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Term Papers on Biographies

The Bill Clinton Story
Number of words: 760 - Number of pages: 3

.... States presides. A conviction in an impeachment proceeding results only in removal from office and disqualification to hold "any office or honor, trust, or profit under the United States." (Corwin, 3) A person convicted in an impeachment, however, is subject to further "indictment, trial, judgement, and punishment according to Law." Impeachment originated in England, where the House of Commons would present articles of impeachment to the House of Lords, which then tried the case (internet, 2) Since the adoption of the Constitution, only one president, Andrew Jackson (1868), has been bro .....

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Mark Twain
Number of words: 1019 - Number of pages: 4

.... of the natural order. Twain’s childhood may not have been luxurious but it was a curious childhood full of weird, fantastic impressions and many contradictory influences. Like his father never really being there for his kids. All of the children of that time were fond of the Negroes and confined in them. They would, in fact, have been lost without such protection and company. Slave punishment; too was not unknown, even in the household. Sometimes the punishment would be that their hands would be tied together with a bridle rein, and administered astisement across the shoulders with a .....

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Mohandas K. Gandhi: “Live Simply So Others Can Simply Live”
Number of words: 1130 - Number of pages: 5

.... of the Indian race by the British. As a result of being outraged by this hateful discrimination, Gandhi decided to stay in South Africa. His one-year term of legal work turned into twenty-one years to proclaim and work for Indian rights. He first started a newspaper called “Indian Opinion”, and he also led campaigns boosting Indian Rights. A note worthy fact for Gandhi was that when he felt justice was on the British side, he would work for them by being a paramedic in the Boer War (1899-1902) and the Zulu Rebellion (1906) where he received decorations. (World Book, 25). Unfortuna .....

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Walt Disney
Number of words: 835 - Number of pages: 4

.... him and the moods and styles and attitudes of the American people" (Bullock 49) . Disney was a true genius for innovation. He became one of the entertainment industry's most prominent and influential figures. "Sometimes I think of myself as a little bee. I go from one area of the studio to another and gather pollen and sort of stimulate everybody." Replied Disney when a little boy asked him about his job. "I guess that is what I do." At the age of sixteen, Disney left school and briefly started studying at art schools in Chicago, Illinois and Kansas City, Missouri. By that time he re .....

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Sir Issac Newton
Number of words: 727 - Number of pages: 3

.... Newton ignored much of the established curriculum of the University to pursue his own interests: mathematics and natural philosophy. By joining them in what he called the Fluxional method, Newton developed in the autumn of 1666 a kind of mathematics that is now known as calculus. Was a new and powerful method that carried modern mathematics above the level of Greek geometry. Although Newton was its inventor, he did not introduce calculus into European Mathematics. Always Fearful of publication and Criticism. Newton kept his Discovery to himself. However, enough was known of his abiliti .....

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Woodrow Wilson
Number of words: 754 - Number of pages: 3

.... the tips of several fingers, and an inability to write in his usual right-handed manner. As often happens following minor strokes, there was recovery: his right-handed writing ability returned within a year. Was his career impeded? No, in 1902 he became the president of Princeton. But the problem recurred in 1904. In 1906 it happened again, this time with blindness in the left eye (also supplied by the left internal carotid artery, which is probably where clots were originating which plugged up various small arteries in the left eye and left brain). While the right arm weakness went away, Wi .....

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Adolf Hitler
Number of words: 445 - Number of pages: 2

.... that he purposely failed his classes to rebel against his father and sabotage all ambition towards him (Bullock 8). During his high school career, Hitler became seriously ill with a lung infection and was forced to drop out of school. After his illness was cured, he then applied to the Vienna Academy of Arts hoping to start a career in painting. Hitler took the admission test and passed it, but when it came down to submitting a piece of art, Hitler’s watercolor was rejected. Adolf was rejected from the academy and felt no disappointment, although, Hitler was more concerned with a dying .....

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Alexander The Greats Struggles
Number of words: 738 - Number of pages: 3

.... favor that enviably killed Phillip by not knowing who to be loyal to. Upon their return three years later, Alexander’s mother requested to be allowed to rule with him, once Alexander became king. She knew that would be the only way she could regain power. When Alexander turned twenty, his father was brutally murdered by Alexander’s friend. This demonstrated once again how loyal Alexander was to his father, and how difficult a decision it was to pick sides between his father and mother. Alexander had a strong ego beginning at birth. Even from the cradle, his mothe .....

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H G Wells
Number of words: 349 - Number of pages: 2

.... a struggling teacher, the second portrays a draper's assistant. Many of Wells's other books can be categorized as thesis novels. Among these are Ann Veronica, promoting women's rights; Tono-Bungay, attacking irresponsible capitalists; and Mr. Britling Sees It Through, depicting the average Englishman's reaction to war. After World War I Wells wrote an immensely popular historical work, The Outline of History. Throughout his long life Wells was deeply concerned with and wrote voluminously about the survival of contemporary society. For a time he was a member of the Fabian Society. He envision .....

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Number of words: 749 - Number of pages: 3

.... in Vienna was on March 29, 1795, as a soloist in one of his piano concerti. Even before he left Bonn, he had developed a reputation for fine improvisatory performances. In Vienna young soon had a long list of aristocratic patrons who loved music and were eager to help him. Onset of Deafness In the late 1700s began to suffer from early symptoms of deafness. The cause of his disability is still uncertain. By 1802 was convinced that the condition not only was permanent, but was getting progressively worse. He spent that summer in the country and wrote what has become known as the "Heiligensta .....

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