Term Papers on Book Reports |
Billy Bud
Number of words: 1334 - Number of pages: 5.... to him and love him. He is “strength and beauty. Tales of his prowess [are] recited. Ashore he [is] the champion, afloat the spokesman; on every suitable occasion always foremost”(9).
Despite his popularity among the crew and his hardworking attitude, Billy is transferred to another British ship, the Indomitable. And while he is accepted for his looks and happy personality, “…hardly here [is] he that cynosure he had previously been among those minor ship’s companies of the merchant marine”(14). It is here, on the Indomitable that Billy says good-bye to h .....
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Conflict In "The Child By Tiger"
Number of words: 524 - Number of pages: 2.... better part of a day, and spawns a fatal manhunt. His conflict with the
society in general is characterized by his indiscriminate choice of victims.
These victims range from a police officer to an innocent black man looking out
his window, to several citizens who try to put an end to his madness. This
conflict is stopped when the mob catches up to him, and he surrenders in
soldier-like fashion. The hint of the conflict lingers, however, when the mob
leader brags about killing “a big one.”
The third and most interesting and complex type of conflict in this
story is the intrapersonal conf .....
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The Hobbit By J.r.r. Tolken
Number of words: 856 - Number of pages: 4.... They become quite impressed by him, and even rely on him, just as Gandalf foretold. Bilbo and the dwarves finally reach Lonely Mountain, the home of Smaug the dragon. The dwarves send Bilbo down a secret passage to the dragon's lair. Bilbo has more confidence in himself now and not only steals a cup, but manages to hold his own in a conversation with the wily Smaug (not an easy thing to do).Furious that someone has dared steal a piece of his treasure, Smaug attacks the mountainside where the dwarves have their camp. Then he flies toward Lake-town, to punish the inhabitants for helping th .....
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Bless Me, Ultima
Number of words: 780 - Number of pages: 3.... mature and knowledgeable. Growing at such a fast pace was a regretful process, that even Andrew advised Tony to not grow too fast but that would not happen as we know.
Another example of loss of innocence in the book would be Tony’s friends. The gang seems to be fairly innocent enough but they go through the lesser part of losing their innocence in this story. They have minor things such as hearing about the mischief around town and some of the horrible things that happen. Also the way they talk and act show how their childhood innocence is floating away while they don’t even .....
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Red Badge Of Courage
Number of words: 764 - Number of pages: 3.... on without purpose, direction, or fighting. Through time Henry started to think about the battles in a different way, a more close and experienced way, he started to become afraid that he might run from battle when duty calls. He felt like a servant doing whatever his superiors told him. When the regiment finally discovers a battle taking place, Jim gives Henry a little packet in a yellow envelope, telling Henry that this will be his first and last battle. The regiment managed to hold off the rebels for the first charge, but then the rebels came back like machines of steel with reinforcemen .....
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The Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn: Symbolism
Number of words: 840 - Number of pages: 4.... just
performed. Although he gets annoyed by Tom's daydreams sometimes he goes along
with them because he believes that Tom is someone that is on top of him.
2. Huck Finn's relationship with Jim changes as the story progresses. Analyze
how and why the relationship changes, supporting your answer with at least three
examples from the story.
Jim, a slave owned by Miss Watson, is a very interesting character in
the book. He seems like a person who is filled with superstitions but later
down the river we learn about his fine attributes like his unselfishness and his
love for Huck. Beca .....
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Setting In "A Rose For Emily"
Number of words: 741 - Number of pages: 3.... now looked upon Miss Emily
as the only remnant of that greater time. This fact gives the reader an
understanding of the mindset of the “town,” who is narrating Miss Emily's
story to us in a form resembling a gossip circle, where stories of various
townspeople are pieced together and of Miss Emily, the protagonist who
lived alone except for her lone servant.
The actions of Miss Emily range from eccentric to absurd but it is
the readers understanding of the setting that keep the story believable.
Miss Emily becomes reclusive and introverted after the death of her father
and the estra .....
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Love In Great Expectations
Number of words: 1512 - Number of pages: 6.... slapping him in the face as hard as she can, to making him feel as low as dirt saying he has coarse hands and thick soles and such, Estella is able to crush Pip inside. He feels as though he cannot let Estella know how he really feels besides telling Miss Havisham and Estella her self that she was pretty, yet mean. As time goes on, Pip learns all about Estella from her attitude and appearance. This attitude and appearance is what Pip wanted to attain so that Estella would love him. In chapter 17 Pip tells Biddy “ I am not at all happy as I am” (Dickens, 127). He wants to .....
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Symbolism In "The Pearl" By John Steinbeck
Number of words: 630 - Number of pages: 3.... conscience, which is symbolized by the music in Kino's head, tries
to warn him about his greed. This ‘music' symbolizes ones own conscience
in the real world. By the end of this relentless parable, the reader sees
the irony in the fact that even a good person can be led astray by his
feeling of inner responsibility to provide for his family (Warren 128).
Kino's actions, which are being motivated to raise Coyotito, his son, in
greatness leads to the death of Coyotito, which is Kino's greatest loss
(McCarthy 108). Through these symbols which Kino represents, the reader
can witness how man .....
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The Great Gatsby: Characters Add To The Theme
Number of words: 717 - Number of pages: 3.... has gone,
she is a bored housewife, of no importance to the world wondering aloud
what she is going to do with the rest of her life. She appears to be bored
yet innocent and harmless. Yet her innocense is false. Simply a
materialistic young girl and has little mind of her own is underneath all
of that covering. Daisy rediscovers her love with Gatsby because of his
nice shirts and large house. Daisy has been well trained in a rich family.
She has grown up with all of the best. When Gatsby failed to contact her,
she went off and married another man, without evening having heard word .....
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