Term Papers on Biographies |
William Wordsworth Biography
Number of words: 560 - Number of pages: 3.... The Prelude. In France, he also met Annette Vallon, with whom he had an illegitimate child, Caroline.
Wordsworth returned to England in 1793 and published An Evening Walk and Descriptive Sketches. During a walking tour that year, Wordsworth journeyed across the Salisbury Plain and to Tintern Abbey, both of which are subjects of later poems. By 1794, he was finally reunited with his sister Dorothy, and in 1775, he met the philosopher William Godwin and the poets Southey and Coleridge. By the end of that year, William and Dorothy went to Racedown Lodge, a place to which Coleridge would become .....
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History Of Marilyn Manson
Number of words: 550 - Number of pages: 2.... Reznor's new own label Nothing and got a spot on NIN's 94 tour. The making of their first album, "Portrait of an American Family", was underway. Trent Reznor was the producer of the album.
At the end of 93, Gidget Gein, bass, was no more a part of the band. His is drug problems had apparently gone out of hand. Twiggy Ramirez, from Amboog-A-Lard, became the new bassist. 1994 was the major breakthrough for the Manson family. National tours with NIN gained them fame and other things. In Salt Lake City, they were banned for the first time in Manson history. Manson got to meet Dr. Anton S .....
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Ernest Hemingway
Number of words: 1486 - Number of pages: 6.... than went to Italy to be an ambulance driver for the Italian army. On July 8, 1918, he was injured when a shell landed 3 feet from him. In the hospital he met a girl and fell in love with her, but she threw him over for another guy. He later met Elizabeth Hadley and married her on September 3, 1921. Later that year he went to France as a correspondent for the Toronto Star. InFrance he made friend with several expatriates, such as Ezra Pound and Gertrude Stein.
Hemingway's first wife, Elizabeth left him because of his interest in other women. She took their son with her. On January 27, 1927 .....
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Emily Jane Bronte
Number of words: 430 - Number of pages: 2.... Emily and her four siblings motherless. Her
sister, Elizabeth, came to live as a housekeeper and was responsible for
training the girls in the household arts.
While at home doing housework, Emily secretly worked on poetry. In 1845,
Charlotte discovered some of Emily's poems and confessed that she, too, had
written some poetry. As it turned out, so had Anne. After much persuading, the
poems were published in a small book entitled Poems by Currer, Ellis, and Acton
Bell. Pseudonyms were used because the girls wanted their poetry to be taken
seriously. Only two copies were sold. The failur .....
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Number of words: 2630 - Number of pages: 10.... doctor, taught him how to hunt and fish, while his mother, wished to make him a professional musician. His upbringing was very conservative and somewhat religious. He attended Oak Park and River Forest High School, where he distinguished himself in English. His main activities where swimming, boxing, and of course writing. In 1917, turning his back on University, he decided to move to booming Kansas City where he got a job as a cub reporter on the Kansas City Star. At the train station, his father, who later on disgusted Ernest by committing suicide, kissed his son tenderly good-bye with tear .....
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Johannes Brahms
Number of words: 489 - Number of pages: 2.... of songs. In 1862, Brahms traveled to Vienna, where he conducted the concerts of Singakademie. The next five years he spent travelling to various towns, such as Hamburg, Baden Baden, and Zurich. In 1868 he was back in Vienna and he spent three years conducting orchestral concerts of the Gesellschaft der Musikfreunde. .
After more travel in Germany, Brahms again made his home in Vienna in 1878. Meanwhile, his fame as a composer was growing and growing. In 1886, he was made a Knight of the Prussian “Orde pour le merite,” and was also elected a member of the Berlin Academy of Arts. I .....
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Gregor Johann Mendel
Number of words: 367 - Number of pages: 2.... and Evich Tschermak in Austria all at the same time
after 1900. They named the units Mendel described "genes." When the gene has a
slighty different base sequence it is called an "allele."
Mendel also developed 3 laws or principles. The first principle is
called the, "Principle of Segregation." This principle states that the traits of
an organism are determined by individual units of heredity called genes. Both
adult organisms have one allele from each parent, which gives both organisms 2
alleles. The alleles are separated or "segregated" from each other with the
reproductive cell formati .....
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George Mason's Views
Number of words: 854 - Number of pages: 4.... the English, colonists fought vehemently for their rights and their principals.
The essence of America from the start was the opportunity for people of all backgrounds, culture, races, and religions to start fresh in a society granting freedoms and rights not available in other countries. The question from colonial times was the origin of those rights. Were rights able to be granted from person to person? Or were those rights inherited based upon the culture the given person is born or assimilated into?
Given George Mason’s views, a person is both his or her own individual authority an .....
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The Life Of Ludwig Van Beethov
Number of words: 1462 - Number of pages: 6.... a promise of his greatness yet to be proven in the development of his heroic style.
By about 1800, Beethoven was mastering the Viennese High-Classic style. Although the style had been first perfected by Mozart, Beethoven did extend it to some degree. He had unprecedently composed sonatas for the cello which in combination with the piano opened the era of the Classic-Romantic cello sonata. In addition, his sonatas for violin and piano became the cornerstone of the sonata duo repertory. His experimentation with additions to the standard forms likewise made it apparent that he had reached th .....
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Beethoven 2
Number of words: 576 - Number of pages: 3.... instead Beethoven supported himself with money from selling his music. By 1778, Beethoven started hearing humming and whistling sound in his ears, and it got worse. A few years later, he became completely deaf. Although he was deaf he could still write music. He finished his first symphony in 1800.
In 1802, Beethoven became depressed and thought a lot about suicide. He went to a small village in Germany where he stayed for a few years. The next couple of years Beethoven created his most impressing masterpieces. In 1812 he had completed over twelve of his best works and he was know .....
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