Term Papers on Biographies |
Louis Riel
Number of words: 989 - Number of pages: 4.... what they needed. Riel never wanted any violent, in fact, he wanted to use peaceful methods to achieve the changes they desired. Moreover, he had no intention to declare independence nor to take over Canada. Unfortunately, Canadian government did not realize the difficult situation of the Metis. They kept ignoring and disregarding their demand. Consequently, these people were forced to rebel and fight against Canada.
During 1870, the Hudson’s bay company sold the Repert’s land to Canada. However, the Metis had never been consulted by either Hudson’s Bay Company .....
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From The Floutings Of The Cooperative Principle To Communica
Number of words: 4850 - Number of pages: 18.... make your contribution one that is true, or one that has adequate evidence to testify to its very truth; 2. The Maxim of Quantity: try to say as much, and just as much as necessary in your contribution; 3. The Maxim of Relevance: try to make your contribution relevant; 4. The Maxim of Manner: try to make your conversation specific, perspicuous, concise and orderly.
According to grice's theoretical system, if one wants to make the conversation smooth or effective in conveying or understanding information, such principle and maxims are expected to be observed, either intentionally or unint .....
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Nathaniel Hawthorne
Number of words: 2483 - Number of pages: 10.... that heavily concerned Hawthorne in two unfinished manuscripts, as well as one of his early literary works which he later retracted. The retracted piece's time set was early Salem, Massachusetts. The story involved a family structure much like that of Hawthorne's own family. The two siblings in the work, brother and sister, lived in deep affection, "lonely and sufficient to each other" since they alone survived an Indian attack. Mother and father having died, the sister becomes his, and throughout the work the theme of incest is heavily suggested. The events and family situations contai .....
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John Dalton
Number of words: 632 - Number of pages: 3.... optics. In 1973 John moved to Manchester as a tutor at New College. He immediately joined the Manchester Literary and Philosophical Society and in the same year he published his first book: Meteorological Observations and Essays. In his book Dalton stated that gas exits and acts independantly and purely physically not chemically. After six years of tutoring, John resigned to conduct private research while still doing tutoring at 2 shillings a lesson. In 1802 John stated his law of partial pressures. When two elastic fluids are mixed together ( A and B) they dont repel each other. A parti .....
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Robert Frost
Number of words: 1041 - Number of pages: 4.... writers in his time. Publishing A Boy’s Will and North Of Boston, Frost began his quest.
In the book A Boy’s Will, Frost writes poems of hope and beauty. “Love and a Question,” illustrates the optimistic view of a bridegroom trying to help a poor man. He thinks that he should help him, but not knowing if he can. His heart shows compassion but his minds shows logic. The conclusion of this poem shows not true ending, but leaves the reader in a state of imagining what was to happen to the poor man.
So much of the true Frost can be seen in his poem, “Th .....
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Oral Roberts
Number of words: 1990 - Number of pages: 8.... that became part of his ministry’s hagiography. Oral’s mother, Claudius, went to a sick child while she was pregnant with Oral to try and heal the child. She promised God that she would give her child to him if he would heal the sick child. The child was healed and she knew God had promised her a "little preacher".
As a child Oral was mischievous and lively. But also shy, self-conscious, extrovert and poor. His self-consciousness came from his stutter and the fact that the kids made fun of him. To try and make him feel better his mom would tell him that she gave him to God. H .....
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Louis Pasteur 3
Number of words: 1185 - Number of pages: 5.... The prevalent theory of life at the time was spontaneous generation which states that certain forms of life such as flies, worms, and mice can develop from non-living matter such as mud and decaying fish. Pasteur disproved this theory with a simple experiment. He showed that microorganisms would grow in sterilized broth only if the broth was first exposed to air containing spores, or reproductive cells. His findings led to the development of the cell theory of the origin of living matter which states that all life originates from preexisting living material.
In 1849, Pasteur became prof .....
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Number of words: 1989 - Number of pages: 8.... Leopold came from a family of Augsburg bookbinders. He received a solid Jesuit education, more intellectual than evangelical after a year at the Benedictine University in nearby Salzburg; Leopold stopped attending classes to pursue a career as a musician. “Leopold figured as ’s most important first model. He taught his son the clavier and composition”(Mercardo 763). Wolfgang’s mother Anna-Maria brought as much talent to her 32-year marriage as did Leopold. Though deprived of a formal education, she was highly intelligent and quick-witted— qualities that attracted the sober and reser .....
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John Coltrane
Number of words: 5626 - Number of pages: 21.... from one album to the next. Yet the distance they traveled from conventional hard rock through sitars and Baroque obligatos to Sergeant Pepper psychedelia and the musical shards of Abbey Road seems short by comparison with Coltrane's journey from hard-bop saxist to daring harmonic and modal improviser to dying prophet speaking in tongues. Asked by a Swedish disc jockey in 1960 if he was trying to "play what you hear," he said that he was working off set harmonic devices while experimenting with others of which he was not yet certain. Although he was trying to "get the one essential . .....
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Generation X
Number of words: 303 - Number of pages: 2.... No other generation can be compared to the X Generation in terms of spending money on recreation. Recreation has become a culture of its own. Rollerblading, paintballing, jetskiing, video games, snowboarding, bungee jumping, and of course the mall.
X-treme sports and pastimes is a X Generation phenomena. Always looking for new thrills, the Gen-Xers have been watching as technology improved or created new equipment to go higher, faster, at lower cost. i.e. in-line skates, jetskis, snowboards.
.open to new technology.
Generation X is familiar with technology and com .....
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