Term Papers on Book Reports |
A Farewell To Arms: Overview
Number of words: 298 - Number of pages: 2.... he deserts the army. Floating down the river
with barely a hold on a piece of wood his life, he abandons everything except
Catherine and lets the river take him to a new life that becomes increasing
difficult to understand.
The escape to Switzerland seemed too perfect for a book that set a tone of
ugliness in the world that was only dotted with pure love like Henry's and Cat's
and I knew the story couldn't end with bliss in the slopes of Montreux. In a
world where the abstracts of glory, honor, and sacrifice meant little to
Frederick, his physical association with Catherine was the only th .....
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Linda McQuaig's Shooting The Hippo: Causes And Results Of Debt
Number of words: 1092 - Number of pages: 4.... which leave nothing to feed or care for the hippo. This image grabs the
attention of the reader and leads to numerous other examples which McQuaig uses
to break down the popular myths about the deficit. McQuaig, determined to
expose one by one, several of the current myths about the state of the Canadian
economy, backs up her arguments with interviews and publications. These include:
a chief statistician at Statistics Canada who has been working on the statistics
of social spending since the middle '60s; the man at Moody's bond rating service
in New York who is in charge of setting .....
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Kate Chopin's The Awakening
Number of words: 753 - Number of pages: 3.... a passion she hasn't felt before. She begins
to realize that she can play roles other than wife and mother.
Throughout the book Edna takes many steps to increase her independence. She
sends her children away, she refuses to stay at home on Tuesdays (as was
the social convention of the time), she frequents races and parties.
Unfortunately, her independence proves to be her downfall.
Edna stays married because divorce was unheard of in those days. She wants
to marry Robert, but he will not because it will disgrace her to leave her
husband. No matter how much Edna exceeds social boundaries, .....
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Brave New World: Escape From Reality
Number of words: 993 - Number of pages: 4.... feelings, and problems. All these things are needed in order to make a person their own.
Lack of Individuality
Huxley describes a futuristic society that has an alarming effect of dehumanization. This occurs through the absence of spirituality and family, the obsession with physical pleasure, and the misuse of technology. In this world, each person is raised in a test tube rather than a mother’s womb, and the government controls every stage of their development, from embryo to maturity. Each new human is placed into a certain class, such as Alpha, Beta, and so on. The embryos are .....
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Lord Of The Flies 4
Number of words: 1580 - Number of pages: 6.... progresses he and his hunters begin to "slack-off" and abandon their duties in caring for the fire. In the end Jack and his hunters leave Ralph and start their own tribe on the rocky side of the island.
Ralph is a tall, blond and is one of the oldest boys on the island. In the beginning of the story he is pictured as the leader of the boys when he blows the conch shell to call the first assembly. During the course of the story he tries to maintain the structure of their civilization and is continually forced to compete with Jack for approval from the boys.
Piggy is a fat, asthmatic boy .....
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Kafka's The Trial
Number of words: 1156 - Number of pages: 5.... been accused of, Kafka is haunted by his father's voice constantly accusing and criticizing him for being different. Joseph K is unsure of the correct action to be taken when he is first arrested and is influenced by those around him. Even though initially he does not see the need for an advocate, he allows himself to be persuaded by his uncle to engage one. No matter what he does to try and prove his innocence it seems to be a forgone conclusion the he will be found guilty. This is also true about his relationship with his father. The accusing court represents his inability to be what his .....
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Lord Of The Flies - Good And Evil: Fight To The Finish
Number of words: 923 - Number of pages: 4.... enough to dare to go against each other. They don’t hide from each other, but they both of out and confront each other. In Heart of Darkness, Marlow knew that the manager didn’t want Kurtz back, but he was brave enough to try bringing Kurtz back. the manger knew Marlow was just like Kurtz. That he will not give up so easy. The manager did everything in his power to stop Marlow. Even if they think their opponent is stronger, they don’t back away from the fear of facing them. In Lord of the Flies, Piggy knows that Jack and his tribe is stronger than him, but still he goes over t .....
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What Makes Up A Work Of Literature
Number of words: 765 - Number of pages: 3.... when he acts as his physician. Chillingworth knows that Dimmesdale
was the father of Pearl, Hester's daughter. But he wants to torment and
take revenge on the Reverend Dimmesdale, who suddenly became sick.
Chillingworth uses his knowledge of the human mind and of medicine to
deduce that Dimmesdale's sickness lay not in his body, but in his mind: He
was holding a secret, a deep, dark, secret, that was destroying him. By
asking Dimmesdale if he were hiding something, Chillingworth angered
Dimmesdale and tried to torment him. This insight into human behavior,
that one's physical attributes .....
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The Adventures Of Huckleberry
Number of words: 898 - Number of pages: 4.... message of slavery.
First, Huck’s relationship with Jim shows the authors views on slavery. Huck was taught at home and in school that slavery was a part of the natural order. He never found anything wrong with the way slaves were treated. In the beginning of Huck and Jim’s journey Huck treats Jim in a prejudice manor (according to our standards) in the way that Jim is different from him. “When we was ready to shove off we was a quarter of a mile below the island, and it was pretty broad day; so I made Jim Lay down in the canoe and cover up with a quilt, because if he .....
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Virgil's Aeneid
Number of words: 1332 - Number of pages: 5.... makes a last request for his body to be returned to his family, as Aeneas
is considering the request he notices that Turnus is wearing the sword belt of
Pallas and the stoic ways of Aeneas leave him as rage, fury, and anger run
through his body. He kills Turnus in anger and dedicates his death to Pallas.
This loss of control and act of violence is the opposite of stoicism and the way
Aeneas had been portrayed the rest of the epic.
Turnus has to die for the founding of Rome to occur but he should not
have been killed in such a way. The killing was payback for the dishonorable
way that .....
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