Term Papers on Biographies |
Jackie Kennedy Onasis
Number of words: 1783 - Number of pages: 7.... look to her. Her nose and chin were long and pointed. When Jackie was born it was happily noted that Jackie looked like Jack Bouvier. (Birmingham)
Though Janet Lee’s family was well off, they were not members of the esteemed highest social caste as were the Bouviers. Janet lived her life with a constant sense of unease because of this difference in lineage.(Birmingham)
Because Black Jack was known for having erratic financial history, James Lee, Janet’s father, offered to allow Janet and Jack to live rent free in a building he owned. This offer came under one cond .....
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The Life Of Ernest Hemingway
Number of words: 2861 - Number of pages: 11.... treated Ernest, when he was a small boy, as if he were a female baby doll and she dressed him accordingly. This arrangement was alright until Ernest got to the age when he wanted to be a "gun-toting Pawnee Bill". He began, at that time, to pull away from his mother, and never forgave her for his humiliation. The town of Oak Park, where Ernest grew up, was very old fashioned and quite religious. The townspeople forbad the word "virgin" from appearing in school books, and the word "breast" was questioned, though it appeared in the Bible. Ernest loved to fish, canoe and explore the woods. .....
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Law And Politics
Number of words: 885 - Number of pages: 4.... would prevail among the people. Furthermore, such a nation would have the simplest, easiest to accept, most limited, nonoppressive, just, and enduring, government imaginable – whatever its political form might be. Under such an administration, everyone would understand that they possessed all the privileges as well as all the responsibilities of their existence. No one would have any alliance with the government. When successful we would not have to thank the politicians for our success (Donald). Moreover, conversely, we would no more think of blaming them for our misfortune than would .....
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Alan Dean Foster
Number of words: 670 - Number of pages: 3.... by Del Rey books.
Foster's work to date includes excursions into hard science fiction, fantasy, contemporary horror, detective, and western fiction. He has also written numerous non-fiction articles on film, science, and scuba diving, as well as having produced the novel versions of many films, including such well- known productions as Star Wars, the three Alien films, and Alien Nation. Other works include scripts for talking records, radio, and the treatment for the first Star Trek movie. In addition to publication in English, his work has appeared throughout the world. His novel Cybe .....
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Edgar Allen Poe
Number of words: 908 - Number of pages: 4.... twice but never succeed in keeping them alive due to his different habits.
What made ? Through his lifetime many different misfortunes and disasters would strike him. All of these would shape him and his writing to what we now associate as the father of modern diabolic fiction. (Internet source) The first of the tragedies to plague him would be the abandonment by his father. He would grow never knowing who his real father was. His father had left his family when Edgar was only an infant. The next misfortune would be the death of his mother when he was three. There was yet another factor th .....
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Number of words: 1434 - Number of pages: 6.... family to England. While there, was sent to private schools (Asselineau 410). In the spring of 1826, entered the University of Virginia. There he studied Spanish, French, Italian, and Latin. He had an excellent scholastic record. He got into difficulties almost at once. Mr. Allan did not provide him with the money to pay for his fees and other necessities. was confused and homesick. He learned to play cards and started drinking. Soon he was in debt in excess of two thousand dollars. discovered that he could not depend upon Allan for financial support. His foster father refused to pay hi .....
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The Life And Times Of Ronald Reagan
Number of words: 3008 - Number of pages: 11.... brother wouldn't look at him because he was a boy, became the second and last of the Reagan's children.
John Edward Reagan, who was of Irish-American ancestry, earned his living as a shoe salesman. Alcoholism cursed the life of Jack Reagan. His older son Neil said bluntly that it prevented him form becoming a business success. However, Ronald blames the twin curse of drink and the Depression. Both boys escaped much of the bitterness which can afflict the children of alcoholics because their mother consoled them that their father's drinking " was a sickness" which deserved their comp .....
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Nathaniel Hawthorne
Number of words: 1043 - Number of pages: 4.... and graduated after four years. After graduation, he returned to Salem. Contrary to his family’s expectations, Hawthorne did not begin to read law or enter business, rather he moved into his mother’s house to turn himself into a writer. Hawthorne wrote his mother, "I do not want to be a doctor and live by men’s diseases, nor a minister to live by their sins, nor a lawyer and live by their quarrels. So, I don’t see that there is anything left for me but to be an author." (" American Writers II, pg. 227) For the next twelve years Hawthorne lived in his mother’s house .....
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Princess Diana
Number of words: 731 - Number of pages: 3.... Her mother remarried too. To a man named Peter Shand-Kydd. She then moved to the island of Seil which is west of Scotland where they now still live.
Diana attended finishing school briefly in Switzerland. Then she returned to London where she became a nanny. Diana loved children. After her nanny work she became a kindergarten teacher. She had a reputation of a hardworking, gentle, warm hearted and patient person. In Charles's words "She was jolly, amusing, and attractive."
Diana's sister was married to Robert Fellows, who was the assistant secretary to the Queen. Charles and Dian .....
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O.J. Simpson: Guilty
Number of words: 510 - Number of pages: 2.... bloody socks in O.J.'s house, O.J.'s injured
finger, blood found at Nicole's condo that matched O.J.'s, and so on(Posner,64).
The defense claimed that the evidence had been planted.
On June 30th, Allen Wattenberg, a knife store owner, testified during
the preliminary hearing that O.J. bought a 14-inch Stiletto knife from his store.
On June 12, O.J.'s limo driver arrived to drive O.J. to the airport and saw a
black man, with the same build as O.J. sprinting across the lawn towards O.J.'s
house. Yet when O.J. answered the door, he said he'd been napping(Biema, 56).
O.J. also acted gui .....
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