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Ordinary People Vs. The Catche
Number of words: 624 - Number of pages: 3.... Holden loses his brother Allie at a young age just like Conrad. He cannot find a meaning in life afterwards. School and friends don’t matter to him anymore and he wanders through the city of New York searching for some kind of answer. In both books the characters are teenagers and still full of youth. Conrad is on the swim team and participates in activities while Holden is great at English and is a keen observer of life. After their brothers’ death they realize that they are not the same people anymore and that they have to start all over. They are struggling just to make .....
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Herland: The Use Of Character Development
Number of words: 414 - Number of pages: 2.... Jeff and Van --who stumble on Herland are shocked and confused. Before they arrive, they joke about the mythical land, assuming that there must be men it, since women could not possibly cooperate well enough, or be competent enough, to run a country. When they see how successfully Herland is run, only one of them, Van, praises its all female population as a group of exemplary human beings whose behavior all persons, male as well as female, should seek to emulate. As he sees it, the women of Herland exhibit virtues that are neither feminine nor masculine, but simply fully human .....
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Silko's Ceremony: Gender Roles
Number of words: 532 - Number of pages: 2.... him and he would never find peace (32). Auntie may have been a mother figure to him, but to Tayo she was just someone who looked after him.
Old Grandma, unlike Auntie, does accept Tayo and wants what is best for him. When Auntie rejected the idea of a medicine doctor because he's not "full blood", Old Grandma got angry and said that he was her grandson and why should she care what they say anyway (33). She has been around for many years and doesn't worry about what other people will say about Tayo or about their family.
The significance of Montano to Ceremony is very powerful and vital t .....
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Macbeth And Fear
Number of words: 685 - Number of pages: 3.... Banquo's children that would follow after him. This made Macbeth very angry, he risked everything to become King and after him none of his family will follow.
As well Lady Macbeth is being comsumed by fear and guilt, she is slowing losing her sanity. This is a result of her not being able to handle what she has done to Duncan. As shown in this quote "Fie, my lord, fie! a soldier and afeard? What need we fear who knows it, when none can call our power to account? [Act V, S I, L 32-35] Here Lady Macbeth is trying to wash out what she sees as being blood on her hands. As well she mentions hell a .....
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Marranos: A Lost People
Number of words: 2428 - Number of pages: 9.... attempt to search out and
punish these conversos. Some Jews chose not to convert and they moved to
Portugal. . Unfortunately, Portugal, in 1497, expelled the Jews from its borders
as well. Anti-semitism was growing in Western Europe and the Jews needed to
escape. The prime choice seemed to be so obvious. The Jews went to the New World.
The immigration of the Marranos to the new world might have begun with
none other than Christopher Columbus. This, of course, is not definite, but
there has been research which has shown that Columbus was indeed a Marrano.
Apparently his parents were Marra .....
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The Sacrilege: Caesar A Political Mastermind
Number of words: 554 - Number of pages: 3.... pack through the bloodshed, not like many other
When Decius was talking to Milo towards the beginning of the story he
says that Caesar is known for being "reckless." He recounts the story of the
pirates that captured him. Also in that conversation, Decius puts down Caesar
because he says that Caesar has no money and that even as Pontifex Maximus, he
still doesn't have any money. So he thinks less of Caesar when Milo tells him
about a huge loan from Crassus to Caesar because he couldn't pay off his debts.
Decius starts to gain respect for Caesar when he makes the announcement, .....
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The Four Horsemen Of The Apocalypse
Number of words: 323 - Number of pages: 2.... plaque, and by the wild beast of the earth. Hades follows close behind this rider because he always follows death.
I believe that one day this will happen. It seems like its happening already since there are a lot of wars, a lot of poor countries that don't have the luxury like the richer counties and there are a lot of men slaying one another. If this was to happen right now there would be nothing for me to do. I wouldn’t be able to hide so then I would just buy some guns and protect myself.There were some prophets that say the horsemen will not come until the 23rd century, so then I ha .....
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Siddhartha: Overcoming Misfortunes Of The Past
Number of words: 549 - Number of pages: 2.... son, too, was separated from his father.
Without dealing with this situation, the distance between father and son would
never be reconciled. Thus the situation Siddhartha had with Brahmin would be
The quote can also be interpreted as a metaphor for time. Obvious
recurrences can be noted in time, suggesting that time repeats itself. Instead
of a river, another symbol can be used for time, perhaps a pool. According to
this quote, things repeat themselves in time. In a pool objects float around
until they finally make their way to the outlet. Events swirling around in time
without re .....
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Return Of The Native Summary
Number of words: 2357 - Number of pages: 9.... and Mrs. Yeobright, Thomasin's aunt, contrive separately and together, to bring about the delayed wedding.
Eustacia, confronted with an actual proposal of marriage from Wildeve, cannot bring herself to believe him good enough for her; neither can she bring herself to accept what she considers second place, since Thomasin received his first proposal of marriage.
The arrival of Clym Yeobright, Mrs. Yeobright's son, stirs Eustacia's spirit of adventure. Clym's business is in Paris. Bright lights glitter in Eustacia's mind. Clym is well-educated and well-to-do; he is her knight-in -armor come t .....
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Anna Karenina: Characters And The Life Novel
Number of words: 1697 - Number of pages: 7.... which
allows him to have a sense of lifelikeness and fullness. From the speech
patterns the waiter uses to the description of the fit of his uniform, one
is presented with the details that allow the waiter to contribute to the
novel in means beyond simply the presence of a minor character. His
description and actions provide the novel with a sense of "real life".
Another way in which Tolstoy gives the minor character a sense of
life is by making them unpredictable. One sees this in the character of
Ryabinin. When initially discussed, the reader is told that upon
conclusion of business, .....
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