Term Papers on Book Reports |
Crucible Character Analysis On
Number of words: 712 - Number of pages: 3.... his intense love for his wife. Proctor shows signs of being a tragic hero when he attempts to go into court to save his wife and prove the girls liars. However, he ends up being accused himself. Mary Warren is in court testifying when she suddenly breaks down “ hysterically, pointing at Proctor, fearful of him: My name, he want my name. ‘I’ll murder you,’ he says, ‘if my wife hands! We must go and over throw the court,’ he says”... “ [Proctor] wake me every night, his eyes were like coals and his fingers claw my neck and I sign, I sign…”(119). Thus John .....
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Analysis Of Children's Fairy Tales
Number of words: 4150 - Number of pages: 16.... dreamed about were
used. These were places such as palaces, and Kingdoms, mystical forests or
a witches castle. One story was of a lonely cabin located in a mystical
forest. I suppose places like these were used to provoke the children
Many of the themes I found to be quite common. I quite often found them
to be about a boy and a girl and them getting together. There was also
usually some sort of a competition were the protagonist would win and get
the girl. The boy and the girl were often a prince and a princess. In
almost all fairy tales the protagonist was put in a situat .....
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Dandelion Wine
Number of words: 540 - Number of pages: 2.... winters cold.
It was a town where almost everyone knew each other like a big
In this story many problems confronted Douglas. There were many
deaths, Great-Grandma, Helen Loomis, Colonel Freeleigh and Elizabeth Ramsal,
which were friends and neighbors of Douglas. A good friend of Douglas,
named John Huff, moved away to Milwaukee because of a job opportunity for
his father. Also, Douglas got extremely sick and was dieing and there was
no information on what kind of illness he had. Douglas took these problems
hard. To many things where going bad in too short of a time. H .....
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Mary Stewart's The Crystal Cave
Number of words: 530 - Number of pages: 2.... deer-I learnt about the organs and bones of the body. . . The map Galapas showed me was a copy from a book by Ptolemy of Alexandria." (The Crystal Cave, Pgs. 59-60) Galapas also helps Merlin to put the meanings of his periodic visions of the future and of events far away into action. "'Go? But if I go back, they'll kill me, or shut me up. . . Won't they?'. . . 'You can no more be hidden now, than your merlin could go back into its egg." (The Crystal Cave, Pg. 100)
At the end of Merlin's adventures with Ambrosius, his father and Emperor, he returns to the Crystal Cave to seek out Gal .....
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Ethan Frome: Fantasy Is An Escape From Winter
Number of words: 1475 - Number of pages: 6.... cold like the winter"
(Lewis 310). Zeena's strong, dominating personality emasculates Ethan, while
Mattie's feminine, effervescent youth makes Ethan feel like a "real man."
Contrary to his characteristic passiveness, he defies Zeena in Mattie's defence,
"You can't go, Matt! I won't let you! She's [Zeena's] always had her way, but
I mean to have mine now -" (Wharton 123). To Ethan, Mattie is radiant and
energetic. He sees possibilities in her beyond his trite life in Starkfield,
something truly worth standing up for. Her energy and warmth excite him and
allow him to escape from his lonely, .....
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International Economic Policy: Book Review
Number of words: 1110 - Number of pages: 5.... of view that argues that Japanese terms of trade are unfair (104). Also he
was to refer to the North American Free Trade Agreement and reflect how it is
beneficial for Mexico (as first developing country to join the US and Canada)
which could not gain support from Europe to develop (as Europe was to
concentrate on its own further development and unity at the moment), and to how
the joining of Mexico was to benefit the US (and Canada) as it would open a
large market for the US as well as cheap labor (106). A good point made by him
was to show the prospects of incorporating more Latin American .....
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The House On Mango Street
Number of words: 496 - Number of pages: 2.... dead
end of sexual inequality and oppression.
The House on Mango Street is also a book about a culture—that of Chicanos,
or Mexican-Americans—that has long been veiled by demeaning stereotypes and
afflicted by internal ambivalence. In some ways it resembles the immigrant
cultures that your students may have encountered in books like My Ántonia,
The Jungle, and Call It Sleep. But unlike Americans of Slavic or Jewish
ancestry, Chicanos have been systematically excluded from the American
mainstream in ways that suggest the disenfranchisement of African-Americans.
Although Cisneros uses l .....
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The Secret Sharer: A Summary
Number of words: 2669 - Number of pages: 10.... secret is taken for a noun, it is a possibility
that this image might come to mind. Another image is that of a person who
shares in secrecy, therefore becoming a secret sharer, if the word secret
is taken for an adjective. This could be an image of a miser, who
generally does not share his wealth, but does so only in secrecy. A secret
sharer could also be an imaginary friend. It would be a person who is
secretive, and you share your thoughts with them. A Biblical
interpretation of the secret sharer could be that of the snake in the
garden of Eden. Since the snake shares the ultimate sec .....
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Ayn Rand's Anthem: Themes
Number of words: 640 - Number of pages: 3.... True pleasures of life are not allowed. Since they do not see personal benefits and fulfillment from their work, they lack enthusiasm and personal initiative. It is as though everybody has been brainwashed to one collective way. The people consider themselves as one body. Though collectivisim may have certain benefits, in Anthem it is taken to a dangerous extreme. Their collective society has nearly wiped out any traces of the individual. For example thoughts or opinions that are different from your brother are the root of evil. People are executed for referring to themselves singular .....
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Billy Bud: Contrast Between Good And Evil
Number of words: 639 - Number of pages: 3.... and appropriate "to his navel grade." In contrast,
Billy's death occurs during the dawn where " Billy ascended; and ascending
took the full rose of the dawn." Claggort's death completely contrasts
with the pure death of Billy Budd. Billy's death is portrayed as good,
conquering, and symbolic, which directly foils that of Claggort's. Not
only using symbolism, Melville also uses characterization to contrast good
and evil.
Characterization is used to contrast the concepts of good
and evil. Billy Budd is "like a young horse fresh from the pasture
suddenly inhaling a vile whiff from som .....
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