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Term Papers on Arts and Plays

‘To Be Or Not To Be’
Number of words: 1786 - Number of pages: 7

.... is battling. Shakespeare divides the soliloquy into three sections. The first section begins with the question ‘ to be or not to be…’ and ends with the second repetition of ‘To die-to sleep.’ In this section Hamlet concentrate’s on the two courses of action he can take; to live or to die. The theme within this part is centered on the ‘question.’ The second part begins with ‘To sleep’ and concludes with the question ‘Than fly to others…’ Here, the question about the after life arises and Hamlet again discusses the hardships of life but this time uses numerous exampl .....

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BONGO.. Always American Made - Analysis Of Bongo Jeans Ad
Number of words: 550 - Number of pages: 2

.... companion will soon be without even his shoes. On the table are two glasses of milk. This is one of the most powerful images in the ad. I believe they are there to counteract the sexual overtones and idea of risk-taking in the ad. Milk is included as if to say, "Even though these two young people are probably going to have sex when the game is finished, they are wholesome, good people." Milk works much better than using soft drinks, for example. If the makers of the ad had used cola for instance, the reader could not have really known if the liquid in the glasses was cola, dark beer .....

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Twelfth Night: Theme Of Love
Number of words: 829 - Number of pages: 4

.... her true identity. Viola and Orsino had a very good friendship, and making the switch to husband and wife was easy. Viola was caught up in another true love scenario, only this time she was on the receiving end, and things didn't work out so smoothly. During her attempts to court Olivia for Orsino, Olivia grew to love Cesario. Viola was now caught in a terrible situation and there was only one way out, but that would jeopardize her chances with Orsino. It's amazing that Olivia could fall for a woman dressed as a man, but because Viola knew what women like to hear, her words won Olivia's .....

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King Lear Earl Of Gloucester
Number of words: 1556 - Number of pages: 6

.... blind but gains the type of vision that Lear lacks. It is evident from these two characters that clear vision is not derived solely from physical sight. Lear's failure to understand this is the principal cause of his demise, while Gloucester learns to achieve clear vision, and consequently avoids a fate similar to Lear's. Throughout most of King Lear, Lear's vision is clouded by his lack of insight. Since he cannot see into other people's characters, he can never identify them for who they truly are. When Lear is angered by Cordelia, Kent tries to reason with Lear, who is too stubborn to .....

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Movie: One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest
Number of words: 698 - Number of pages: 3

.... that he wanted to watch the game. McMurphy had befriended Chief and later discovered that he was not deaf and dumb but was only faking his muteness and they planed to escape together. McMurphy later found out that many of these patients were here only because they put themselves here and didn't want to leave even though they had the option to. He tried his best to bring some life to these patients such as teaching them to play poker and gambling for cigarettes. He even went so far as to escape over a fence only to open the gate and to get the patients onto a nearby bus and drive them to t .....

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A Streetcar Named Desire: Condeming Those Who Treat Others With Harshness And Cruelty
Number of words: 768 - Number of pages: 3

.... was in a society where homosexuals are discriminated against. What Blanche said completely devastated Allan and he found no reason to continue living. Although Blanche had no intentions of hurting Allan, enough damage was done to prompt Allan to shoot himself, his mind and body destroyed. The harsh treatment dealt by Mitch to Blanche near the end of the play is strikingly similar to Blanche's treatment of Allan Gray. Mitch is a friend of Stanley's whom Blanche falls for during her visit to New Orleans. The relationship between Blanche and Mitch had been developing steadily. Both characte .....

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Number of words: 1323 - Number of pages: 5

.... of Jerry Seinfeld, Elaine Benes, George Costanza and Cosmo Kramer. Jerry Seinfeld, known by his own name on the program, is the central figure of the sitcom and the catalyst for almost everything that happens. He is involved in the antics revolving around Kramer, George and Elaine. On one episode George, Kramer and Jerry are spying on the naked lady across the street all day to see who can win a bet. The twist at the end of the show is when we see George and Jerry peering through the window and gasping, " Is that Kramer in her apartment? Wow he is naked!" Another episode involves Jerry who .....

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The Crucible: Witchcraft
Number of words: 362 - Number of pages: 2

.... Another big reason that someone would be a witch is that they did not like that person or they were just scared of them. Sometimes if you saw someone walking and they looked funny or just doing something bad you can say that they are a witch. You could of also said that someone was a witch if they were not praying at all. Then if you were accused of being a witch and did not want to be one, you can just say that you were made to do it by someone else. For example you can say that she sent her sprit out after me and she made me do it. So as you can see anybody can be a .....

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Macbeth Imagery
Number of words: 859 - Number of pages: 4

.... of the play, having reference to thunder and dark storms. Finally, Lady Macbeth and Macbeth are talking in the scene just before the murder of Banquo and Macbeth says "Light thickens, and the crow makes wing to the rooky wood: Good things of day begin to droop and drowse, whiles night's black agents to their preys do rouse" (3. 2. l50-53). This example of darkness imagery is saying that the day is turning into night, all the good things are going to sleep, and the evil creatures are coming out . The evil in this previous quotation and the two before adds to the ominous atmosphere. Sin .....

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The Destruction Of Macbeth?
Number of words: 556 - Number of pages: 3

.... that she killed herself. The second reason for Macbeth’s downfall is because of the three witches. This is a better reason for his downfall than that of his wife because these witches knew exactly what to say to spark the fire in Macbeth. These witches stir up trouble throughout the whole play and aid to . Though, they are also not the main reason for his downfall because they warn Macbeth of his destruction, but he doesn’t listen to the three witches and tries to challenge their prophecies. Do to his stubbornness, he is destroyed like the three witches prophesized. The main reason .....

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