Term Papers on Arts and Plays |
Images Of Light And Darkness In Romeo And Juliet
Number of words: 432 - Number of pages: 2.... after all, Romeo was pining away because Rosaline rejected him just one day before. However, he too sees the difference in Romeo's depth of emotion and in light of that, and the possible political benefits (namely peace between the feuding families) he encourages the match.
Shadespeare's The Winter's Talw is , as most critics will agree, a difficult play to read, but the work possesses intriguing characters and symbols that make the effort worthwhile. Two of the most powerfil and fascinating symbols are those of the bear and the stue. Because it is Antogonus' episode with the bear that si .....
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Macbeth: How Money Killed
Number of words: 744 - Number of pages: 3.... unlike
Bassanio, Shylock charges interest on all his loans, and that he is quite
ruthless in getting payments for money owed. "Three thousand ducats. 'Tis a
good round sum./ Tree months from twelve, then let me see, the /rate--"
(1.3.112-114). Upon this Bassanio asks Shylock if he will really owe him any
interest; Shylock reacts as almost offended, and further explains that Bassanio
will indeed owe him interest. For both Macbeth and Shylock, this is the
beginning of the end.
Macbeth's greed starts to become a problem when people start figuring
out the truth behind Duncan's death. Ma .....
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Difference Betwen Iago And Othello
Number of words: 290 - Number of pages: 2.... plans by saying; “Disproved this villain, if thou be’st a man. He say thou toldst him that his wife was false. I know thou’rt not such a villain. Speak for my heart is full.” Iago replied; “ I told him what I thought and told no more than what he found himself was apt and true.” (Act V, sc.ii, lines179-184) Although Iago was solely responsible for the tragedy, he could not have succeeded if it was not for the gullible characters as targets for him to hit.
In Richard’s case, he did not use his sources wisely. Richard underestimated the powers of women in the play, whi .....
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Romeo And Juliet: Shakespeare's Metaphor Of Comparing Man To Plants
Number of words: 722 - Number of pages: 3.... holds the opinion that there is both decency and infamy in man. His
opinion can be compared to the story of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde by Robert Louis
Stevenson, where Dr. Jekyll is innately pure and kind but because he tries to
hide the malicious side of his being, it eventually overcomes him completely.
Shakespeare wishes to address the idea that evil can destroy a person and
overtake them if it is let in and uses his lines of Friar Laurence as an
aphorism and a warning to mankind.
The following lines from Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet fully portray
the author's view of a split of innocen .....
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Violence On The Tube
Number of words: 1460 - Number of pages: 6.... to television, videotapes, and films in the classroom. Children in day-
care centers often watch Sesame Street. There are filmed and videotaped
versions of great works of literature such as Orson Welles' Macbeth. Nearly
every school shows films of laboratory experiments.
But what of our viewing outside of the classroom? Television is also
one of our major sources of informal observational learning. According to Sweet
and Singh, viewing habits range from the child who watches no television at all
to the child who is in front of the television nearly all waking hours. They
say that o .....
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A Doll House: The Disadvantage Of Determinism
Number of words: 1364 - Number of pages: 5.... decision at the end of the play. Nora is also presented with the problem of hereditary determinism, as she suffers as a result of her father's past; however, she does not suffer alone. This time Dr. Rank is limited by his father's history as well. Therefore, through the problems of determinism in society (gender role and hereditary determinism), one is deprived of freedom to be an individual in society.
The problem of hereditary determinism is one that certainly restricts a person from developing as an individual in society. Two characters in the play, Dr. Rank and Nora, demonstrate the .....
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The Media
Number of words: 452 - Number of pages: 2.... food, but if someone over in
America just needed my story for filler, I wouldn't be too happy.
It should be the tribe's leader that should have to get the tribe
out of trouble in any way that he could. It is not our business to send
them our money to get food for the people that got themselves into trouble,
but I think it makes people feel good to donate things to needy people. I
just think that the media isn't telling people the whole story. Maybe the
starving people spent all their money on drugs? I doubt that many people
would send their hard earned cash if they knew that the person wa .....
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Macbeth’s Destiny
Number of words: 504 - Number of pages: 2.... of Macbeth’s becoming king. Then it is reported that Duncan is coming to visit Macbeth’s castle. The thought of royalty for Macbeth and Lady Macbeth and the opportunity to have the king within striking distance appeal to both of them. This causes them to act against their king even though they were loyal to him. The events all occurred because the witches’ simple knowledge of what would happen if they told Macbeth that he would become king in the future.
The witches use warning as “predictions” this time. They show apparitions to give these warnings. The first says “Macbeth! .....
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How Do We Evaluate Art?
Number of words: 555 - Number of pages: 3.... Theoretically, it is. We see that
we usually find an adult's suggestion is much more ideal than a child's. When
we are judging with our experience, we are actually doing comparison. We are
asking ourselves several questions. Is it better than what I had seen before?
Is it creative? Can it be better? Is it professional?
However, not all of our experience is good. There are bad memories.
Our judgement is therefore wrong. Thus, we have to aware that our opinion does
not have a mean of absolute. It is also important to determine with another
factor, knowledge.
Knowledge i .....
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Amadeus: Movie Review
Number of words: 675 - Number of pages: 3.... kills him. Mozart cannot finish his last piece of music, "The Requiem", it was never completed. Because Mozart had died like a pauper, his grave had been left unmarked, his body unidentified. In the end of the movie, Salieri realize he was not defeated God, for Mozart's music endures while Salieri's fades into obscurity.
The behavior of Mozart is often portrayed as a childish and unworthy person to be bestowed with such overwhelming genius. Mozart was unfaithful to his wife, Constanza. He became an alcoholic as he became destitute in the movie. But, Mozart know how to behave him .....
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