Term Papers on Book Reports |
Great Gatsby
Number of words: 807 - Number of pages: 3.... and hollow. Jay Gatsby, the central figure of the story, is one character who longs for the past. Surprisingly, he devotes most of his adult life trying to recapture it and, finally, dies in its pursuit. In the past, Gatsby had a love affair with the affluent Daisy. Knowing he could not marry her because of the difference in their social status, he leaves her to amass wealth to reach her economic standards. Once he acquires wealth, he moves near to Daisy, "Gatsby bought that house so that Daisy would be just across the bay (p83)," and throws extravagant parties, hoping by chance she might .....
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The Scarlet Letter: Guilt
Number of words: 452 - Number of pages: 2.... is so hard for him. He is trapped between a rock and a hard space. If he tells the citizens, he is no longer the great reverend. Then again, if he doesn’t, he will be forced to carry the ever so heavy burden. Dimmesdale waits for such a long time that the guilt has already got to him by the time he is ready to confess. He carves the letter, “A,” into his chest. He beats himself with leather whips, and has to go for long walks in the woods. Back then the woods where known to everyone as the place where the Black Man lives. In this book, Dimmesdale is the dominant character that .....
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The Hiding Place: An Analysis
Number of words: 1499 - Number of pages: 6.... conscious of those around her to the point where she acts to correct situations, which she’s unhappy with. The novel begins with ten Boom’s pleasant account of her life. She’s happy unmarried and living with her family. She lives to make those around her happy. This trait is also found in her family. Many of their customers are treated as close personal friends, which many of them are. She’s very pleasant and loves life. The reader of the book begins to feel as if they’re part of the family. The ambiance of the house makes everyone and anyone feel welcome.
Ten Boom makes t .....
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Invisible Man: Denial Of Education For Blacks
Number of words: 1062 - Number of pages: 4.... or being invisible to the world. Thus giving the reader the illusion that education is being hidden from the blacks, denying them of a proper education. “I am standing puzzled, unable to decide whether the veil is really being lifted, or lowered more firmly in place; whether I am witnessing a revelation or a more efficient blinding” (36).
Another point that shows a denial of education to the blacks is how the college gives the students an “education,” but when it all comes down to it, the college has taught the blacks nothing of the real world. The Invisible Man calls the co .....
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The Positronic Man
Number of words: 865 - Number of pages: 4.... his quest for the impossible, arriving at last at a terrifying choice: to make his dream a reality, he must pay the ultimate price.
I must say that I didn't have very high expectations for this book because I am not a very big science fiction fan, but this book changed my mind. There are many reasons why this particular book changed my view on science fiction. One of the major reasons for my enjoyment of this book is the way in which it was written. Isaac Asimov and Robert Silverberg set this story up wonderfully. I personally liked the way the book is structured. The first chapter takes pl .....
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Carver’s Characters
Number of words: 1358 - Number of pages: 5.... thought that if we kept working, if we did the right things, the right things would happen" (Gentry 123). Somewhere in the middle of this life he realized, very much like one of his characters, that things would not change.
What Carver deals with in almost all of his stories is the daily responsibilities of life weighing down on one's shoulders. "Almost all the characters in my stories come to the point where they realize that compromise, giving in, plays a major role in their lives," Carver said. "Then one single moment of revelation disrupts the pattern of their daily lives. It's a fleetin .....
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Black Rain: Reader Response
Number of words: 1361 - Number of pages: 5.... is remember every little detail about what happens to
everything from what angle the house was on after the bomb to what his wife
cooked for dinner with the food rationing. He even likes to write how people
cured themselves of radiation sickness and what the burns and other injuries
look and act like. These things are like myself in the fact that he does not
like to forget what things are like, wants to see first hand what the effects
are, and is very interested in finding information about new things that he has
never seen before. He also likes to help people greatly such as his constant
w .....
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John Savage Desires What Makes
Number of words: 1360 - Number of pages: 5.... to the Fordians. It prevents them from feeling passion, desire, lust, jealousy, and true love. In absence of these feelings, they are free from emotional ties and have no reason to rape or murder someone because of inner desires. They are able to express their sexuality with others, and release sexual tension. Hurt and pain is eliminated from their minds, and these people can live the rest of their lives with child-like bliss. John Savage disagrees with these ideas and objects by stating,
“The murkiest den, the most opportune place” (the voice or conscience thundered poetically), .....
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1984 2
Number of words: 753 - Number of pages: 3.... is a crime but his dissatisfaction with life and his sexual frustration lead him to the wrong conclusion. That he still thinks that he can get away with this and that the thought police will never catch him. This is where Winston unconsciously seals his fate of being caught but he feels the adventure is well worth the risk. Later in the relationship, they both are aware that the end to them is near.
There were a couple of things that Winston owned that were deemed illegal but ironically the glass paperweight seemed to be the most important. First of all, the paperweight serves no purpos .....
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To Kill A Mocking Bird Essay
Number of words: 627 - Number of pages: 3.... One of the story’s greatest lessons is that social justice is not always easy to achieve. It tells the story of one Tom Robinson. Tom is a black man in a racist town who is accused of a crime that he didn’t commit. Atticus believes and tries to show others that all people are created equal, at least under the law. Bob Ewell accused Tom of beating and raping his daughter and only the black families, and a handful of whites (including Atticus) seem to believe in his innocence. Therefore his chance of a fair trial was slim. The jury’s racism cuts short an innocence man .....
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