Term Papers on Book Reports |
The Miller And The Reeve In The Canterbury Tales
Number of words: 382 - Number of pages: 2.... have another shared characteristic. Both are involved with grain. The Miller’s job is selling grain. He cheats his customers by pressing his thumb on the scale when weighing the grain. The Reeve also deals with grain but in a different way. He does not use his involvement with grain against anyone else. He is able to estimate the production of grain and keeps an exact record of it at all times. He is also has a keen knowledge of how to keep a granary.
The last significant difference is their specialty skills. Other than selling grain, the Miller is also excellent on the bagpip .....
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The Horse Whisperer Healing Of
Number of words: 799 - Number of pages: 3.... gets a rude awakening and attempts to make up for not really being there. At the hospital she wants to make sure that her daughter gets the best treatment and she "wants to get to know all of the nurses names"(Evans). The helplessness that a parent feels when they can't save their child from pain is like no other feeling. When Annie sees her daughter's leg amputated, it drives her ambition to help her to be whole again. Grace and Pilgrim both become withdrawn and angry and Annie feels that if she "gets the help for the horse she will also be helping Grace"(Ebert). While searching on t .....
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Women In Julius Ceasar
Number of words: 387 - Number of pages: 2.... Portia reveals, that Brutus is indeed, a pompous self-centered man and that they have an un-pleasant relationship.
Calpurnia plays a similar role in the story. She reveals an un-clear part of Caesar. Calpurnia shows Caesars' vague suppositious trait. Until the conversation with calpurnia, Caesar never directly admitted to being suppositious. He always added something in front of his superstitions. However, when calpurnia had the bad dream, she convinced him not to go to the senate. Her conversation also throws light on his character. He was the most powerful man in the world and he had time .....
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Of Mice And Men
Number of words: 415 - Number of pages: 2.... This made me think that if they could work hard for there dream why can't I. It showed me that it does not matter were you come from or what you do, it is okay to dream and work as hard as you can to reach it . For all it shows for friendship and loyalty it also shows how sometimes you have to do things you never thought you would do. For example in the end when George is forced to shoot Lennie in the head you would never have thought he would do that, but you can see that under the circumstances he had no other choice. He only had two choices let the other people get to him first and watch .....
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The Great Gatsby: Nick - A Good And Neutral Narrator
Number of words: 812 - Number of pages: 3.... and hour after we found him,
called her instinctively and without hersitation. But
she and Tom had gone away early that afternoon, and
taken baggage with them.
Therefore, Nike Carroway's analysis was right by these clear
However, Nike Carroway is a good narrator, he sees everything happen
and does not trust everybody easily. So during the people discuss about
something at a time, he does not believe it is true. After he proves it, he
will accept the truth.
Moreover, when Nike went to Gatsby's party, there is a drun .....
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Green Grass: Lionel Red Dog
Number of words: 771 - Number of pages: 3.... camp, when soldiers
came upon them, and "captured" the natives. The natives were asked to give
up all weapons, and a misunderstanding led the soldiers to believe there
was a resistance. The soldiers opened fire on the Natives, and over three
quarters of the natives were killed.
There, at Wounded Knee, The natives set up road blocks meant to
keep tourists out. They did this so that the government would take notice
of their plight. But things went horribly wrong. The FBI intervened, and
set up their own road blocks. They stopped all traffic and it soon became a
stand off. The native .....
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Loss Of Innocence
Number of words: 1603 - Number of pages: 6.... changed his life throughout the novel. Both of these novels demonstrate that a is inevitable and is caused by a lack of care in a society to prevent the youth in that society from growing up not trusting the world. This is done through a child seeing his father beating his mother, a child who finds out Santa Claus is not real, a worker whose coworker takes credit for his ideas or even a child who is abused by someone.
The novel Montana 1948, revolves around David Hayden's life and his while growing up. David's continues until the end of the novel when he is in his late forties. Davi .....
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The Great Gatsby: Jay's Background And His Downfall
Number of words: 309 - Number of pages: 2.... by the group, Gatsby tried to show off his
valuables and gave elaborate parties. He tried to make an impression on these
people. Many to these people went to these parties "...without having met
Gatsby at all" (ch. 3,p. 41).
Gatsby did not have a formal education. His background did not support
the background of the old wealth. He lived in West Egg, "...the less fashionable
of the two..." (ch. 1, p. 5). The old rich would not live there.
Jay Gatsby could have never in his life been a part of the old rich. Even
with changing his names and and lifestyle, he could have never changed h .....
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Gulliver's Travels
Number of words: 769 - Number of pages: 3.... the size of his own, he proves himself to be
quite naive and impressionable. Although he is simply too large to perceive
them in detail, Gulliver judges the country's inhabitants he meets to be as
perfect and innocent as their toylike appearances. He refers to the Lilliputian
emperor, a being not even six inches high, as “His Imperial Majesty” and blindly
agrees to perform any demanded service, even though he could easily overpower
the tiny nation. It is only after his services have been exploited and himself
banished that Gulliver realizes how cruel and deceitful the Lilliput .....
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All The Kings Men 2
Number of words: 641 - Number of pages: 3.... the spider gets them. The Judge kills himself, which affected many people. One of the people that it affected was Jack. Jack found out that the Judge was his biological father and never had the chance to have his first true “father son” talk. Even though Jacks goals from the beginning were to discover truth and Knowledge, he found that the truth is not always a good and noble thing. In this case the truth led to what destroyed the Judge Irwin and a part of Jack.
The story provided by Cass Mastern gives and an interesting comparison to the current tale of Jack Burden and .....
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