Term Papers on Book Reports |
Lord Of The FLies: Fear
Number of words: 764 - Number of pages: 3.... of a “snake-
thing” or “beastie”, be dismissed by the elder boys, as a nightmare. Even
the names echo a childish ring. However, the other little boys, do not
dismiss it. Already, by the second chapter, fear has worked its way into
their society.
“He say's the beastie came in the dark” (about a littilun)
“But I tell you there isn't a beast!” (Ralph)
From this moment on, the smallest of the boys, begin to have bad
dreams and are scared to go near the jungle. In this sense, the jungle
represents the darkness, because it is an unknown place, with little light,
where there .....
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1984: The Control Of Reality For Control Of The Masses
Number of words: 1096 - Number of pages: 4.... population. The Inner Party stays in power by shaping
the thoughts and opinions of the masses and it does this by creating a reality
where everything suits whatever it is the party needs to be believed. This is
accomplished in three ways. The first is revisionism or the act of changing
facts such as history so that the Party is always made to look good and mobilize
popular opinion against its enemies. The second way the party creates an
artificial reality is through artificial scarcity. There is no need for the
constant warfare but if the need no longer existed for the construction of .....
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Comparion Between: A Doll's House And Crime And Punishment
Number of words: 1287 - Number of pages: 5.... in Sofya Semyonovna
Marmeladov's pocket when she is not looking. After Sofya, whose nickname
is Sonia, finishes talking to Luzhin she leaves. Sonia has no idea that
Luzhin has put money into her pocket. Raskolnikov's friend, Andrei
Semyonovitch Lebezyatnikov, was present when all of that takes place. "All
of this was observed by Andrei Semyonovich." (Dostoyevsky 460) Luzhin goes
to a reception for Sonia's father, Semyon Zakharovitch Marmeladov, and
announces that Sonia is a thief. Sonia immediately denies the accusation.
Luzhin tells her to look in her pocket. Sure enough the money that he .....
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Haircut: Irony
Number of words: 495 - Number of pages: 2.... monkey wrench did not exist. He also took pleasure in humiliating Julie Gregg for being interested in Doc Stair and even went so far as to imitate Stair's voice on the phone and set up a phony meeting with Julie then chased her down the street when she showed up. The fact that Whitey narrates these stories in first person doesn't soften Jim's awful practical jokes but shows the barber's equally insensitive ignorance making Jim's character all the more plausible.
Most citizens at the barbershop and pool hall admire Jim's "jokes" and even participate in ridiculing some of the secondary charac .....
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Jay Gatsby: A Confused Man
Number of words: 551 - Number of pages: 3.... emotions and if he did, the subject was quickly changed.
Gatsby did not develop throughout the novel. From a point early in
his life, he had a romantic fantasy and he continued to sustain this
throughout his life. He liked to focus on past events, rather than look at
what was happening at the present. For example, he and Daisy had a
beautiful romance for a long period earlier in his life. Gatsby repeated
this moment over and over again in his head,
Gatsby, also, was rumored to have told stories about his past, such
as his story about his time spent at Oxford was not quite clear. He wa .....
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To Kill A Mockingbird: Summary
Number of words: 1167 - Number of pages: 5.... Atticus for what he did to him and
his daughter. Mayella is Bob's daughter who supposedly got raped by Tom Robinson.
Judge Taylor is the Judge of Maycomb County. Heck Tate is the county law
I think the protagonist in the story is Atticus Finch because he has the
main part and he has the biggest decision to make. The decision being whether to
defend or not to defend Tom Robinson.
To Kill a Mockingbird is set in Maycomb County, an imaginary district in
Southern Alabama. The time is the early 1930s, the years of the Great Depression
when poverty and unemployment were widespread in .....
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Summary Of Shelley's Frankenstein
Number of words: 759 - Number of pages: 3.... seem to forget all that was important to him. He even
disengaged himself from all the people he loved in his life. People like
his father, Elizabeth, and other loved ones. Victor began to write less
and less. Yet, it was not until Elizabeth got a discouraged letter from
Victor, did his love ones start to wary about him. Though, the letter was
full of words, it gave no relief to Elizabeth, because the words meant
nothing to her. However, they meant a lot to Victor, because he felt the
project in which he was working on was so important to him, in his own
delirious world. He felt that with brin .....
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How Is Tension Built Up In “The Monkeys Paw”
Number of words: 546 - Number of pages: 2.... the consequences.” Clearly here, however innocent the wish, Morris knows that it will end badly. “Don’t blame me for what happens.”
The major coincidence centres around the two hundred pounds. “How could £200 hurt you?” says Mrs White ironically, she will find out! There are two real climaxes in the story – one is how they get the two hundred pounds (and the fact that Herbert’s death is a shocking mutilated death) and the second climax is the tension associated with the knocking on the door.
Herbert the son is himself the focus in what he says and in what happens to him of so .....
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The Red Badge Of Courage And A Farewell To Arms: The Main Characters
Number of words: 1474 - Number of pages: 6.... his image of being a potential
hero because his thoughts are about himself and not about the welfare of
others. Also, the fact that he wants to impress people and appear heroic
is a selfish aspiration. Heroes act not to impress others but to help them.
Usually the actions of a hero are impulsive and not premeditated because
the hero does what he/she believes is right and what their heart tells them
is right and not what others judge is right.
In The Red Badge of Courage, Henry is preoccupied about whether or
not he's going to run when it comes time to fight. After the second
skirmish, .....
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The Different Shades Of Love
Number of words: 600 - Number of pages: 3.... of his broken heart.
He lived in the town of Raveloe as a hermit. People knew very little of him and for a good reason. Silas was isolated because he did not want to get his heart broken again. His love from Sarah grew to love of his work and eventually to money. He was so dedicated that "he seemed to weave, like the spider, from pure impulse, without reflection." The money he earned meant very little to him. He even donated some of it, but as his worked turned from weaving to the curing of others, the money grew. The more money he had, the happier he was. He would often take th .....
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