Term Papers on Book Reports |
The Characteristics Of Mrs.dic
Number of words: 643 - Number of pages: 3.... the death of her husband, she has no help in anyway. She tend take care of the family by herself. Financially, she has to go out and work, she has two jobs which will earn her money to live. "She helped a friend with a little hat shop......bred puppies for sale". Emotionally, she is independent. Her son, Frederick, is the only one lives with her. She hasn’t marry any other man in five years after the death of her husband. "It was five years since her tragedy and she had not married." (P112) She also try to raise her son by herslef. There is no baby-sister to take care of Frederick. She .....
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Satire And Jane Austen: A Winning Combination
Number of words: 614 - Number of pages: 3.... but to also understand Austen’s frustration with people similar to
them who allow their ranks in the community to effect the way in which they
treat others. A prime example of this would be her characterization of the
Bingley sisters because while wasting little time going into detail about
them, she made it clear to the reader that the two young ladies definitely
suffer from a superiority complex as well as gifts for making discourteous
remarks about people ( Elizabeth Bennett in particular) behind their backs.
“The sisters...thought no more of the matter and their difference towards .....
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Life On The Farm
Number of words: 4394 - Number of pages: 16.... and although he is not a good speaker, he can assert himself. Snowball is a better speaker; he has a lot of ideas and is very vivid. Together with another pig called Squealer, who is a very good speaker, they work out the theory of “Animalism.”
The rebellion starts some months later, when Mr. Jones comes home drunken one night, and forgets to feed the animals. They break out of the barns and run to the house, where the food is stored. When Mr. Jones recognizes this he takes out his shotgun, but it is too late for him, all the animals fall over him and drive him off the farm. .....
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Joyce's "A Portrait Of The Artist As A Young Man": A Review
Number of words: 903 - Number of pages: 4.... even
more respect for his father as the familys' debts continue to grow and they
are forced to move. Once, when the two males travel to sell of the family
estate, Simon returns to his former school and converses with his former
classmates. Stephen is upset to hear of his father's wild behavior as a
youth, and of his flirtatious nature. He begins to rebel against his
strict upbringing, striking back at his familys' traditional values and way
of life.
Religion is an ever present force in Stephen's life. He attends a
religious school from an early age, and is a devout Roman Catholic. .....
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Anselm's Philosophy
Number of words: 1566 - Number of pages: 6.... his existence is timelessly-eternal. This means that God cannot stop existing. On the other hand, contingent beings (such as ourselves) depend on something else for their existence. One example of this is, that as a child we utterly depended on our parents for food, clothing, and shelter. Contingent beings therefore can begin to be or cease to be at anytime. They can, unlike God, be here today and gone tomorrow. Anselm uses the definition of God (the ontological argument), in which I have described above, to prove God's existence. As I mentioned, Anselm believes that God is the greatest being .....
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Austen’s Marriages And The Age Of Reason
Number of words: 2122 - Number of pages: 8.... to Mr. Bingley, and Elizabeth’s to Mr.Darcy. Through these marriages, Austen will explain what makes a good marriage and what one must posses in order to fulfill the requirements of the age.
Mr. Collins will be the inheritor of the Bennet family’s home when Mr. Bennet dies. When Mrs.Bennet hears Mr.Collins may be interested in one of the daughters she is ecstatic because this will ensure that the home stays with one of her girls. Mr. Collins hears that Jane is involved with Mr. Bingley, so he moves on to Elizabeth. Lizzy flat out declines his proposal of marriage. Mr. Collins .....
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What We Talk About When We Tal
Number of words: 945 - Number of pages: 4.... own way maybe, but he loved me.” (pp 110-111) To the reader, it seems hard to believe that there could be love in a relationship where one partner physically abuses the other. However, in Terri’s case, both Terri and her ex-husband felt that they were in love. This coincides with the author’s theme that early on in a relationship, people have misconceptions about their love.
Later on, Mel describes his former relationship in which he believed to have found love, but now realizes that the love was lost somewhere along the line. Mel says, “There was a time when .....
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Midsummer Nights Dream - Brief
Number of words: 1956 - Number of pages: 8.... discuss their situation, and the plight of all lovers. Finally, Lysander comes up with a plan -- the two crazy kids decide to meet the next night in the woods to run off and elope! Suddenly, Helena enters, and Hermia quickly changes the subject: Well, Helena isn't too sure about this whole 'fair' business - considering Hermia stole her boyfriend! Helena asks Hermia to teach her how to 'sway the motion of Demetrius' heart.' Hermia assures Helena that she has done nothing to lead Demetrius on. Helena, on the other hand, has done everything to get him to notice her, but nothing has worked. Hermi .....
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Stanley And Livingstone And Th
Number of words: 2207 - Number of pages: 9.... and resilience from the start where as a ten-year old he was put to work in the cotton mills near Glasgow, Scotland. Unlike the other children who often died or grew up illiterate, he taught himself by reading books until he reached medical school in 1838 where he trained to become a doctor around the age of 25.
He was also fairly religious and after he became a doctor he volunteered to be a missionary in China but instead was sent to South Africa. He wasn’t a very successful missionary and only had one convert who lapsed. After two years he decided to send his wife and children to Bri .....
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A Doll House By Ibsen
Number of words: 870 - Number of pages: 4.... for his career, instead he asks her to have a separate room from his and limits her time with the children. Helmer is the rule maker of his house. He meticulously gives details on how he wants his house run. He has set time for everything, when the meals are prepared, when the children should go to sleep, when they should wake up, what to eat, when to check the mail etc. This is probably the reason why he is successful in his career. He is again putting his career as first priority and uses the principal that he applies to it in the family. Helmer has an office in the house of with he giv .....
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