Term Papers on Biographies |
Amelia Earhart
Number of words: 889 - Number of pages: 4.... on the flight, she was still promoted to celebrity status for being the first woman to cross the Atlantic by plane.
Although her fame was set with her first flight, she wanted to promote aviation in women. In 1929, she organized a cross-country air race for women pilots named "the Power Puff Derby." She also formed "the Ninety Nines" a now famous women pilots organization. In addition to forming organizations for women pilots, she occupied her four year break from flying with writing her first book, "20 hours, 40 minutes" on her first flight, became assistant to the general tra .....
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Norman Schwarzkopf
Number of words: 390 - Number of pages: 2.... First, he chose to join the military following his father’s footsteps. Second, he chose to go to Valley Forge because the school he was attending, West Point, only taught students up to the tenth grade. One of his most important choices was in Vietnam. One of his fellow soldiers was shot and he carried him to safety when Norman already had four gun shot wounds in him. He was awarded three silver stars and controlled the air, ground, and water forces.
I think anyone interested in joining the military, is currently in the military, or is just interested in these kinds of books, s .....
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Clara Barton
Number of words: 615 - Number of pages: 3.... teaching began to loose its zest and she wanted more from life. She decided to further her education and attend the Liberal Institute. The Liberal Institute was located in Clinton, New York; it was an advanced school for female teachers. yearned to teach once again and accepted a job in New Jersey. Following this she opened a free school in Bordentown. The schools attendance topped six hundred students. Retiring from teaching for good Barton headed for Washington DC. A new chapter in her life opened and she worked as a clerk in the U.S Patent Office. At age forty and at the o .....
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Neal Cassady
Number of words: 2683 - Number of pages: 10.... as myself. Of these dreary men who had committed themselves, each for his own good reason, to the task of finishing their days as pennyless drunkards, I alone, as the sharer of their way of life, presented a replica of childhood to which their vision could daily turn, and in being thus grafted onto them, I became the unnatural son of a few score beaten men.
( The First Third)
With him as not only the legendary driver of On The Road but also as the driver of the bus with the Merry Pranksters in tow, the two generations were symbolically connected by this great man, this damaged angel, Ne .....
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Tim Paterson
Number of words: 783 - Number of pages: 3.... was hired into a better job. "I got to know Rod Brock of Seattle Computer when he came into the store periodically. We were selling his boards. Eventually he asked me to consult for Seattle Computer." After helping the company fix there memory boards at fifty dollars a day, they offered him a full time position and Paterson quit his job at the retail store.
The first major task Seattle Computer threw at Paterson was building an operation system for their new computer; the CP/M. Paterson was a little hesitant at first in creating such a program but he put up to the challenge. " .....
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Tiger Woods
Number of words: 955 - Number of pages: 4.... when Tiger watched his father hit golf balls into a net and began imitating his swing. His golfing talent took off from there. At age 2, he appeared on the “Mike Douglas show” putting with Bob hope. At age 3, he shot a 48 for 9 holes (Amazing for a 3 year old). The first time I played on the golf course at age 19, I shot a 96 for eighteen holes (which is just as good as Tiger at the age of 3). Golf is known to be an “older man’s” sport. To say the least, it is not “ordinary” to have a three-year-old playing on the golf course. Tiger didn’t stop there. Tiger just dominated al .....
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Adolph Hitlers' Rise To Power
Number of words: 1039 - Number of pages: 4.... his tool to further his ideas and help him gain the backing of the people in the country. The form of propaganda he used, and was successful in using, were his words. Hitler made many speeches, but the one speech that was a famous one, was his final speech at his trial for treason. In this speech he gave his views and opinions on the events preceding the trial. This is an excerpt from his speech: "...I aimed from the first to....become the destroyer of Marxism....The army that we are building grows more from day to day, from hour to hour. Gentlemen, not you who will be the ones that deliver .....
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