Term Papers on Book Reports |
Critical Analysis Of Steinbeck
Number of words: 549 - Number of pages: 2.... to George or himself. Carlson's luger, which is used to shoot Candy's dog in the back of the head, is also used by George to shoot Lennie in the back of the head. Slim had said earlier that he wished "somebody'd shoot [him] if [he] got old an' a cripple" (p. 45) and he also acknowledges that George has to shoot Lennie, telling him that he "hadda" (p.107). Both Candy's dog and Lennie are killed out of love. Candy feels that his dog no longer needs to suffer and George never wants Lennie to suffer for a crime he did not mean to commit.
The parallels that exist between the outcasts and Le .....
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Jane Eyre: The Maturing Of Jane
Number of words: 570 - Number of pages: 3.... Helen states: "Life appears too short to be spent
in nursing animosity, or registering wrongs." These words shows that Helen
is more mature and experienced than Jane. Jane observes: "Miss Temple is
full of goodness…" Miss Temple was another great influence in Jane's life,
she treated Jane as if she were her own daughter. We realize now that Jane
was no longer alone. She had friends to love her and guide her to the next
step in life. Jane had not only gained more experience and confidence, she
also achieved a great education during her eight years at Lowood.
Jane's next destination .....
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Hurston's "Sweat": Women Overcoming Domestic Violence
Number of words: 562 - Number of pages: 3.... not very common in these times. Most women stayed home and watched the children while the men supported the family. With women not working this made it hard for them to get enough money to leave their husbands and support themselves and their children without their husbands.
The story gives women of domestic violence courage and strength to get out of an abusive relationship. In one part of the story Delia is in kitchen and sykes comes in starts verbally abusing her she finally stands up to him she says “Looka heah, Sykes, you done gone too fur. Ah been married to you fur fifteen years .....
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Foreshadowing And Flashback; Two Writing Techniques That Make Fitzgerald A Great Writer
Number of words: 1160 - Number of pages: 5.... utilizes foreshadowing to the best of its ability to help
organize the novel. "Luckily the clock took this moment to tilt dangerously
at the pressure of his head, whereupon he turned and caught it with
trembling fingers and set it back in place. 'I'm sorry about the clock,' he
said. 'It's an old clock,' I told him idiotically." (Fitzgerald, pg. 92)
This quote is the first use of foreshadowing which is in chapter five. It
pertains to all of the trouble Gatsby causes as he tries to win Daisy back.
The past is represented by the clock and how Gatsby wants to repeat it with
Daisy. (E .....
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Points Against And In Favour F
Number of words: 863 - Number of pages: 4.... he should get what he deserves not by moral justice but by the law.
Shylock does have the right to the forfeit of his bond and it is Antonio’s fault that he is in this situation because he signed the bond of his own free will. He knew the consequences if he couldn’t pay it back as Shylock made it clear from the start. This is shown by when at the start of the court scene when he says ‘Make no more offers use no farther means, but with all brief and plain conveniency let me have judgement, and the Jew his will’. When he didn’t pay Shylock the money he owed hi .....
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Victor Frankenstein: An Unpredictable Character
Number of words: 676 - Number of pages: 3.... compulsive person. When he gets involved in something, he engrosses himself in it. He began to study all the time and was, for the most part, unsociable.
He became intrigued by the human frame and what gives it life. He began to read books on the human body. Once again, he could not just simply study the human body, he engrossed himself. It was not enough to learn, he wanted to create. He turned his apartment into a laboratory, where he locked himself in.
For months he did not leave his apartment. He deprived himself of proper nourishment. He deprived himself of rest. He s .....
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An Analysis Of The Mayor Of Casterbridge
Number of words: 1066 - Number of pages: 4.... his family.
Exactly eighteen years pass. Susan and her daughter Elizabeth-Jane come
back to the fair, seeking news about Henchard. The sailor has been lost at sea,
and Susan is returning to her "rightful" husband. At the infamous furmity tent,
they learn Henchard has moved to Casterbridge, where he has become a prosperous
grain merchant and even mayor. When Henchard learns that his family has returned,
he is determined to right his old wrong. He devises a plan for courting and
marrying Susan again, and for adopting her daughter.
A young Scotsman named Donald Farfrae enters Casterbridge on .....
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The Hobbit
Number of words: 1120 - Number of pages: 5.... takes a long time to occur (the last
fight—good (men, elves, dwarves & eagles) vs. evil (wargs
& goblins)) and this reduces its effectiveness. After the
climax there is the long return home. It is quite boring since
there is nothing to expect to and the reader knows that the
hobbit would get home safely. In my opinion it should have
been shorter. Character Development The creation of the
characters is done by their dialogues and monologues,
actions and things noted by the narrator (the author in this
case) himself. An example for dialogue: “All the same, I
should like it all plain and cl .....
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Original Gullivers Travel Stor
Number of words: 1505 - Number of pages: 6.... Each item was placed in a navigational direction: north, east, west, and south. I also was aware that my hands were placed in the direction, northeast. I collected my things and began walking, I must have walked for quite awhile because when I left, the sun was just overhead and when I thought to check again, the sun was already even with the horizon.
I noticed something covered with shroud, it was a sign in English but it did not make sense to me. Upon further investigation I learned that the sign must signify a warning of some sort, for there was a hole right behind it. Just then I .....
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Cather In The Rye - Language
Number of words: 1472 - Number of pages: 6.... reviews in the Chicago Tribune, the New Yorker, and the New York Times, accurately captures the informal speech of an average intelligent, educated, northeastern American adolescent (Costello, 1990). Such speech includes both simple description and cursing. For example, Holden says, "They're nice and all", as well as "I'm not going to tell you my whole goddam autobiography or anything." In the first instance, he uses the term "nice" which oversimplifies his parents' character, implying he does not wish to disrespect them, yet at the same time he does not praise them. At best he deems them as .....
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