Montgomery Ward & Co.
Number of words: 1670 - Number of pages: 7.... almost 400 stores throughout the United States, employing approximately 58,100 people. In 1985, the company unveiled its specialty store retailing strategy, again reflecting the changing marketplace and consumer demands. Also in 1985, catalog operations were discontinued. This move allowed the company to concentrate its resources on retail stores and began the company's transformation from a traditional mass merchandiser into a contemporary group of value-driven specialty stores. The success of the specialty store strategy led to a $3.8 billion dollar leveraged buyout by senior manageme .....
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U.S. Budget Deficit - Good Or Bad?
Number of words: 1533 - Number of pages: 6.... levels. The
Government cut income tax rates, greatly increased defense spending,
and didn’t cut domestic spending enough to make up the
difference. Also, the deep recession of the early 1980s reduced
revenues, raising the deficit and forcing the Government to spend much
more on paying interest for the national debt at a time when interest
rates were high. As a result, the national debt grew in size after
1980. It grew from $709 billion to $3.6 trillion in 1990, only one
decade later. .....
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Number of words: 577 - Number of pages: 3.... necessities
and luxuries money buys. People who earn their money appreciate it more
and spend it more wisely.
Many people who are born with money think they are better than
others that don't have money. They are not actually better; they just have
it easier. People who have had money from birth do not understand the
concept of earning a living so they make fun of the people who have to work.
They also make fun of people that do not have as nice of things like
clothes, cars, stereos, etc. The people who have to earn money covet the
people who have had it from birth. People who have to e .....
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Current Grading Systems Are Inadequate
Number of words: 705 - Number of pages: 3.... of credit for an assignment. If a student receives a grade of a
95 then they have fulfilled 95% of the total possible credit. A grade of
95 in most cases is equal to the letter grade of an A. When a student
receives a number grade of 70 then they have gotten credit for 70% of the
work. This 70% works out to a C, which is customarily known as
satisfactory. This satisfactory grade of a 70 means that on a test the
student has basically absorbed only 70% of what should have been. This 70%
means that a full 30% of what should have been learned has not been. By
calling this 70% .....
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Athletic Trainer
Number of words: 876 - Number of pages: 4.... trainers most certainly need
advanced degrees as well as certification of the National Athletic Trainers
Association. Most Athletic trainers in this level have accepted employment while
in college or attending that particular university. The college level for the
athletic trainer position has not increased over the past few years- due impart
to the hiring of the student trainers leaving no openings for the athletic
trainer who is seeking full time employment. Obviously there is a definite need
for advanced degrees in todays society, if one is seeking employment as an
athletic trainer due to .....
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New Financial And Statistical Measures To Monitor The Success Of GE
Number of words: 3914 - Number of pages: 15.... must then
be: is this the right answer?
GE is expecting to increase its revenue by the year 2000 to $120 billion
compared with $58 billion in 1990. In other words, if the forecast proves to be
correct, it will obtain an average annual rate of growth of 7.5%. This high
rate is mainly attributed to the expansion of the services sector of the company,
which is estimated to increase by an average annual rate of 13% compared with a
corresponding one of 2.1% for manufacturing. Today nearly 60% of GE's profits
comes from services -- up from 16.4% in 1980.2
This is our new direction and theref .....
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The Use Of Merit Pay And Incentives
Number of words: 1708 - Number of pages: 7.... it is a motivator. For those of us in Graduate
School, we are aware that without a "B" average we will be eliminated from the
program. Maintaining that average is our motivator. Attaining the certificate
of graduation is our incentive. In psychology, at its most basic, a motivator is
that which impels or compels an individual to act toward meeting a need. On a
physiological level, thirst, hunger and sex are motivators or drives. They are
basic needs which must be met.
Relating this to a hospital environment, it is not base compensation which
drives the employee, but what the base .....
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Describe The Roles Of Government In The Present Business Environment
Number of words: 407 - Number of pages: 2.... policies such as fiscal, monetary, trade
and income policies.
Fiscal policy is the deliberate action of the government to change its
levels of income and expenditure, through the annual budget. By budgeting for a
deficit or surplus, the government will contract or expand the economy. e.g If
the government needed to cut unemployment they would budget for a deficit so
more money is injected and less money is taken from the economy by less taxes
and higher expenditure raising employment.
Monetary policy can also raise the level of economic activity. It
controls the availability of money by inf .....
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A Look At A Career In Community Pharmacy
Number of words: 1991 - Number of pages: 8.... which improves
patient's quality of life. These outcomes include: cure
of a disease, elimination or reduction of the symptoms
of a disease, arresting or slowing of a disease process,
preventing of disease, diagnosis of disease, or desired
alterations in physiological processes, all with minimum
risks to the patient (Shall I Study Pharmacy 1).
The pharmacist must perform numerous tasks sometimes under unfavorable
conditions, and must acquire many skills through much training.
As I look .....
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Interview To Dow Jones
Number of words: 943 - Number of pages: 4.... U.S.
We are a focused company. We are not a media conglomerate, nor an entertainment
company. We stick to our business of business, providing information essential
to an ever expanding and increasingly interconnected worldwide business
Q. What is the strategy behind your television operations?
A. Dow Jones aims to provide business news in any form customers want it.
When we looked at our operations a few years ago, television was the missing
means of delivery for our business news. We began by pioneering with Asia's
first business channel, Asia Business News, in .....
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