Term Papers on Arts and Plays |
Movie: The Last Emperor
Number of words: 371 - Number of pages: 2.... through it against a wall.
Towards the end he gets arrested and brought to jail for crimes he didn't commit
such as trying to reform the empire. In jail the guards found that he was
getting special treatment like getting his shoes tied so they moved him into
confinement. He disliked jail so much that he tried to commit suicide, He did
it by slighting his wrists and sticking them in hot water but a guard that use
to be in the forbidden city found him and woke him up.
At the end he became emperor again because the people of the Manchuria would not
listen to the government so they use .....
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Causes Of Macbeth's Downfall
Number of words: 588 - Number of pages: 3.... Now I see 'tis true;/ For the blood- boltered Banquo smiles upon me/ And points at them for his" (4.1.136-138). In the end Macbeth believes in the prophecies to make his own fate. He was fighting Macduff successfully, even after Dirnam wood moved until he learned Macduff was not born of mortal woman. "Accursed be that tongue that tells me so,/ For it hath cowed my better part of man!/...I'll not fight with thee" (5.8.21-26)! Even though Macbeth's pride helps him continue the fight he no longer thinks he can win and is killed. Macduff was a lesser swordsman, but was predicted to win. .....
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Hamlet: The Theme Of Masks
Number of words: 1308 - Number of pages: 5.... try to cover
their secret intentions with a veneer of a whole other person. One of the most
obvious, of course is Claudius. Claudius murdered his brother, the former king
Hamlet, in order to become king himself. This murder, which was done in secret,
with no one but Cladius knowing that the act was committed by him. Not only is
he the King of Denmark, but he is also married to Queen Gertrude, his brothers
former wife. These hideous and awful crimes have not been punished, and no one
knows that Claudius has done this. When Claudius confronts anyone, he must
become someone totally diffe .....
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Movie: Arsenic And Old Lace
Number of words: 246 - Number of pages: 1.... they did. Much to
Jonathan's surprise , the aunts killed just as many men without the plastic
surgery , without the running , they just sat right there .
"Charge…" we hear as Teddy Brewster runs up the stairs. This
caracter brings out the most comedy in the picture. Teddy is the only character
in the movie that proves to be insane in my opinion. Any man who thinks he is a
dead president (TDR) has to have some problems.
The plot unfolds when Mortimer Brewster finds out about his
aunts secret after finding a present in the window seat . Mortimer panics and
runs all over trying to take c .....
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Othello: The Pathological Jealously Of Iago
Number of words: 803 - Number of pages: 3.... Michael Cassio, whom Iago denounces as
"a Florentine." (line 21) Iago has been beaten by a Florentine with (as Iago
thinks) less military ability than him. This deep wound commands Iago to revenge.
Iago cannot bear Othello's being a superior figure. Iago comments on
Othello's going to war as "Another of his fathom they have none/ To lead their
business." (lines 153-154) Iago insults Othello's skin color profusely behind
his back. As the first part of his plan, Iago seeks to arouse Brabantio to the
fact that the Moor has "robbed" (line 88) him of his daughter. Iago refers to
Othello as .....
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Les Miserables
Number of words: 986 - Number of pages: 4.... that he will become an honest man with this silver.
The next scene in 10 years later set in a factory where we meat the
other main character, Fantine. As she is reading a letter her perverted
boss snatches it up with his hands and reads it aloud. Fantine has a
daughter that lives with an innkeeper and his wife who are the only ones in
this whole play that give some comedy relief. They treat her daughter
horribly and when the boss finds out that she has a daughter he thinks of
her as a prostitute and kicks her out of the factory, which is in the town
in which the new honest Valjean .....
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Oedipus Rex
Number of words: 605 - Number of pages: 3.... In the future, when Teiresias tries to convince Oedipus that he is the
killer, Oedipus turns him away and calls him a liar and blames it all on him:
And I'll tell you what I think:
You planned it, you had it done, you all but
Killed him with your own hands: if you had eyes,
I'd say that the crime was yours, and yours alone.
Teiresius is a blind prophet, and it is possible that if Oedipus had listened to
him in the first place, his internal suffering may have been much less severe.
He should have accepted what he had to say as fact .....
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Othello: Reputation And Honesty
Number of words: 1436 - Number of pages: 6.... his reputation, and the insecurities of Othello being a Moor, to allow him to manipulate Othello. Othello had a reputation of being a military man, and a courageous leader. “Valiant Othello, We must straight employ you...” “Here comes Brabantio and the valiant Moor.” Othello has been a soldier since he was seven years of age, and has experience on the battle field. Othello was chosen when they went to fight the Turkish fleet. Because of his reputation, it wasn’t hard for other people to accept the relationship between him and Desdemona. As Iago started putting ideas in Othello’s .....
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Special Effects
Number of words: 1227 - Number of pages: 5.... They relied heavily on this prop to portray the many
monsters and aliens in their films. "Nosferatu" a German film about the vampire
with the same name was a huge success even in America, where thousands marveled
at the intricate detailing of the blood-sucker's razor-like teeth, bulging eyes
and a pointed nose and ears. "The Creature from the Black Lagoon" used a
somewhat new technique of a body suit that the actor wore along with a mask made
of latex rubber and foam. Using cooking oil or butter spread on the body and
mask gave an enhancement of sliminess added to the monster imag .....
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Julius Caesar: Brutus An Honor Man
Number of words: 410 - Number of pages: 2.... conspirators do not join for a
common cause, then there is no need for an oath because the conspirators
are self-righteous, and they are serving the romans. If the conspirators
don't bind together, then each man will go his own way, become a weakling,
and die when it suits the tyrants caprice. Brutus is advocates peace,
freedom and liberty, for all romans, which shows that Brutus is an
altruistic as well as an honorable man. Brutus also had a compassion for
Caesar when he had killed Caesar. "If then that a friend demand why Brutus
rose against Caesar, this is my answer: Not that I loved Caes .....
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