Term Papers on Arts and Plays |
Summary Of: Mad About You
Number of words: 401 - Number of pages: 2.... male and female participants were hooked up to machines
that could sense their feelings of jealousy without the people verbally
expressing them. Electrodermal activity, pulse rate, and electromyographic
activity were the measures used.
After the raw data of the first two studies were analyzed and
studied, a third study was conducted. 300 male and female undergraduate
students were given the same scenarios as in study one, but were asked
questions after. One of the questions was, "Have you ever been involved in
a committed sexual relationship before?" The students answered this
que .....
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Hamlet: Contrast Plays A Major Role
Number of words: 690 - Number of pages: 3.... Hamlet himself experiences a temporary lightening of mood from listening to
the gravediggers' conversation. Their carefree treatment of death singing while
digging graves, not to mention tossing skulls in the air) is a parallel to
Hamlet's newfound attitude. After having committed himself to his cause in Act
IV, he is no longer bothered by the paradox of good and evil, and (seemingly) is
untroubled by his previous misgivings.
Hamlet's musings on the equality of all men in death serve as a transition
into the darker second half of the scene. His contemplations on death re .....
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Movie Review Of My Dinner With Andre
Number of words: 343 - Number of pages: 2.... said that in naming these objects, you would
refrain from taking better care of one than the other or taking them for
granted. He even made the parallel between the respect you have for these
objects and the respect you would have for your wife. With all of this in
mind, one must understand that this interpretation is one of the most
common of the modern world, a world entirely enthralled in the ideas of
science, however, it is an incorrect one. There are four Levels of Being,
the first, m, is the mineral level. All matter has this level. The next
level is x, the level of life. One c .....
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Character Change In Henrik Ibsen’s A Doll House
Number of words: 1230 - Number of pages: 5.... isn’t treating her like a real person. In Torvald eyes, she isn’t an equal. “Nora is viewed as an object, a toy, a child, but never an equal” (Drama for Students 109). Nora and Torvald seem to be in love with each other though. However, Torvald is very controlling of Nora. Torvald makes little rules for Nora to follow. During the time period when the play was written, a husband controlling his wife and making rules for her was not uncommon. One incident of control is when Nora comes home from Christmas shopping. Torvald knows how much Nora loves macaroons and suspects she has b .....
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Anti-Semitism In The Merchant Of Venice
Number of words: 499 - Number of pages: 2.... discussion, if all proper steps are taken. When I say if all
proper steps are taken, I am referring to having this play taught by a
teacher, who can explain the plays meaning in it's fullest so that the
students do not miss any important points from it.
Another point that may have been missed when the presentation was made
to the school board to ban the material from being taught inside the school
system was that everyone is bad in the play. The Christians portrayal was
just as bad as the Jewish man, Shylock's portrayal. In fact I think that
the play gave a worse portrayal of th .....
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Macbeth: A Shallow And Weak Man
Number of words: 348 - Number of pages: 2.... the decency in taking another mans life for self-greatness?
Macbeth feels total guilt as well as remorse. However this guilt doesn't stop him from making evil choices. He also fears his friend Banquo, a truly honorable man. Banquo is a good example of a decent man, he is both caring and a courageous friend. Do any of Macbeth's fears make him decent or gentle?
Macbeth is a very brave and noble leader, but this has nothing to do with what kind of man he is. Macbeth is a very shallow and weak man who is easily influenced by the opposite sex. The analysis calls him a courageous and dece .....
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Hamlet: Inner Turmoil
Number of words: 1567 - Number of pages: 6.... theater is a physical manifestation of how Shakespeare
catered to more than one social class in his theatrical productions. These
Shakespearean theaters has a unique construction, which had specific seats for
the wealthy, and likewise, a designated separate standing section for the
peasants. This definite separation of the classes is also evident in
Shakespeare's writing, in as such that the nobility of the productions speak in
poetic iambic pentameter, where as the peasants speak in ordinary prose. Perhaps
Shakespeare incorporated these double meanings to the lines of his characters
w .....
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Julius Caesar: Background Knowledge Is Needed To Understand Play
Number of words: 467 - Number of pages: 2.... of Rome hated kings, and they bounded themselves together
by a solemn oath never to tolerate a monarch, and it was formally enacted into
law that if any man wish that the monarchy should be restored, he was to be
declared a public enemy and be put to death.
Brutus and the rest of the conspirators had killed Caesar, but they made
an error, which was letting Mark Antony, one of Caesar's friends live. Antony
later united with Bepidus and Octavius, to go against Brutus, Cassius, and the
other conspirators. At the battle of Philippi, in Thrace, Brutus and Cassius
took their own lives when th .....
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Animal Farm: The Danger Of Ignorance
Number of words: 583 - Number of pages: 3.... on. This
basic idea of ignorance can be proven in the real world by simply looking
back at Hitler. Since the common in Germany was too ignorant to see past
Hitler's ideas, he easily became dictator of Germany.
Manipulation in government is shown when the animals were forced to
build the windmill. The pigs manipulated the animals into thinking that it
would be beneficial, when in reality it turned disastrous. This idea is
also incorporated in the famous quote, "All animals are created equal."
When the pigs first introduce this idea of equality, all the animals praise
them, however, t .....
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Hamlet: To Be Mad, Or Not To Be Mad?
Number of words: 521 - Number of pages: 2.... shows that his plan is working out so far.
During Hamlet's act of playing crazy and planning to kill Claudius it has helped him find the real value of human life. In Hamlets "To Be or not to Be" speech he ponders the value of his own life and the value of Claudius life in retrospective to his own life. He wonders does one murder really warrant another person to die? Now If Hamlet was truly crazy he would not of spent all on this careful planning and thought. He would have killed his uncle a few hours after seeing the ghost of his Dad. Hamlet has reasoning enough not just to run out and kill .....
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