Term Papers on Book Reports |
Hills Like White Elephants: Jig
Number of words: 962 - Number of pages: 4.... It's a hard process since there are three steps to
changing: realization, doing the deed, and committing to the change. She
definitely realizes she needs to change, but only goes that far. She does walk
to the end of the station and looks upon the fertile side of the valley and
comments "and we could have all this," but she continues drinking when she
knows well that she carries a child in her womb. She even says the alcohol
tastes like licorice, that everything tastes the same, and she's getting tired
of her same old life. Surely, she must know the possible damage she can cau .....
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Images From The Dhammapada
Number of words: 536 - Number of pages: 2.... 4 in the section titled "Flowers".
"Just as a raging flood sweeps away a sleeping village,
So does death claim a man of distracted mind,
As he continually seeks more and more
Of life's fleeting pleasures."
Once again the image of water was used, but in a much different
context. Here The Dhammapada refers to water not as drops filling a bucket,
but it shows a more forceful side of water. A raging flood engulfing a
sleepy village. This is a rather violent image think that really
emphasizes the Buddha's teachings; that one should seek wisdom and purity
of c .....
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Intolerance Within The Novel The Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn
Number of words: 1140 - Number of pages: 5.... Even in the opening paragraph of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Clemens states, "Persons attempting to find a motive in this narrative will be prosecuted; persons attempting to find a moral in it will be banished; persons attempting to find a plot in it will be shot."
There were many groups that Clemens contrasted in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. The interaction of these different social groups is what makes up the main plot of the novel. For the objective of discussion they have been broken down into five main sets of antithetic parties: people with high levels of .....
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Summary Of "A Raisin In The Sun"
Number of words: 678 - Number of pages: 3.... waits at home while
Walter goes over to the neighbors house to talk to them about what has happened.
Walter is, in good reason, very angry and annoyed by the racist whites. He goes
over and at first tries his best to stay calm over the situation. The white
father then says, "Listen, if I ever see your son with mine, I will througth
that little black spoiled brat back into your yard." Walter becomes enraged and
hits the man directly in the face as hard as he can. This brings an upraw
amongst the Youngers and the entire community. Thus bringing the whites, even
those who weren't before, totall .....
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A Picture Of Dorian: Gray Basil's Changes As Related To Wilde's Opinion On Art
Number of words: 868 - Number of pages: 4.... Basil end up hating each other, they do enjoy meeting each other for the first time. Basil finds something different about Dorian. He sees him in a different way than he sees other men. Dorian is not only beautiful to Basil, but he is also gentle and kind. This is when Basil falls in love with him and begins to paint the picture. Basil begins painting the picture, but does not tell anyone about it, including Dorian, because he knows that there is too much of himself in it. Lord Henry discovers the painting and asks Basil why he will not display it. Lord Henry thinks that it is so beautiful i .....
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Where The Red Fern Grows
Number of words: 641 - Number of pages: 3.... pulled one of Little Ann's ears. The kid was the leader of the gang that surrounded Billy. Billy has responsibility because he has to take care of his hounds, he had to feed them, if they're hurt he has to try to help them like after the fight with the mountain lion, etc. Billy has pride in himself when he earned the $50.00 he needed to get his dogs, and he also had pride in his dogs when they won the gold cup. Billy had faith in his dogs whenever they wen! t out to hunt coons especially at the Championship Coon Hunt. Billy had sorrow in himself when he went and put flowers at Rubin Pr .....
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All Quiet On The Western Front: Tragedy Of War
Number of words: 1250 - Number of pages: 5.... the war is over their generation does not know what will be left for them. The characters felt betrayed. This idea of betrayal is paramount in the loss of war. Even though they may be able to go home after the war is over, they will constantly have to fight themselves. Another force that led to the loss of innocence at the front was the things that the boys were learning. They refer to themselves as “stone aged veterans” even though they are only twenty. The young men learn things such as how to properly stab a man and that a shovel is much more effective weapon than a bayonet becaus .....
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Love In The Time Of Cholera
Number of words: 1209 - Number of pages: 5.... and claimed a vow of devotion for her. And then finally, more than 50 years later, he was given the chance to renew his fow for Fermina at the Dr. Urbino's wake.
But Fermina is offended by his ill timing and throws him out of her life once again. But by proving his love for her as a person rather than just being a shadow, Fermina eventually accepts him back into her life and they decided to escape all of lifes problems by heading down the river with no hopes of ever returning.
Social criticism plays a role in Florentino's life. One of the main reasons that he was not allowed to be with .....
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Willa Cather's "O Pioneers"
Number of words: 1095 - Number of pages: 4.... and hard work ahead of them. 3 In 1890,
Willa attended the University of Nebraska-Lincoln where she gained the
knowledge and creativity to write such beautiful work. In her first works,
Willa's animosity towards Nebraska was relevant in her work. 4 After she
went east in 1896 and became editor of McClure's Magazine and gained
success, her feeling toward Nebraska changed, which was evident in "The
Bohemian Girl," in 1912. 5
When she published O Pioneers in 1913, many of her memories of
childhood and life on the prairie were depicted in the tale. For example,
a phrase in the tale O .....
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She Walks In Beauty
Number of words: 959 - Number of pages: 4.... to understand the origin of the poem. Byron portrays this, the mixing of the darkness and the light, not by describing the dress or the woman's actions, but by describing her physical beauty as well as her interior strengths. In the beginning of the poem, the reader is given the image of darkness: ", like the night," but then the line continues explaining that the night is cloudless and the stars are bright. So immediately the poem brings together its two opposing forces that are at work, darkness and light.
In lines three and four Byron emphasizes that the unique feature of the wom .....
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