Term Papers on Biographies |
Ida B. Wells
Number of words: 709 - Number of pages: 3.... community. Another advantage for Ida B.
Wells was her biological sex. Ida B. Wells fought hard in
her effort to secure America as a safe environment for
Blacks, but she managed to accomplish a remarkable amount of
her efforts due to various gender and sex related assets
which were in her favor.
One advantage Ida B. Wells was fortunate to claim was
that gender relations in the Black community were very
favorable. Due to the strenuous labor male and female
African-Americans had to endure during slavery .....
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James Baldwin
Number of words: 1702 - Number of pages: 7.... throughout his writings. Baldwin was also known to credit his years at the pulpit for morphing him into the writer he was to become.
In 1942 James Baldwin was fed up with his father, fed up with the church, and (at that point) fed up with his life. The brassy, young Baldwin went into a restaurant, which he knew was designated for whites only, and demanded that he be served. When the waitress informed him that they did not serve his "kind" in that restaurant Baldwin picked up a glass and hurled it at her with all his pent up spite for the world. (That was the last straw for James .....
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Robinson Crusoe
Number of words: 1542 - Number of pages: 6.... of Africa, where they were pursued by both wild beasts and natives. A Portuguese ship finally rescued them and they sailed for Brazil.
In the new land Crusoe established a prosperous sugar plantation. But again a feeling of lonely dissatisfaction overcame him: "I lived just like a man cast away upon some desolate island, that had nobody there but himself."
Then came an offer from some planters for Crusoe to act as a trader on a slave ship bound for Africa. But this voyage also met disaster: fierce hurricanes wrecked the ship, drowning everyone aboard except Robinson, who was finally to .....
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Mary Shelley
Number of words: 511 - Number of pages: 2.... drove them to Italy. Eventually they were happy in Italy, but their two children William and Clara Shelley died there. Mary never really recovered from their deaths. However, Percy empowered Mary to live as she most desired. In 1822 Percy drowned in a boating accident, leaving Mary penniless. For her remaining years she worked as a professional writer to support her father and son. She died in 1851 of a brain tumor.
combined the ethical concerns of her parents with the Romantic sensibilities of Percy Shelley’s poetic inclinations. Her father’s concern for the underpri .....
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Plato And Justice
Number of words: 767 - Number of pages: 3.... obey the Auxiliaries and Guardians in all things. A state may be said to be intemperate if any of the lower groups do not obey one of the higher groups. A state may be said to be just if the Auxiliaries do not simply obey the guardians, but enjoy doing so, that is, they don’t grumble about the authority being exercised over them; a state with “ordinary justice” would require that the Producers not only obey the Auxiliaries and Guardians, but that they do so willingly. Ordinary justice is basically the morality in the community or “outer morality.” But to achieve this “outer .....
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Alfred Hitchcock: 50 Years Of Movie Magic
Number of words: 2465 - Number of pages: 9.... his cameos, are what he is most often associated with.
Hitchcock led a long and prosperous life in the movie industry, starting as a
teenager and making movies up until his death in 1980, while working on the 54th
of his career (Sterrit 3).
Alfred Joseph Hitchcock was born on August 13, 1889 in London, England.
As a child his parents were very strict with him and they imposed severe and
unusual punishments upon him, as what they considered to be discipline. One of
these incidents scarred him for life. As punishment for arriving home late one
night, young Alfred's father had a policeman fr .....
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John Dalton
Number of words: 1477 - Number of pages: 6.... at Pardshow Hall. Dalton was quick when it came to studies and in mathematical problems he was good and seem to be tireless of them. John Fletcher was Dalton's teacher, he was a smart man who didn't use a rod to hammer in learning to Dalton, he was to provide Dalton with a excellent back-round and lifelong quest for knowledge. Then came Elihu Robinson a rich Quaker gentlemen. who become Dalton's mentor, and was another person to lead Dalton to mathematics , science, and specially meteorology. had an intense fascination for meteorology he even in fact kept careful daily weather records for .....
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A Reflection On Herman Melville's Accomplishments
Number of words: 2516 - Number of pages: 10.... Pierre.
On the outer side of the blood line there was Major Melville. The Major
was a wealthy Boston merchant who was one of the famous "Mohawks" who boarded
the ship of the East India Company that night of 1773, and dumped the cargo in
to the Boston Harbor. Later Major Melville became the Naval Officer of The Port
of Boston, a post given to him by Gorge Washington. It is like the two blood
lines fitted together perfectly to create Herman Melville. Herman had the
strength of the General, and the crazy hart of the Major.
Herman Melville was "hardly more than a boy" when he ran out .....
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Richard Nixon
Number of words: 431 - Number of pages: 2.... He went through many
political high points, such as the Caracas Mob incident, where Nixon was
taken hostage. The "Kitchen Debate", noted as a high point for Nixon,
where he and the Russian leader discussed issues in a kitchen. With
Eisenhower, he served two terms. Nixon's next goal was to become the
President of the United States.
In 1960, John F. Kennedy and Richard Nixon ran for the presidency. As it
turned out, Kennedy and Johnson won by a mere 120,000 votes. It was
believed Kennedy had bought Texas and Illinois. Johnson soon became
president after Kennedy's assassination. Now, Nix .....
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David Hume 2
Number of words: 1039 - Number of pages: 4.... in proving certainty of human nature because there would always be enough evidence to prove the opposing view as being the truth. However the truth can be proved when referring to the relations of ideas. When dealing with things like (2+2=4), there is no openness to interpretation and no exceptions. 2+2 must always = 4 because it is based on scientific factual information and there is clearly no argument against it.
Hume boldly states that "impressions" and "ideas" make up the total content of the mind. His definition of 'impressions" is what each person perceives from the physical wo .....
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