Term Papers on Book Reports |
All Quiet On The Western Front
Number of words: 902 - Number of pages: 4.... When one of
the boys was wounded, he was taken to a hospital where there were many wounded
soldiers. Some soldiers had to have parts of their bodies amputated in order to
survive. When Kemmerich was in the hospital, Müller ask for his pair of boots.
The boots was a visible reminder to the boys of the cost of war. Paul then has
to face his own conscience when he kills one of the Frenchmen. He doesn't see
the face of an enemy but just a face of another human being. He tries to
comfort himself by promising to help the fallen soldier's family. After Paul is
relieved from the front l .....
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Cruciable Essay
Number of words: 451 - Number of pages: 2.... entourage meant something between the two but in reality it didn't. Because of this incident a whole chain of events happened while they could have been avoided by just no lying at this time. The final BIG lie is with the girl that danced in the beginning of the movie by accusing people of witchcraft this is the final lie and the most influential because many lives are lost. The scene that best illustrates this idea is in the courthouse. Yes, there are the obvious parts like when the girls act about being cold or seeing "death" but there are also some more deep-rooted themes throughout th .....
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Huck Finn-Racism
Number of words: 590 - Number of pages: 3.... all over the world, whatever their skin complexion may be”. This brings into question the reason for Twain’s frequent use of the word “nigger”, not to mention the exceedingly racist views harbored by most characters. It is true that the book is peppered with racist stereotypes, lewd remarks belittling blacks, and the use of the word “nigger” over 200 times, but it is all part of the irony. Twain wrote this book not only to challenge the system of slavery, but also to do so with the most effective of literary devices: the truth. Huck Finn is not racist: It is a profound social s .....
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A Doll's House: Theme Of Emancipation Of A Woman
Number of words: 781 - Number of pages: 3.... I your husband?". By saying this, he is implying that
one of Nora's duties as his wife is to physically pleasure him at his
command. Torvald also does not trust Nora with money, which exemplifies
Torvald's treating Nora as a child. On the rare occasion when Torvald
gives Nora some money, he is concerned that she will waste it on candy and
pastry; in modern times, this would be comparable to Macauly Culkin being
given money, then buying things that "would rot his mind and his body" in
the movie Home Alone. Nora's duties, in general, are restricted to caring
for the children, doin .....
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Comparing "Waiting For Godot" To "Hollow Men"
Number of words: 654 - Number of pages: 3.... they leave,
a messenger from Godot arrives and states simply that Godot will arrive
tomorrow, same place, same time. They consider leaving, but do not. The
second act is almost an exact repeat of the first, but Lucky and Pozzo have
fallen upon hard times. Pozzo has become blind and pathetic, and Lucky has
become dumb. This change in events is a direct point of life being
terrific one moment, and worthless the next. Godot never shows up. The
play ends with the two considering to go somewhere, but they do not.
The similarity of this play to Eliot's poem is remarkable. Eliot's
Love S .....
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Huck Finn's Use Of The Tall Tale
Number of words: 336 - Number of pages: 2.... are usually believed, but even when doubted, he manages
to change his fib just enough to make it believable. An example of this is when
he is caught as a stow-away on a raft and his original story is not believed by
the crew: "Now, looky-here, you're scared, and so you talk wild. Honest, now,
do you live in a scowl, or is it a lie?" (106). Huck then changes his story
just enough to make it believable, displaying his unique ability to adjust his
tale to within the parameters of believability. Throughout the novel Huck fools
many intelligent people. His youth gives him a mask of inno .....
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What We Talk About When We Tal
Number of words: 945 - Number of pages: 4.... own way maybe, but he loved me.” (pp 110-111) To the reader, it seems hard to believe that there could be love in a relationship where one partner physically abuses the other. However, in Terri’s case, both Terri and her ex-husband felt that they were in love. This coincides with the author’s theme that early on in a relationship, people have misconceptions about their love.
Later on, Mel describes his former relationship in which he believed to have found love, but now realizes that the love was lost somewhere along the line. Mel says, “There was a time when .....
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Romeo And Juliet 2
Number of words: 393 - Number of pages: 2.... on the house of the Montegue and the Capulets. The feud was probably all started by the parents who then passed it down to their children who were taught to hate one another. This shows another example that young ones can suffer from adults actions.
Tybalt was another sacrifice to the Capulet and Montegue households. He was killed by Romeo while avenging Mercutio’s death. If it wasn’t for the conflict started between the Montegue and Capulet house, neither Mercutio or Tybalt would have been killed. As a result, Romeo was exiled which led to both the death of him and of Juliet .....
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Character Analysis: Holden Caulfield
Number of words: 329 - Number of pages: 2.... Sunny the Prostitute is one example. He is very nervous about having a prostitute but he tries to act normal about it. From the time Maurice asks him if he’s “innarested in a little tail t’night?”(91) he feels uncomfortable but he still gets the prostitute. He then tries to act tough when Maurice is asking for five more dollars for the prostitute but Holden, unfortunately, as the prostitute takes five more dollars from his wallet “All of a sudden starts to cry”(103). This shows how he is insecure about his actions.
Holden is a boy who keeps to himself too much. He suffers .....
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As I Lay Dying: Styles Used By William Faulkner
Number of words: 734 - Number of pages: 3.... Jewel has for Anse. It is rather ironic when
Anse says "He's just lazy, trying me" (p. 129) Since Jewel has been working
really hard, and it is Anse who is lazy. Furthering on Jewel and Anse's
relationship, I feel that it is fairly evident that Jewel knows that Anse
is not his father. This is illustrated in the following section on page
136: "Jewel looked at Pa, his eyes paler than ever. 'He won't never eat a
mouthful of yours' he said. 'Not a mouthful. I'll kill him first. Don't you
never think it. Don't you never.' "The antagonism Jewel holds toward Anse
is enormous, and this scene intensif .....
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