Number of words: 648 - Number of pages: 3.... peoples console assembly is supposed to establish a
general direction of the government's policys.
A house of peoples Representatives is the nations parlament, however, in
practice neither the assembly nor the house has real power. Instead, it is the
president who makes all of the important decisions.
The president is elected to a five year term the Peoples Consulative
assembly. Te assembly has 1,000 members. It includes the 500 members of the
peoples representives. It also includes 500 members of regional, occupational,
and other groups.
All assembly members serve five year terms .....
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Number of words: 962 - Number of pages: 4.... food was in short supply. It is estimated that on the eve of the French Revolution one-fifth of the population had no resources at all.
World War I broke out August 1914, setting , Russia, Britain, Belgiumand Serbia at war with Germany and the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Everyone assumed the war would be over in a few months. Instead, the war lasted for four years. Germany finally agreed to sign an armistice on November 11, 1948. (A kind of peace agreement). The death toll had been the largest of any previous wars. had lost over 1.4 million men and in all of Europe over 8.5 million wer .....
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Number of words: 417 - Number of pages: 2.... Government, which has only a House of Representatives.
Local governments are stationed in centre of the town or city that they provide
to. State governments are run from the state capitals, while the Federal
Government sits in Canberra, in the Australian Capital Territory.
There are six states, and two major territories in Australia. The states are:
Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria, Tasmania, South Australia and Western
Australia. The two territories are the Northern Territory and the Australian
Capital Territory. Australia also has a number of areas run by the Federal
Governme .....
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The Pyramids Of Egypt
Number of words: 991 - Number of pages: 4.... that
made the building of the pyramid a concern of the entire kingdom. Many
people would be called to duty to work on the pyramids and many would go at
will. It was found that the Egyptian people actually liked working on the
pyramids. Many youths would travel down the Nile to work on the pyramids
so that they could see the great city of Memphis.
Furniture and riches not to mention body parts of the dead king
were buried with him in the pyramid, so that in the afterlife the king
would be able to have all the comforts that he had in his life. Wives and
people of high standing in .....
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El Salvador
Number of words: 2513 - Number of pages: 10.... sap called “balsam
of Peru” (see above). The country also has mineral deposits of gold, silver,
coal, copper, iron, lead, zinc, sulfur, and quicksilver. Other valuable
products include sugar, cocoa, rubber, cotton, tobacco, indigo, and
henequen (for making twine and bags). Most of the farms are small family
holdings and are worked by crude methods. Modern farming machinery is used
on the large estates. The government is trying to change the country's
dependence upon the coffee crop. Farmers who grow cotton for export receive
bonuses from the government.
The population is an estimated 2 .....
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Hiking The Appalachian Trail
Number of words: 1040 - Number of pages: 4.... Hiking the
distance mentioned above obviously requires excellent footwear, and a light
pack. Figure in fatigue and you need a comfortable tent to sleep in at
Good boots are "solid" on the bottom, so that you cant feel rocks
or stones through the soles. If you can press in the bottom of the sole
with your thumb, the soles are probably too soft to give your foot proper
protection. The top of the boot should be stiff to hold the ankle in place
and provide it with good support. While it's possible to treat non-
waterproof fabric boots with liquid silicone, it generally doesn .....
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Southeast Asia
Number of words: 1445 - Number of pages: 6.... as a source of cheap labor.
Consequently, when the Europeans ended their colonial reign over Southeast
Asia, the countries in this realm were left with little or no industry of
their own. When the colonial powers freed Southeast Asia they constructed
borders that were not beneficial, or would have naturally occurred, in this
realm. For instance, it is improbable that without colonial intervention
the 13,000 islands of and many diverse ethnic groups that inhabit them
would have grouped together to become the world’s fourth largest country in
terms of population. In Southeast Asia, .....
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Tropical Africa: Food Production And The Inquiry Model
Number of words: 446 - Number of pages: 2.... and 3.a region at the northern and southern edges afflicted by
All the climates listed in the previous paragraph are modified in the eastern
parts of Tropical Africa by the mountains and monsoons.
The soils of Tropical Africa pose another problem. They are unlike the soils of
temperate areas. Soils are largely products of their climates, and tropical
soils are different from temperate soils because the climate is different.
Because of the great heat of the tropics tends to bake the soils, while on the
other hand, the rainfall leaches them. The combined heat and moisture tend to .....
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Boom Towns Of The Amazon
Number of words: 418 - Number of pages: 2.... These conflicts are dangerous and sometimes deadly.
The North region of Brazil encompasses the states and territories of Para, Ampa, Amazonas, Roraima, Acre and Rondonia. This section of Brazil has had the highest rate of urbanization than the rest of the country in recent years. This article examines the nature, causes and durability of frontier urbanization in the Brazilian Amazon. The rate of urbanization has been low in Amozonia. There is a mercantile dependence on extractive boom and bust cycles, which has created a scattered population of river settlements. Two cities, Belem and Ma .....
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The Lowell Observatory
Number of words: 730 - Number of pages: 3.... and experiments, and also are allowed to use the telescopes they have
located on Mars Hill.
There are a total of nine telescopes, eight which are at the
observatory, of these many of them are historic, such as the 24" Clark
Refractor that is 102 years old. The Pluto telescope dome and John Vickers
McAllister telescope dome, which is 16" long, are also telescopes you would
find at Lowell Observatory. The most modern telescope they have there is
the Anderson Mesa Telescope. Their ninth telescope is located in Western
Australia. Many of these nine telescopes are equipped with state of th .....
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