Term Papers on Biographies |
Number of words: 1829 - Number of pages: 7.... the Prior. Having no money, he moved into a decaying neighborhood
which suited his personality well. Caravaggio struggled to live in Rome
for the first five years. According to biographers he was needy and
stripped of every thing. Caravaggio never held a job for more than a
couple of weeks during this time, but when he did, he usually was an
assistant to painter of much less skill. Despite the poverty he worked
under, during this time he created over forty works. These early pictures
"reveal a fresh, direct, and empirical approach; they were apparently
painted directly from life and s .....
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The Biography Of John Marshall Harlan II
Number of words: 851 - Number of pages: 4.... John Marshall Harlan II became a partner in the firm he'd begun working in while attending law school, and spent much of his early career working for the firm.
Harlan was appointed an Assistant U.S. Attorney for New York in 1925. He also served as a Special Assistant Attorney General from 1928 to 1930. Prior to working as Special Assistant Attorney General, Harlan married Ethel Andrews, with whom he had one child.
During World War II, Harlan served as a colonel in the United States Army Air Force. Harlan was in charge of the Operations Analysis Section of the Eighth Bomber Command. He wa .....
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John Steinbeck
Number of words: 849 - Number of pages: 4.... being a non-conformist, he was fired from the newspaper for writing opinions instead of facts. This started the many jobs he would be a part of in his lifetime. Some of these jobs include an apprentice hod carrier, an apprentice printer, a working chemist, caretaker of Lake Tahoe Estate, surveyor in Big Sur County, and a fruit picker. He also worked other more physically labored jobs, such as a rancher, road worker, deck hand, cotton picker, and bricklayer. While involved in these jobs, he made many close friends that he came to admire because of their "cant and hypocrisy" which he .....
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Alfred Hitchcock: 50 Years Of Movie Magic
Number of words: 2466 - Number of pages: 9.... cameos, are what he is most often associated with. Hitchcock led
a long and prosperous life in the movie industry, starting as a teenager
and making movies up until his death in 1980, while working on the 54th of
his career (Sterrit 3).
Alfred Joseph Hitchcock was born on August 13, 1889 in London,
England. As a child his parents were very strict with him and they imposed
severe and unusual punishments upon him, as what they considered to be
discipline. One of these incidents scarred him for life. As punishment
for arriving home late one night, young Alfred's father had a policeman
fr .....
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Margaret Sanger
Number of words: 5022 - Number of pages: 19.... after years of being blocked by opposition, Sanger also recognized the need to shift political strategies in order to keep the movement alive. Unfortunately, misjudgments made by her in this area have left 's legacy open to criticism. In this paper, I would like to explore 's life and career as well as become aware of some of the missteps that she made and how they reflect on both.
was not born a crusader, she became one. A great deal of her early life contributed to the shaping of her views in regards to birth, death, and women. Born Margaret Louise Higgins on September 14, 1879 in .....
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Nikola Tesla
Number of words: 713 - Number of pages: 3.... first and probably greatest achievement was his discovery of the rotating magnetic field. This was a magnetic whirlwind produced in a motor winding by the interaction of two or more alternating currents. He developed this along with his brilliant variation of it to his induction motor and polyphase system for the generation, transmission, and distribution of electric power. The combination of this motor and this system, which was finally patented in 1888, provided the first realistic means for generating large amounts of electricity of a single kind in one place and transmitt .....
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Louis Riel
Number of words: 992 - Number of pages: 4.... what they needed. Riel never wanted any violent, in fact, he wanted to use peaceful methods to achieve the changes they desired. Moreover, he had no intention to declare independence nor to take over Canada. Unfortunately, Canadian government did not realize the difficult situation of the Metis. They kept ignoring and disregarding their demand. Consequently, these people were forced to rebel and fight against Canada.
During 1870, the Hudson’s bay company sold the Repert’s land to Canada. However, the Metis had never been consulted by either Hudson’s Bay Company or the Cana .....
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Descartes 2
Number of words: 10519 - Number of pages: 39.... time at the Jesuit college La Flech_ and it had an
important influence on his work, as we shall see later. The
second was the scepticism that had made a sudden impact on the
intellectual world, mainly as a reaction to the scholastic
outlook. This scepticism was strongly influenced by the work of
the Pyrrhonians as handed down from antiquity by Sextus
Empiricus, which claimed that, as there is never a reason to
believe p that is better than a reason not to believe p, we
should forget about trying to discover the nature of reality and
live by appearance alone. This attitude w .....
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Classical Economist - Adam Smith
Number of words: 933 - Number of pages: 4.... ends in a conspiracy against the public, or in some
contrivance to raise prices." He suggested, however, that businessmen seeking their own interest are led "as if by an invisible hand" to promote the well-being of society.
Smith's Analysis of Economic Systems
This position is supported in the Wealth of Nations by an elaborate analysis of how economic systems function and develop over time. Smith sought to show how competition in the market- place would lead businessmen to supply the goods consumers want, to produce these goods efficiently, and to charge only what they are worth .....
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Abraham Lincoln
Number of words: 782 - Number of pages: 3.... to leave his family and go off on his own. In July he moved to New Salem, Illinois, where he boarded at Rutledge's tavern and became acquainted with the owner's daughter, Ann. New Salem was a frontier village consisting of one long street on a bluff over the Sangamon River.
On August 6th, 1832 Lincoln was defeated while running for the Illinois State Legislature. Lincoln began to operate a general store in New Salem along with William F. Berry. Again, In 1834, Lincoln ran for the Illinois State Legislature, but this time he was elected. During the summer, John T. Stuart advised Linco .....
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