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Term Papers on Business

The Government's Spending Plan To Reduce The Budget Deficit
Number of words: 2577 - Number of pages: 10

.... against the low-tax lobby and the low-tax ethic itself. Zeisler's argument is, in effect, that in government as in business you get what you pay for--and in the case of taxes, he theorizes, the more citizens pay on a local level the more likely they will be to insist that they get their money's worth. Inadequate funding for schools and salaries so low that they fail to attract competent individuals to civil service jobs ultimately cost the citizenry more than would a tax increase. Because Americans are not willing to spend the appropriate amounts at the local level to assure that salaries f .....

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Verification Of Employable Skills
Number of words: 278 - Number of pages: 2

.... work with my fellow peers. If we did not work well together we would not have had a winning season. As well as playing soccer, I played saxophone in my eighth grade band. We all had to work together to be able to perform efficiently in the many concerts we consummated. Coming in after school for practices and smaller practices during the school day all helped us to unite and play music. This skill will enable me to work with other people, no matter what my personal feelings for them may be. Being able to use technology will be a profound advantage when I begin working. Many jobs now, and so .....

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The Market Structure Of Microsoft
Number of words: 891 - Number of pages: 4

.... In 1975 Microsoft was the producer of programming languages for MIPS Altair 7500 (Conigliaro1996). In 1981, Microsoft purchased an operating system for an Intel based 8086 chip from a small company named Seattle Computer Products and redesigned its product to sell it to license it to IBM for its new personal computer (PC) (Conigliaro1996). The redesigned product was released under the name MS DOS 1.0. IBM being a monopoly at that time in the hardware department, by allowing Microsoft to provide the operating system to its PCs, then an outside source, relinquished control of the software indu .....

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Eastern Airlines Facing Bankruptcy
Number of words: 1250 - Number of pages: 5

.... as Eastern's problems deepen, about a possible sale. As Frank entered his office, he found his his loyal excutive assistant; Wayne Yeoman; and Dick Magurno, Eastern's senior vice president for legal affairs. For about 20 minutes the three discussed the fourthcoming meeting and the prospects for saving the airline. Negotiations were going to come around for ALPA and TWU but no break from the IAM. The IAM would not budge since Charlie Byran, head of the machinist's union, stood firm against a 20 percent wage cut. At 7:30 the board meeting began with the discuss .....

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The Great Inflation
Number of words: 1571 - Number of pages: 6

.... despite a bumper cereal harvest, as shops reverted to the barter system. Farmers refused to accept the effectively worthless, banknotes in exchange for grain, and food quickly began to run short in the cities. Prices rose one trillion-fold from their pre-war level. More importantly, for the long-term political future of Germany, the middle and working classes saw their savings wiped out. These were, in essence, the people who were later to become the hard-core of the Nazi vote. Economists will argue that runaway hyperinflation has two sources. Firstly, it arises through a fall in th .....

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One Should Make Their Own Career Decisions
Number of words: 457 - Number of pages: 2

.... quote from “Ode On A Grecian Urn” concerning this is “Beauty is truth, truth beauty”. This basically means that the truth is much better than living a lie or some fantasy world. If your whole life is a lie, then it is not a very beautiful life at all. Also, in the song “Lyin' Eyes” the woman is living a lie by pretending she loves this old man, when in reality she was just in it for the money. As a result, her life is miserable and a big lie. Which wouldn't happen if you do what you really want to do. And finally, money can not buy happiness. A good example of this is from .....

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Make-Up Art Cosmetics
Number of words: 1421 - Number of pages: 6

.... success in London, England. Although the company could easily expand to may more locations, the company would prefer not to, at least no so fast. They believe that in order to maintain high levels of quality, staying in control, (which means going slowly) is the key. Frank Toskan, 45, founder and CEO of Make-up Art Cosmetics, was previously a Canadian hairstylist, make-up artist and photographer, who developed his own professional cosmetics because he felt that the existing lines couldn't link with the harsh lighting used in photography, stage , film and video work. Over the last 10 .....

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Glass Ceiling In Corporate America
Number of words: 2964 - Number of pages: 11

.... The glass ceiling is the unseen, yet unbroken artificial barriers based on attitudinal or organizational bias that keeps minorities and women from advancing to the upper realm of the corporate ladder, regardless of their qualifications or achievements. These artificial barriers in the work place are experienced by African-Americans, persons with disabilities, Native Americans, Latinos/Hispanics, Asian Pacific Islander Americans, employees in low paying jobs, and women in all of these previous mentioned categories. The American Dream is about opportunities for all. A stable and ful .....

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“Buddhist Economics”
Number of words: 782 - Number of pages: 3

.... fat people who have no concern for culture. The Buddhists believe being rich is more than material possessions and I agree. In this essay they also commented that “simplicity and non-violence” are closely related. I agree with that belief as well. I liked how E.F. Schumacher explained the importance of consumption and how it effects pressures put on society. Although people in less industrialized countries have greater worries like poverty, they don’t have as much of a problem with violence. Things are more low key and Buddhists are more focused on the importance of human character .....

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Individual Retirement Accounts: Why Bother?
Number of words: 1722 - Number of pages: 7

.... Many people often live their lives without considering how they plan to retire. People do not realize that the idea of living solely on the benefits of social security is not realistic. In order to secure a comfortable future, people must have some type of additional income. Sacrificing a small amount of money into an IRA at a relatively early age could make a considerable difference in the lives of people upon retirement. When planning for retirement, Individual Retirement Accounts offer several benefits; however, careful planning is essential to ensure that: upon retirement th .....

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