Term Papers on Book Reports |
The Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn: Huck Decides To Reject Civilization
Number of words: 693 - Number of pages: 3.... is where he found his sanctuary. Jim and Huck were always safe,
independent, and free out on the raft. It seemed that every time they
would go to shore, something negative involving civilization would arise.
The dark side of human nature and suffering would meet up with the two of
them. They always stumbled upon the under-belly of society.
The symbol of human suffering was the Grangerfords family. When
Huck found himself in front of their farm after the ship wreck, his first
impression was a positive one. He thought that the Grangerfords were a
pleasant, normal family. However the .....
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To Kill A Mockingbird
Number of words: 430 - Number of pages: 2.... house was on fire. It was cold out, and Boo came to scout with a blanket. He wanted to be there for people.
Another argument about Boo is that he killed someone. I have many sides to this topic. It’s possible that Boo killed Mr. Ewell out of hate. Killed him because he was a petty drunk, and none the less, just a horrible man. Then again, Boo could have killed Mr. Ewell for the children’s sake. Some people may say, “Oh well! He killed someone and that’s that! It’s a horrible thing to do!” I on the other hand really don’t care, what’s done is done, and what .....
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The Scarlet Letter
Number of words: 719 - Number of pages: 3.... has a child who is the product of her sin and Hester won't tell who the father is. The next character is Pearl and she is Hester's daughter. Pearl is not a well-developed character and could be considered controversial.
Another character is Rev. Arthur Dimmesdale. Dimmesdale is a young man and is the town's minister. Dimmesdale has a good personality and plays a very important role in how the book turns out at the end. The last major character is Roger Chillingworth. He is Hester's legal husband and Hester assumed he was dead because he was gone for a long time. He to plays an impor .....
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The Adventures Of Tom Sawyer
Number of words: 414 - Number of pages: 2.... situations. For example when Injun
Joe was upstairs and Tom has to be quiet. It seemed nothing else mattered.
Tom works best under pressure because he thinks more about it.
Somehow, Tom had sensitivity for others, even others didn't have it
for him. Like the situation with the torn page of the teachers book. Even
though Tom didn't tear the page he still took the blame for Becky when
Becky was being mean to him. He got a whipping Tom didn't care he had
gotten them before that was just same as it ever was for Tom.
Tom's upbringing most likely leads to his adventurous side. The
fact he doesn't .....
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A Rose For Emily
Number of words: 844 - Number of pages: 4.... heavy, leather-covered furniture that was cracked from not being used. She had been trapped in the ways “Old South”, and did not care to change as time went by.
Another factor that showed Miss Emily was not interested in change is when Jefferson came up with a mail system. This new mail system that the people of Jefferson created included putting brass numbers of the house on the door so they could organize where the mail was going. Miss Emily did not like the fact of putting something new on her house and she did not like the fact of a new system coming in. She then told the .....
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Catcher In The Rye: Holden And His "Phony" Family
Number of words: 1276 - Number of pages: 5.... member.
From the very first page of the novel, Holden begins to refer to
his parents as distant and generalizes both his father and mother
frequently throughout his chronicle. One example is: "…my parents would
have about two hemorrhages apiece if I told anything personal about them.
They're quite touchy about anything like that, especially my father.
They're nice and all – I'm not saying that – but they're also touchy as
hell" (Salinger 1). Holden's father is a lawyer and therefore he considers
him "phony" because he views his father's occupation unswervingly as a
parallel .....
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Carvers Cathedral
Number of words: 1194 - Number of pages: 5.... in a type of prison and the preconceived notion of self-imprisonment was frightening to him. He felt that blindness was exactly like being a prisoner in Plato’s Cave, a scary world where no light ever penetrated. Unfortunately, the husband is imprisoned in his own ignorance. His view of blindness had come from Hollywood’s portrayal of blind people. As far as he is concerned, his situation is completely normal. He knows there are lots of people just like him. In “The Cathedral” the extent of the husband’s ignorance or naiveté is extremely irritating. When his wife tells him the beau .....
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Huckleberry Finn And The Issue Of Race In Our Country
Number of words: 687 - Number of pages: 3.... board she stated, "It's [the 'N' word] inappropriate anywhere but particularly in the classroom ... That should not be ... The price that a student pays when they go into the classroom [sic] to exchange any form of humiliation or degradation in exchange for their education - period." For what reason would a student be ashamed or feel degraded to read such a novel? It would be more understandable if slavery was still part of our lives today and black people were still being called niggers and going through the same hardships as in the past. However, black people now a days call each othe .....
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Young Goodman Brown: Everyone Is Capable Of Sin
Number of words: 470 - Number of pages: 2.... was resting, Deacon Gookin,
Goodman's other spiritual advisor, walks by with a minister. He and the
minister are talking about missing a church ordination dinner to attend the
satanic gathering. The deacon says,'”Besides several of the Indian powwows,
who, after their fashion know almost as much deviltry as the best of us,'”
(311). The whole time Goodman is on the trail, he is committing sin.
Every step of the way, he is forsaking his god. He slowly succumbs to sin
as the lord of the underworld coaxes him. At the meeting, when a voice
screamed out, ‘”Bring forth the converts! .....
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A Woman On A Roof
Number of words: 756 - Number of pages: 3.... was kind and friendly" (705). White symbolizes Tom¹s fantasy of the woman on the roof.
When Stanley flirted with Mrs. Pritchett, Tom felt that his "romance with the woman on the roof was safe and intact" (706). What romance? Tom has based his opinion on fantasy rather than reality. Fantasizing "himself at work on the crane, adjusting the arm to swing over and pick her up and swing her back across the sky to drop her near him" (704) illustrates that Tom is out of touch with reality. Tom "felt as if he hadn¹t whistled, as if only Harry and Stanley had" (706) and "was full of secret deli .....
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