Term Papers on Book Reports |
The Great Gatsby: Morals And American Idealism
Number of words: 760 - Number of pages: 3.... knew Gatsby when they were in high school together and
they had a thing going. After a while they separated and Gatsby went into
the Armed Forces. Now, at the time when this story takes place in the
spring of the 1920's Daisy and Gatsby still have a thing for each other and
their growing romance develops throughout. Taking what he has got going
with Daisy for granted, like almost everything else he's got going for him,
he begins to loose what he wants the most, Daisy.
While Daisy and Gatsby are having their little affair Tom is having
one of his own with Myrtle, the wife of an auto gar .....
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Resurrection In A Tale Of Two Cities
Number of words: 1176 - Number of pages: 5.... and England and is thought to be a spy. The people in the crowd are
sure that he will be found guilty, the punishment for this crime being
death. Darnay is saved by the ingeniousness of Sydney Carton, and he too
is suddenly resurrected or "recalled to life".
In both "Book the Second" and "Book the Third," the reader gets
different perspectives of the resurrection theme. Jerry Cruncher is a
body-snatcher and he refers to his late night activities as though it is an
honest trade. His son knows of his father's nocturnal activities and
expresses his desire to follow in his fathers footste .....
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Hemmingway's The Sun Also Rises
Number of words: 761 - Number of pages: 3.... happen. He is tolerant of her
behavior because he loves her unconditionally and is willing to overlook
everything she does. Jake’s willingness to endure and forgive Brett¹s
promiscuity and infidelity is an indication of the skewed values of the
age. It was an ³anything goes² era right after the first war, and Jake¹s
message to Brett seems to be the same: anything goes as long as you
eventually come back to me.
Jake is forced to accept living in this seemingly terrible way for more
than one reason. He a weak person socially, but he is also physically
disabled because of an injury t .....
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The Island Of Dr. Moreau
Number of words: 1642 - Number of pages: 6.... with lies. The creatures, even though they out numbered the humans by a large margin, believed everything their “Masters” would utter, and, therefore, followed a code of law. These laws consisted of the following: they were not to walk on all-fours, they were not to suck up their drink, they were not to eat flesh of any kind, including fish, they were not to claw the bark of trees, and they were not to chase other men, for “that is the Law”(Wells 121). The punishment of these laws was the “House of Pain,” which most brutes feared. These laws attempted to make the beasts act a .....
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Of Mice And Men: The Feeling Only The Lonely Could Feel
Number of words: 502 - Number of pages: 2.... on the ranch and the saddest because he is unable to do things
normal people could do because of his color.
Candy was a character who felt the despair of loneliness when he
was forced to have his best and only friend killed. His friend was a loyal
and loving sheepdog that grew up with Candy and had stuck with him through
thick and thin. This destroyed Candy's heart and replaced it with an empty
pit of loneliness. Candy felt he had no one to live for anymore. This is
a horrible tragedy because Candy allowed the lonesomeness to devour his
hopes of living.
Curly's wife was not a cha .....
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Beowulf - Significance Of Scyl
Number of words: 809 - Number of pages: 3.... construction employed by the poet in the weaving of Scefing as foreshadowing of Beowulf.
In retrospect, Scefing is essentially Beowulf himself. It is stated that Scefing is a warrior, a conqueror, gifted the spoils of his enemies as he defeated them. Beowulf was interested in the spoils and trophies of war in a similar fashion, always mindful to bring a piece or two of any recently dominated monsters back with him for display purposes. In addition, the poet mentions the pure prosperity, praise, and honor of Scefing; and in parallel form, the reader is exposed to the wealth, recognition, .....
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Kahlil Gibran
Number of words: 920 - Number of pages: 4.... to
subjects in everyday life; for example love, hate etc.. The book also contains
a series of illustrations created by the author himself. The book is based
slightly on fiction, but the topics discussed in the poetry are all very
realistic. If a person read the poetry today it would still be relative to the
things happening around us. The poetry is in composition form, and a major part
of the book contains dialogue.
In the first Chapter the location and story line is shown. A prophet; by the
name of Al-Mustafa, has been stranded in the city of Orphalese for twelve years,
and .....
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Roll Of Thunder Hear My Cry...
Number of words: 305 - Number of pages: 2.... worked but the novel isn’t clear on saying exactly if he lives or dies, but I think it leads more towards to TJ dying.
Many risks were taken in this novel. Almost every character took a risk some of the risks came out positive and some came out negatively. I think papa and TJ’s risks were the biggest in the novel. The scary thing about this book was that America really used to be like this, you rarely hear about it today but still happens. .....
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Bury My Heart At Wounded Knee
Number of words: 496 - Number of pages: 2.... and portraits throughout the entire book. Unlike books with strictly text, these features concretely show and describe the Indians situation. The songs give a feeling of the Indians culture. The quotes stand off the pages an give an idea of what the Indians were experiencing, while the pictures show what words can’t even help you to picture in your mind. They give you a true sense of there culture and make images of atrocities stick out in your mind, leaving a lasting impression that no words can describe.
helps to open a door into our past. It forces us to look at the dark side .....
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Number of words: 638 - Number of pages: 3.... What gives these people the right to make
these kind of conclusions without ever even meeting the person(s).
Later in the book the Finch children find presents hidden in a tree next
to the Radley place. They can't figure out who would set these nice gifts out
for them. Later they find out that is Boo Radley. He is just trying to be nice
and other people won't accept his original approach on life. At one point in
the book the children decide to go up onto the porch to try and get a peak
inside the window. Then they see Mr. Radley inside with a shotgun and they ran
away. Jem got .....
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