Term Papers on Biographies |
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Number of words: 1087 - Number of pages: 4.... certainly
was a man of inspiration who knew how to express himself by writing the best of
poems and philosophical ideas with inspiration.
To get an idea of how Ralph Waldo Emerson might have become such an
inspiration to the people, some background on his life is essential. Can you
imagine living a life with all your loved ones passing away one by one? A
persons life could collapse into severe depression, lose hope, and lose meaning.
He can build a morbid outlook on life. Ralph Waldo Emerson suffered these
things. He was born on May 25, 1803 and entered into a new world, a new nation
ju .....
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Bradstreet, Anne
Number of words: 266 - Number of pages: 1.... of everlasting life through love will be obtained. Generally, this this poem seems to have almost a stoic to (in my reading); the passion seems forced in some instances. After reading the backround information on Bradstreet: the Puritan religion and the role of woman in that society, I question the sincerity of this poem. I wonder if it was written as a form of hidden sarcasm towards her husband, or maybe as one of the only acceptable means of expression for a female poet's heart. Bradstreet must have been in constant conflict between expressing her true thoughts and emotions because of h .....
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Mohandes Gandhi
Number of words: 302 - Number of pages: 2.... fighting and hatred that had began between Hindu's and Muslims once India was freed. During these times, he was near death, but both Hindu's and Muslims agreed to stop the fighting because their actions would either stop Gandhi from fasting or eventually lead him to his death.
I believe that Gandhi's life is not only about the freedom of India, but through the freedom of India he realized and carried on the mission of the brotherhood of man to the whole world. But Gandhi's symbolic life came to an end on January 30, 1948, by several bullets to his chest, by a Hindu man. .....
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Alber Einstein
Number of words: 1029 - Number of pages: 4.... a pianist, married Paul Winteler Einstein childhood friend, Paul Winteler, in 1910 and later moved to the United States. When Einstein was older, he invented electric eye. He also was asked to be the president of Israel, but he refused. When Einstein was a teen-ager he was very interested in science. When he wanted to relax he would play the violin which he started playing at the age of six. The kocks, his mother's family, and the Einstein had lived in Southern Germany for more than a century, selling cloth, farming, and clerking in banks. During their free hours they enjoyed boating on the .....
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Origins Of Louis Leakey
Number of words: 724 - Number of pages: 3.... these tools and classify then by the book as he found them. Leakey then knew "he would spend the rest of his life devoted towards discovering the prehistoric ancestors of humankind."
Secondly, a rugby accident also contributed to success in his field. Leakey was accepted to Cambridge University in 1922, but "numerous blows to the head during the rugby season left him unable to study." He experienced recurring headaches and dizzy spells and left school to recover. This event, although bad at the time, turned out to be a great stroke of luck for Leakey. After leaving schoo .....
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The Life Of Sally Ride
Number of words: 774 - Number of pages: 3.... she responded to an ad in the Stanford University newspaper
for NASA astronauts. She was originally looking for postdoctoral work in
astrophysics. Previously, astronauts had always been military pilots, but
now NASA wanted to hire scientists and technicians who could monitor the
complex technology of the shuttle. Prior to her application, no women had
ever been accepted into NASA's space program. There were over 8,000
applicants for the thirty-five positions available. 1,251 of the 8,000
people who applied were women and only six were accepted.
Sally Ride was one of the six, alth .....
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Biography Of Robert E. Lee
Number of words: 2078 - Number of pages: 8.... the army transferred him to Fort Monroe, Virginia, as assistant engineer. While he was stationed there, he married Mary Anna Randolph Custis who was Martha Washington's great-granddaughter. They lived in her family home in Arlington on a hill overlooking Washington D.C. They had seven children which were three sons and four daughters. Lee served as an assistant in the chief engineer's office in Washington from 1834 to 1837, but then he spent the summer of 1835 helping to lay out the boundary line between Ohio and Michigan. In 1837, he got his first independent important job. .....
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Thomas Jefferson Biography
Number of words: 725 - Number of pages: 3.... talents to express his ideas. It is well known that he wrote the Declaration of Independence, but he also wrote many other documents dealing with the colonial protest of British rule. (3) A Summary View of the Rights of British America was a pamphlet denying right of Parliament to rule over the colonies. Jefferson proved to be an able writer of laws and resolutions because he was very concise and straight the point. (4) Jefferson was often turned to when skill with a pen was needed, as in the Declaration of Independence, but he also used his talent when his wished to voice his own opini .....
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Samuel Adams
Number of words: 1071 - Number of pages: 4.... But in the constellation of great men, which adorned that era, few shone with more brilliancy, or exercised a more powerful influence than .” (Fradin 98)
People like to hear the story of for two reasons. First it is a story of the greatest hero in American history full of much triumph and fighting for the common good. Also they like to hear of how he was a failure in every sense before he found exactly what his life’s calling was. Perhaps it gives people some hope for their own lives because he failed at every job he ever had and still became the greatest man in the history of th .....
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James Watt
Number of words: 1286 - Number of pages: 5.... encouraged him later to travel to London to further himself in instrument making.
In 1755 he set out on horseback and arrived in London after either twelve days or two weeks. He tried to get a job in the instrumentation field although the shopkeepers could not give him a job as he did not do an apprenticeship and was too old. Finally though he found John Morgan of a company called Cornhill who agreed to bend the rules and offer an apprenticeship for a year. knuckled down and wanted to learn everything he wanted in one year that would have normally taken three or four years. After six weeks W .....
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