Escapism And Virtual Reality
Number of words: 4882 - Number of pages: 18.... However these
periods are defined, their lengths have become increasingly shorter, with each
new technological breakthrough now taking less than ten years to become accepted
(recent examples include facsimile machines, video recorders and microwave
One of the most recent, and hence most rapidly absorbed periods, has been that
of the computer. The Age of Computing began with Charles Babbage in the late
19th century Babbage , grew in the calculating machines between the wars
EarlyIBM , continued during the cryptanalysis efforts of World War II
Turing,Bletchley and finally blossomed .....
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How A Car Motor Works
Number of words: 2728 - Number of pages: 10.... fit your needs.
To understand how the latest in speed parts work, you first need to obtain a basic understanding of how an engine works! Next we will dig into the guts of an engine to see what makes it tick. Many of you will find this stupefyingly simple but some of you readers will be glad we took the time to really explain it to you!
Cars, for the most part with the exception being the rotary Mazda, are powered by what is called a 4 Stroke engine. A 4 Stroke is called that because there are basically 4 strokes to the power cycle, the intake stroke, the compression stroke, the power stroke .....
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Trends In Telecommunications
Number of words: 415 - Number of pages: 2.... include
• freedom from electrical disturbance
• tremendous bandwidth or information-carrying capacity
• small physical size
• relative low cost
The speed at which information can be moved through the fiber optic
cable is also an important advantage. AT&T established an experimental
fiber optic system that moves digital information at a speed of 8 gigabits
(8 billion bits) per second over a 68-mile stretch of repeaterless fiber
optic cable. One gigabit per second is fast enough to support 15,000 voice
The growth of fiber optics has other features that make it valuabl .....
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Global Positioning System
Number of words: 974 - Number of pages: 4.... which then will code a navigational message. The SPS accuracy is 100-meter horizontal, 156-meter vertical, and 340 nanoseconds time, and in total the SPS is ninety-five percent accurate. (Utexas) The Department of Defense also degrades this service so those consumers can use this service.
Secondly, the Precise Positioning Service or PPS " is a highly accurate military positioning, velocity and timing service which is available on a continuous, worldwide basis to users authorized by the U.S. PPS is the data transmitted on GPS L2 frequency. Precise Positioning Service was desig .....
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Setting Up A Computer Network
Number of words: 1042 - Number of pages: 4.... to be used for office work, coax is fine. The two types of coax that we will be using are RG-8 (thick) and RG-58 (thin). The RG-8 will be used as a backbone cable of the network this backbone cable is necessary because we will be using a bus topology on this network, which physically consist of a single cable (backbone) with multiple nodes attached to it. The RG-58 will not be attached to the backbone directly because there are too many computers to be attached to each other. We also understand that you have 40 computers that need to be connected to the network. The 40 computers in the offic .....
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The First Generation Of Computers
Number of words: 312 - Number of pages: 2.... was not a one-of-a-
kind laboratory instrument. The UNIVAC became a household word in 1952 when it
was used on a televised newscast to project the winner of the Eisenhower-
Stevenson presidential race with stunning accuracy. That same year Maurice V.
Wilkes (developer of EDSAC) laid the foundation for the concepts of
microprogramming, which was to become the guide for computer design and
In 1954, the first general-purpose computer to be completely
transistorized was built at Bell Laboratories. TRADIC (Transistorized Airborne
Digital Computer) held 800 transistors and be .....
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Internet Censorship
Number of words: 1990 - Number of pages: 8.... are not known this makes
it hard to determine if illegal activities are taking place in regards to people
under the legal age. As well, it is difficult to completely delete speech once
it has been posted, Meaning that distributing materials that are obscene are
banned becomes easy
The American Library Association (ALA) has a definition that states
censorship is “the change in the access status of material, made by a governing
authority or its representatives. Such changes include: exclusion, restriction,
remove, or age/grade level changes.” This definition, however, has a flaw .....
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Windows 95
Number of words: 569 - Number of pages: 3.... come to the fore. According to Aley, "the most
gratifying, and overdue, improvement is Windows 95's tolerance for file names in
plain English" (29-30). Traditionally, users had to think of file names that
summed up their work in eight letters or less. This was a constant problem
because frequently a user would look at a list of files to retrieve and think
"now what did I save that as?". Those days are over. Windows 95 will let the
user save his or her work with names like "New Speech" or "Inventory Spreadsheet
No. 1", making the contents of those files obvious. Much to the annoyance of
sof .....
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The Arrival Of The Internet
Number of words: 2978 - Number of pages: 11.... lines, optical fibers, radio and satellite links. If one computer goes down the others are linked together to bypass the defective/destroyed computer and get the information to its destination. It's much like a spider web. You can cut many of the strands and it still hold together. This is how the phrase "World Wide Web" came into existence. The Internet has grown and improved over the years; from a cold war project, to a medium for exchanging ideas and information worldwide.
As a cold War project, the Internet was developed to provide reliable communication during a nuclear attac .....
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Smart Cards
Number of words: 216 - Number of pages: 1.... most common uses of today are: banking and retail, mo-bile communications, information technology, identity and health, park-ing, public telephony, mass transit and campus ID solutions; and areas of use increase every day.
One of the most fast developing areas of use is Banking and Retail. For business of financial transactions is very competitive and fast-changing, banks are always seeking for new valuable services for their customers. give an ability to deploy and manage multiple ap-plications on a wallet-size plastic card. Smart card technology also prom-ises to resolve the security .....
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