Term Papers on Book Reports |
Turn Of The Screw-hidden Ghost
Number of words: 420 - Number of pages: 2.... at her desk. She recalls, "In the presence of what I saw I reeled back upon resistance. Seated at my own table in the clear noonday light I saw a person…" (P. 59) These reflections of herself upon the ghosts portray an idea that she is a ghost or it is in her conscious and Bly is driving her mad. This leads the reader to believe that the governess is actually a reflection of the ghosts. When she sees the ghosts, it's like a mirror image. And mirrors ultimately just show you yourself in full, obvious form. They are an ultimate reality. When the governess sees Miss Jessel acro .....
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London's "To Build A Fire": Use Of Devices To Convey His Message
Number of words: 428 - Number of pages: 2.... he floundered out to the firm crust". Then the man builds a
fire beneath a tree and snow falls over it putting it out. London creates
these natural events in the plot to prove they are not the cause of the
man's death.
Using characterization, London is able to display on account of who
is alive at the end how one benefits from being social. The old-timer at
Sulfur Creek is alive because he is experienced and wise enough to benefit
from others' experiences that it is not wise to travel alone in the Yukon.
The boys at camp are also alive because they are together and can benefit
from eac .....
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Johnny Tremain
Number of words: 540 - Number of pages: 2.... go talk to him and find out about
his personality traits. Johnny Tremain's personality was very
fascinating, and it was most intriguing to read about how he
changed from a bossy, impatient boy, into a thoughtful,
patient gentleman. Even though he was a skilled worker, he
was proud, and full of arrogance. But after his terrible
tragedy, his rude character died in the birth and death room,
and Johnny was reborn as a more patient and caring person.
He still won't take pity from anyone, but on the inside he is
probably crying out for help. Although he has no one to talk
to, he does have special t .....
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Lord Of The Flies : Summary Of Conclusion
Number of words: 616 - Number of pages: 3.... and drifting away from the real world.
Jack is the kind of character who is defined as a psychotic person who
was refrained from his true genetic personality and yearning for violence
because of the standards to which he was born. He was a rich and went to a
private school where he could not be himself. The school was very strict
and therefore not allowing any of the boys to do things that they had
always wanted. So then, when faced with the idea of an island with no
adults where they can do as they like, they give in to the idea of being
hunters and playing a game of being a n .....
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Analysis Of Maltese Falcon
Number of words: 1130 - Number of pages: 5.... is callous, avaricious, and shares a similarity with Mike from ‘The House of Games.’ Why I think Mike and Spade are similar? For one thing Brigid O’Shaughnessy gave Spade a talk/speech about him using her pretty much the same thing Ford asked Mike in the airport. Brigid’s comment (p. 211-212) “You’ve been playing with me? Only pretending you cared-to trap me like this? You didn’t-care at all? You didn’t-don’t-I-love-me?” Ford’s “You used me...” speech is strikingly similar to Brigid’s including the reaction .....
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Houdini: Master Of Escape
Number of words: 661 - Number of pages: 3.... his life. He offer to have his mother make a new dress for Miss Beatrice "Bess" Rahner. It was love at first sight. He and Bess are married at Coney Island the day he gives her the new dress. Often when I here of Houdini I think, and even have been told, that he died in an escape accident. That is not only untrue it is nowhere near his true means of death. During a performance one night he broke an ankle. That is when it all started. He began feeling worse everyday. He had stomach pains. He waited to late. He had a ruptured appendix and gangrene had set in. The doctors told him .....
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The Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn: Huck's Father
Number of words: 545 - Number of pages: 2.... that he will have to escape from the cabin if he wishes to
remain alive. As a result of his concern, Huck makes it appear as if he is
killed in the cabin while Pap is away, and leaves to go to a remote island
in the Mississippi River, Jackson's Island.
It is after he leaves his father's cabin that Huck joins yet
another important influence in his life: Miss Watson's slave, Jim. Prior
to Huck's leaving, Jim has been a minor character in the novel--he has been
shown being fooled by Tom Sawyer and telling Huck's fortune. Huck finds
Jim on Jackson's Island because the slave has run aw .....
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The "Hemingway Hero"
Number of words: 2643 - Number of pages: 10.... man thus presented is a man of action, of self-discipline and self-reliance, and of strength and courage to confront all weaknesses, fears, failures, and even death.
Jake Barnes, as the narrator and supposed hero of the novel, fell in love with Brett some years ago and is still powerfully and uncontrollably in love with her. However, Jake is unfortunately a casualty of the war, having been emasculated in a freak accident. Still adjusting to his impotence at the beginning of the novel, Jake has lost all power and desire to have sex. Because of this, Jake and Brett cannot be lovers and al .....
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A Reference To God In Narrative Of The Captivity And Restoration Of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson
Number of words: 713 - Number of pages: 3.... (Rowlandson, 34). Puritans believed themselves to be the chosen people of God. Rowlandson believed that God was punishing his people for breaking their special covenant. She described the relationship between the Indians and the colonists as one dealt with by God. As she surveyed her home after the attack by the Indians, she credited the destruction not to the Indians, but to God, when she quoted "Come, behold the works of the Lord, what desolations He has made in the earth" (35). Thus, Rowlandson revealed her belief that God would act against other people simply because they were enemies .....
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The Hobbit: Fantasy World Comparison To Our World
Number of words: 782 - Number of pages: 3.... a black stream in Mirkwood that made he who drank out of it suddenly very drowsy and forgetful of previous events. All of these examples of happenings and objects found in Middle Earth are physically impossible in a world such as ours.
Several of the charecters in the book are not known to exist on Earth. Hobbits, of course, are fictional characters, as are dwarves, elves, goblins, and trolls. Many species of animals are able to talk with humans and dwarves in the book, which is not possible in real life. Beorn, a human who is able to change into other creatures at an instant, is a .....
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