be with this outcast. The Nurse proves to be a traitor when she tells her to marry Paris, “Marry, I will; and this is wisely done.” (3.5.233) She did not guide Juliet on any one specific path, she was not responsible.
Friar Laurence is .....
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Gossip In Grover’s Corners
Number of words: 668 - Number of pages: 3.... Howie Newsome sees Dr. Gibbs and asks if
something is wrong. “Somebody sick?[Howie Newsome]. Pair of twins over to
Mrs. Goruslawski’s [Dr. Gibbs]. Twins, eh? This town’s gettin’ bigger
every year [Howie] (Wilder, 828).” It is best for the community to know
what is going on so they can help out each other if needed. Gossip builds
strong communities and allows them to function and prosper.
Another positive effect of gossip is that it will force people to
do good things for the community. If they don’t then rumors will start and
you will get a bad name. This is good becaus .....
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Macbeth: A Man Of Established Character
Number of words: 1827 - Number of pages: 7.... in the success
which crowns his efforts in battle - and so on. He may even conceived of the
proper motive which should energize back of his great deed:
The service and the loyalty I owe, In doing it, pays itself. But while he
destroys the king's enemies, such motives work but dimly at best and are
obscured in his consciousness by more vigorous urges. In the main, as we have
said, his nature violently demands rewards: he fights valiantly in order that he
may be reported in such terms a "valour's minion" and "Bellona's bridegroom"' he
values success because it brings spectacular fame and new .....
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King Lear - Analyzing A Tragic Hero
Number of words: 871 - Number of pages: 4.... compassionate. He is wrathful, but at times, patient. Because of his good qualities, we experience pity for him and feel that he does not deserve the severity of his punishment. His actions are not occasioned by any corruption or depravity in him, but by an error in judgment, which, however, does arise from a defect of character. Lear has a "tragic flaw" - egotism. It is his egotism in the first scene that causes him to make his error in judgment - the division of his kingdom and the loss of Cordelia. Throughout the rest of the play, the consequences of this error slowly and steadfastly in .....
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Hamlet - Appearance Vs. Reality
Number of words: 1676 - Number of pages: 7.... appearance of loving and caring person. Polonius appears like a man who loves and cares about his son, Laertes. Polonius speaks to his son with advice that sounds sincere but in reality it is rehearsed, hollow and without feeling. Polonius gives his advice only to appear to be the loving caring father. The reality is he only speaks to appear sincere as a politician, to look good rather then actually be good: "And borrowing dulls the edge of husbandry. This above all: to thine own self be true, And it must follow, as the night the day, Thou canst not then be false to any man. F .....
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A Doll's House: Nora Perceived By Other Characters
Number of words: 2808 - Number of pages: 11.... her realize that a woman can think, act and live independently for herself.
As Nora realizes that she must find her true self, the ways in which Krogstad,
Christine and Torvald perceive her dramatically change.
Christine Linde, a woman who has had to live independently since her
husband died, suddenly comes back to visit Nora and finds Nora has not changed
from her childish ways in high school. Nora for an instant does not recognize
her old friend because of the time that has passed since the last time she saw
her. Christine tells Nora of her husband's passing and how he did not l .....
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Hamlet: Finding Courage To Die
Number of words: 520 - Number of pages: 2.... reason, he cannot take his life because he does not know
what happens after one dies. He is not positive of an afterlife, therefore he
doesn't have the courage to end his life.
"Now might I do it prat," (Beaty, 1363) is a soliloquy in which we see a
shift in Hamlet's rationalization. Hamlet, as his fathers only son, is seeking
revenge for his fathers death, but is afraid that a quick death for Claudius
would not be enough. Hamlet feels that waiting until Claudius is in an immoral
situation would make him suffer in death because he would not be allowed to
repent for his sins. During this .....
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Les Miserables
Number of words: 1756 - Number of pages: 7.... chase Valjean for the rest of his life. When Javert brings Valjean back to the priest's house to confirm the theft, the priest amazes everyone by saying that he gave Valjean the silver and then he added a pair of silver candle sticks to what already was taken. When the police left, the priest told Valjean that he "must use this precious silver to become an honest man". With this kindness that was given to Valjean, he decided that he will be able to start his life again. In the opening scene Valjean has a soliloquy where he discusses how cruel the world is once branded a criminal.
Javert c .....
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