The Future Of Fiber Optics On The Internet
Number of words: 653 - Number of pages: 3.... they can carry. Two single fiber optics lines carry the equivalent of 24,000 telephone calls at one time. With the introduction of fiber optics into our daily lives, it will greatly improve the quality and speed of the information we receive.
With the growth of television and telephone traffic, bandwidth has become a large issue that is seemingly solved with the advent of fiber. Fiber Optics has enormous bandwidth and distance coverage as compared to copper wire. Commercial phone systems carry more conversations on fiber optics than copper could on thousand wires. As demand for more .....
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History Of The Intel Corporation
Number of words: 416 - Number of pages: 2.... went up by almost four-million dollars! Today,
Intel is one of the biggest companies pulling in billions and billions of
dollars each year.
Intel has had many factors over the years that has allowed it to
monopolize the computer industry thus resulting in small competition. First of
all, Intel is almost 25 years ahead of it's competitors. Therefore, most
companies are just starting out and have little or no effect on Intel's sales.
Another reason is obviously Intel's reputation. They have built up such a
standard of excellence that when someone hears the word Intel they think high .....
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Should The U.S. Government Be Scared Of Cyber Terrorism?
Number of words: 910 - Number of pages: 4.... to Atlanta, and then to Florida where he rerouted and tied up phone lines in each country, put 911 services out of commission, impeded the response of police, fire and rescue services. There are also a lot of cyber attacks within the United States, which are referred to as domestic attacks. In 1996, there were 128 cases of cyber attacks on the FBI's files, in 1998 there were 550.
If a terrorist wanted to black out New York City he would have to make physical contact with the power plant by means of bombs, or actual hands on in destroying the power grid. Now experts say it is very possibl .....
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Unemployement - The Unavoidable Consequence Of New Technolog
Number of words: 1575 - Number of pages: 6.... the time.
The relationship between technology and employment is at the same time complex and volatile (Mokyr 1990, p.52). To illustrate, the term “Luddite” was coined in the early 19th Century to describe mindless machine-breaking (Jones 1996, p.21). The Luddites were skilled cloth-weavers who believed that technology would destroy their livelihood and opportunities for work (Jones 1996, p.22). They were opposed not to the knitting and lace-making machines as such, but more to the “de-skilling” involved as these machines replaced workers which, inevitably led to the destruction of .....
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Censor The Internet?
Number of words: 1620 - Number of pages: 6.... to violate freedom of speech, a right that is included in democratic constitutions and international laws (Silencing the Net…). It would be a breach of the First Amendment. The Constitution of the united States of America Declares that "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to asse3mble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances" (Constitution). Therefore it would be unconstitutional for any sort of censorship to .....
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The Internet, Pornography, And Children
Number of words: 2091 - Number of pages: 8.... children from
pornographic Internet sites. What exactly is the Internet? It is a global
network of computers used to transmit all types of data between computers.
Text, numbers, programs, illustrations, photographs, audio, animation, and
video can all be transmitted over the Internet. Contrary to what some
people may think, the Internet is not a single computer nor is it a single
service. The Internet is not owned by or governed by anyone. It exists
solely through the support of the companies and institutions that access it.
Though the Internet seems relatively new, its roots actually .....
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Hollywood And Computer Animation
Number of words: 2877 - Number of pages: 11.... its infancy. The future
looks bright. How It Was
In the beginning, computer graphics were as cumbersome and as hard to control as
dinosaurs must have been in their own time. Like dinosaurs, the hardware
systems, or muscles, of early computer graphics were huge and ungainly. The
machines often filled entire buildings.
Also like dinosaurs, the software programs or brains of computer graphics were
hopelessly underdeveloped. Fortunately for the visual arts, the evolution of
both brains and brawn of computer graphics did not take eons to develop. It has,
instead, taken only three decades to .....
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Changes From Technology
Number of words: 570 - Number of pages: 3.... measure the costs and
benefits of technological change.
The rapid growth of technology brings with it a massive amount of hope,
but also despair. Kids are growing up with computers. They are learning more and
faster than other generations could. This is wonderful, right? Maybe not. Will
computers deplete the social skills kids need to mature? Will being a member of
America OnLine rather than a youth group prove to be helpful or the opposite?
Our generation will need to lead this technological revolution in the right
direction. We need to offset the obstacles in our path. We need to make .....
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Assistive Technology
Number of words: 664 - Number of pages: 3.... in employment opportunities and an inclusion in the educational, social and recreational activities available on the "information highway".
Researchers and educators today recognize four types of technology: the technology of teaching, medical technology, instructional technology, and (Blackhurst & Cross, 1993):
· The technology of teaching includes systematically
designed procedures and strategies that are applied in
precise ways. They typically include well-defined
objectives; precise instructional procedures based on
the tasks students are required to learn; small, sequenced .....
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America And The Computer Industry
Number of words: 2608 - Number of pages: 10.... took place in 1694 when Blaise Pascal invented the first "digital
calculating machine". It could only add numbers and they had to be entered by
turning dials. It was designed to help Pascal's father who was a tax collector
(Soma, 32).
In the early 1800's, a mathematics professor named Charles Babbage designed an
automatic calculation machine. It was steam powered and could store up to 1000
50-digit numbers. Built in to his machine were operations that included
everything a modern general-purpose computer would need. It was programmed by—
and stored data on—cards with holes punched in the .....
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