Term Papers on Biographies |
Thomas Edison
Number of words: 566 - Number of pages: 3.... reading books about science and philosophy. His favorite book ever was Isaac Newtown's Principia Mathematica. Thomas was interested in inventing the light bulb. Thomas was a scientist as a kid. He like to test many things. When he was young he built a laboratory in the family's basement. Thomas did experiments he found in science books and got jars and chemicals for experiments from local shopkeepers. Thomas also used a spare train car for another laboratory. Thomas studied books on mechanics, manufacturing, and chemistry at the public library. He spent a long time studying Newtown's Princ .....
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1984: Winston's Hatred Of Big Brother
Number of words: 716 - Number of pages: 3.... to bash in her skull. When he read her message which was
"I love you", he was stunned and also pleased that someone had feelings for
him. If Winston was totally under Big Brother's power he wouldn't have felt
the urge to return the love, and have the anxiety of wondering if she did
really love him rather then just throwing away the incriminating message.
Winston felt the feeling of hatred toward the Party and was willing to
search for the Brotherhood to try to overthrow the government.
O'Brien asked Winston and Julia, "...what are you prepared to do?"
Winston replied, "Anything that we are .....
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Argentine Marxist Revolutionary And Guerrilla Leader Che Guevara
Number of words: 1414 - Number of pages: 6.... he took no part in revolutionary student movements and showed little interest in politics at Buenos Aires University (1947) where he studied medicine, first with a view to understanding his own disease, later becoming more interested in leprosy. In 1949 he made the first of his long journeys, exploring northern Argentina on a bicycle, and for the first time coming into contact with the very poor and the remnants of the Indian tribes. In 1951, after taking his penultimate exams, he made a much longer journey, accompanied by a friend, and earning his living by casual labor as he went. He visit .....
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Stalin As A Continuation Of Le
Number of words: 696 - Number of pages: 3.... categories of men: friend and enemy-those who follwed him, and all the rest." The two agreed on the point that anyone who did not agree with them was an enemy. They both used this as an excuse to kill thousands of people. The reason they were able to do this was because both wanted power and neither were afraid to act on their desires. "Lenin was an activist, indeed a hyper-activist, and it was this which made him such a violent figure." This is also what made Stalin so horrible. In the way Lenin acted on behalf of the revolution, Stalin acted on behalf of himself.
Although their personalitie .....
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Abraham Lincoln 3
Number of words: 7791 - Number of pages: 29.... nation during his administration. Although his reputation has fluctuated with changing times, he was clearly a great man and a great president. He firmly and fairly guided the nation through its most perilous period and made a lasting impact in shaping the office of chief executive.
Once regarded as the "Great Emancipator" for his forward strides in freeing the slaves, he was criticized a century later, when the Civil Rights Movement gained momentum, for his caution in moving toward equal rights. If he is judged in the historical context, however, it can be seen that he was far in advance o .....
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The Writings Of Cicero
Number of words: 3723 - Number of pages: 14.... his view of the
ideal governing body, which he expresses through Scipio (in the
commonwealth). Although Cicero presents very convincing arguments for a
Composite government, clearly his view is possibly only due towards his
belief in the roman structure of government.1 Cicero was limited to roman
borders of experience, and this point was best illustrated by his
disagreement with Aristotle's writings on the decay of states. Cicero was
unable to think on the level of Aristotle's logic. He quite simply used
roman history as a mapping of the paths of the decay of states.
In contrast, Aristotle .....
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Madam Walker's Life And Her Cosmetic Products
Number of words: 579 - Number of pages: 3.... In 1917, she organized the first Madam C.J. Walker Hair Culturists Union in America Convention. After her death in 1919 at age 51, Madam Walker's will qualify that the company must always be headed by women, as it is today Madam Walker's business thrived even after her death in 1919. Pictured above are Walker Beauty School gradates and official in St. Louis, MO, in the 1930s Madam Walker took her products door-to-door in a brilliant marketing strategy that made her a millionaire in 7 short years.
An ad for Madam Walker's products In 1917, she was denied an appointment with President Woodrow W .....
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Julius Caesar
Number of words: 2011 - Number of pages: 8.... Cinna's daughter Cornelia. The second attack upon the city was carried our by Marius' enemy Sulla, leader of the optimates, in 82 BC on the latter's return from the East. On each occasion the massacre of political opponents was followed by the confiscation of their property. The proscriptions of Sulla, which preceded the reactionary political legislation enacted during his dictatorship left a particularly bitter memory that long survived.
Caesar left Rome for the province of Asia on the condition that he divorce his wife because Sulla would only allow him to leave on that conditio .....
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George Washington
Number of words: 629 - Number of pages: 3.... he arrived, he discovered that the French would fight for their land. The party nearly escaped from the French.
Washington was next appointed lieutenant colonel to an expedition to the Ohio Valley. In April, 1754, he set out from Alexandria with 160 men to reinforce a fort in southwestern Pennsylvania, only to find that the French took control of the fort and renamed it Fort-Duquesne. Washington then cautiously set up his own post within 40 miles of the French position. He attacked the French post on May 28,1754. He managed to kill the commander and nine others. They then took the rest priso .....
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Greatness Of LBJ
Number of words: 1160 - Number of pages: 5.... him on trips with Sam Johnson, a member of the Texas State Legislation. On such trips, he learned his father’s liberalism and also learned a strategy of Sam’s by “getting really close to someone, nose to nose, when he wanted to convince them of something” (7). These tactics and others such as Sam’s honesty in regards to not taking bribes were characteristics which helped mold him.
After finishing his schooling, LBJ took his first steps in the political world. At a state railroad commission meeting, a former governor, Pat Neff, never showed up to give his speech. This gave .....
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