Term Papers on Biographies |
John The Baptist
Number of words: 450 - Number of pages: 2.... was the forerunner of Jesus Christ. He was the son of Zachariah, a priest of the Temple. Little is known of John prior to his public ministry, except that his birth was miraculously foretold (Luke 1:13-20). John achieved recognition as a prophet in the region of the lower Jordan Valley, where he attracted disciples. His public ministry began with the proclamation of a baptism of repentance in preparation for the Messiah. Crowds came to be baptized among them his cousin Jesus of Nazareth, whom John recognized as the Messiah.
So the baptism account which is three verses in Mark (1:9-11) and t .....
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Alexander The Great
Number of words: 1203 - Number of pages: 5.... He was born in Pella, the ancient capital of Macedonia. He was the son of Philip II, king of Macedonia, and of Olympias, a princess of Epirus. At the age of 13, Aristotle was hired to be Alexander’s private tutor. Aristotle inspired interests of politics, other races of people and countries, plants and animals, and a great love for literature in Alexander ("Overview of ." 1). He was an outstanding athlete and excelled in every sport of his time (Durant 538). In 338 B.C., at the age of 18, Alexander led the cavalry of his father’s army in the Battle of Chaeronea, whic .....
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The Baseball Life Of Babe Ruth
Number of words: 1132 - Number of pages: 5.... to the mound and see how good he is. This was the first
time Ruth had ever pitched in his lifetime, so he was scared. No one had
ever seen Ruth this scared before, but after the first pitch that Ruth
threw he knew that he was a natural.
On July 10, 1914, Ruth was sold to the Boston Red Sox's
organization. The Red Sox player did not know too much about Ruth. They
thought he was just another guy who thinks too much of himself. But after
Ruth contributed 23 victories, and his ERA. was 1.75, the team started to
respect him.
For the Red Sox's in 1917, Ruth had another effective recor .....
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Wang Lung
Number of words: 492 - Number of pages: 2.... out of fear, gave the gold, which he used to return to his land, it was O-lan's ingenuity in searching out the jewels that made a wealthy man. With these jewels, bought much
land from the Great House and he also hired numerous men to work this new land.
In his later years, Wang Lung became conceited and egotistical. He believed that he had achieved his wealth and prosperity alone and that he was extremely deserving of it all. He had become very successful. He had sons in his home, a second wife, a large home, and many slaves. Eventually he even inhabited the Great House. .....
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Samuel Clemens
Number of words: 629 - Number of pages: 3.... stories. It provided a huge source of literary material. Shortly after the death of his father in 1847, he ended the brief period of his schooling to become a printer’s apprentice. Like many nineteenth century authors, he was preparing for his writing career later in life. Working as a Printer’s apprentice he got practice as a typesetter and miscellaneous reading. The first thing Samuel wrote as a used piece was a few skits for his brothers Orion’s Hannibal newspaper and a sketch, for The Dandy Frightening The Squatter, published in Boston in 1852. The first real book ever publi .....
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Number of words: 479 - Number of pages: 2.... in poverty until he died in Vienna. Wolfgang would write nearly a thousand works in his lifetime, with the significant ones to include over fifty symphonies, twenty seven piano concertos, and seven of the greatest operas of all time (). Some say that he was not an original composer because he never actually did invent a form or style, and his work leaned heavily on his predecessors. One can argue though that through his original contributions he changed the forms of the works entirely ( the Modernist pg.2). He had great emotional depth and his symphonies would combine perfect formal sy .....
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Gandhi And His Views
Number of words: 957 - Number of pages: 4.... Independence from British rule was Gandhi’s main intent. Gandhi did not like many aspects of British rule and sought to fight these injustices. The Indian citizens for example, had payments which the less fortunate had to give to the landlords. Refusing to leave the district as the court demanded, and ready to suffer the penalty no matter what it was, proved Gandhi was capable of anything and truly believed in his causes. Gandhi had been released and settled to help the peasants. Gandhi popularity and distinction increased as India found their national hero.
Gandhi’s pacifist way .....
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The Life Of Napoleon Bonaparte
Number of words: 3080 - Number of pages: 12.... because Italian was spoken on Corsica where he grew up. He studied very hard so that he could do better then those who snubbed him.
Napoleon attended the Ecole Military School in Paris in 1784 after receiving a scholarship. This is were he received his military training. He studied to be an artillery man and an officer. Napoleon finished his training and joined the French army when he was 16 years old. He was appointed to an artillery regiment , and commissioned as a lieutenant. Once again he was not well liked by his fellow officers because he was short, spoke with an Italian .....
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Violence In The Media
Number of words: 852 - Number of pages: 4.... of the New York Times says "They haven’t been growing up with real feelings, living with real friends, or with real nature."
Figures show that one in four British children has their own VCR and uses it to record s-rated films late at night. X-rated films are not the problem. The problem is that the films are x-rated for a reason and this reason is that they are not designed for children’s ever believing eyes. Figures also show that they are very damaging, not least because of the desensitising more sex and violence has on children’s minds.
The rampage in 1987 by a sacke .....
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Joseph Haydn
Number of words: 1811 - Number of pages: 7.... At age seven, young Joseph entered the choir school at St. Steven's Cathedral in Vienna, where he was to remain for the next nine years. During his early years, he became interested in composing music, but he had no formal training until his late teens, when he worked for Italian musician and composer, Niccolò Porpora. He avidly studied music, including the works of C. P. E. Bach, and held several music-related jobs in Vienna during the 1750's. His earliest composition, Missa Brevis in F, comes from this period, as does Der Krumme Teufel (The Lame Devil), a burlesque opera, which Hayd .....
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