Term Papers on Arts and Plays |
Othello: Almost Perfect
Number of words: 649 - Number of pages: 3.... is a professional soldier and preaches by the rules and codes of honor thoroughly. He believes that people are honest and genuine until he has proof that they are not. The theory on judging whether or not they are your friend or foe makes Othello an attractive figure and a generous friend. However, it also leaves him vulnerable and useless to certain people who are able to manipulate this flaw, like Iago. After witnessing Iago’s exploitation on Roderigo, we see that Iago is the evil villain; meanwhile, he is innocent, noble, and overall a trustworthy individual to the eyes of Othell .....
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The Importance Of The Press
Number of words: 2540 - Number of pages: 10.... a framework for the second part of
the paper, which will look at the involvement of the press during revolutionary
times in more specific terms. The French revolution of 1789 will be used as a
backdrop for this inquiry.
There are many different types of political movements, and accordingly
there are many different reasons for these movements to occur. Value-oriented
and norm-oriented movements deal with matters of social and political concern,
but do so in the setting of the already existing political and social structures.
Revolutionary movements seek to make fundamental changes to s .....
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Predestined Fate Of Oedipus
Number of words: 1151 - Number of pages: 5.... So they tried to get some
one to take Oedipus out to the mountains and let him die of natural causes. Some
people might argue that they are still indirectly responsible for the death but
apparently the Greeks only considered it bad if you were directly responsible
for the act of murder. The problem is that this person never left Oedipus on the
mountains as he was instructed to and therefore Oedipus never died. So Iocaste
and laios go on living worry free thinking that they outsmarted the gods and
avoided their horrible fate, but it will catch up with them soon enough. They
can't change t .....
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Tragic Knowledge, Comedic Idiocy
Number of words: 1315 - Number of pages: 5.... a message to the peasantry in the audience on how to act. Shakespeare utilized this power and showed the lower classes what would result due to their actions.
The commoners in A Midsummer Night's Dream are horrible actors that don't have a clue. The only commoner that shows any sense is Quince, who directs the whole bunch (which is probably Shakespeare blowing his own horn, as all directors believe they are intelligent). Bottom is a prima donna who hams everything up without realizing. Flute worships the ground that Bottom walks upon and so he pathetically attempts to emulate Bottom. Snug is .....
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Does Michelangelo'S Talent Still Reflect After The Restorations In The Sistine Chapel?
Number of words: 465 - Number of pages: 2.... it consistantly and using the same style he does makes the paintings reveal Michelangelo's talent and the charactaristics of his characters. Marking and bringing it to attention which areas had the restorations applied to is a very good idea.
I think that by going about trying to get these portraits back to their original style was not only an appreciative thing to do but it also gained us knowledge of Michelangelo and his style of painting. It revealed us a little more to know of Michelangelo and what went on during the time these paintings were painted.
I like Michelangelo's work, but .....
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Movie Review: The Mirror Has Two Faces
Number of words: 531 - Number of pages: 2.... passes and they grow closer to each other they decide to get married by
the justice of the peace. Roses mother who is dependent on her objects to the
idea and thinks the marriage is wrong. She uses plenty of guilt trying to
persuade Rose not to marry Greg. The marriage takes place and the Rose moves
into Greg's apartment where their are separate twin beds for Rose and Greg. The
first night of living together Greg indirectly suggests the two should have sex.
Rose does not understand and falls asleep on Greg. As time passes and the two
start to become flexibly connected and share their most .....
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Macbeth: Shakespeare's Comparisons And Contrasts
Number of words: 433 - Number of pages: 2.... Macbeth is "too full of the milk of human kindness"
to go after the throne. She wants to be tough and begs the spirits to "unsex me
here." Macbeth, on the other hand, hesitates to murder Duncan for several
reasons. Among these reasons the earthly consequences frighten him the most.
How would his new subjects react? Would the kingdom disrupt in chaos?
Furthermore Macbeth cannot escape present punishment if he fails. We see Lady
Macbeth's persuasiveness producing a new courage in her husband and that courage
is manly enough to perform murder. Therefore, Macbeth has no reasons for
murde .....
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Analytic Play Review Of The Taming Of The Shrew
Number of words: 1032 - Number of pages: 4.... place'. The play is, in fact, a comedy about an assertive
woman coping with how she is expected to act in the society of the late
sixteenth century and of how one must obey the unwritten rules of a
society to be accepted in it. Although the play ends with her outwardly
conforming to the norms of society, this is in action only, not in mind.
Although she assumes the role of the obedient wife, inwardly she still
retains her assertiveness.
Most of the play's humour comes from the way in which characters
create false realities by disguising themselves as other people, a device
first introdu .....
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Hamlet - The "Real" Tragedy
Number of words: 901 - Number of pages: 4.... Hamlet stabs him while he is hiding behind the arras in Gertude’s room. This shows how Polonius, a man unaware of the true nature of the situation he is in, is killed by a member of the royalty during the execution of one of their schemes. This makes Polonius’ death a tragedy.
The next member of Polonius’ family to die is his daughter Ophelia. Ophelia’s death is tragic because of her complete innocence in the situation. Some may argue that Polonius deserves his fate because of his deceitfulness in dealing with Hamlet while he is mad, but Ophelia is entirely manipulated and us .....
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Motion Picture Directing
Number of words: 1619 - Number of pages: 6.... with designers, pan for filming times, and set many events which takes many types of skills. A director must also know how to deal with a cast and it's many problems. These skills and talents that are required to direct a single scene or an entire movie is entirely up to the director.
A director has many jobs that must be known and taken care of in order to produce a motion picture. He must prepare and decide on a script, choose a cast and a film crew, raise money for production, and find the proper security for when shooting scenes (Marner, p.'6). Before he can even begin on the movi .....
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