Term Papers on Creative Writing |
Summer By The Pool
Number of words: 293 - Number of pages: 2.... sun glaring down at me. I looked around seeing enjoyment on everyone’s faces and hearing laughs from all directions. Four people were standing underneath the canopy trying to escape from the sizzling cement, eating watermelon, and having a “spitting for distance” contest. Two people were sun bathing in lawn chairs. The others were in and out of the pool showing off. The shimmering blue water reflected the sun like a mirror. When I looked away all I could see were color spots from the light. I could hear the crack and spring of the diving board as someone did a belly flop. The sound .....
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Personal Writing: An-Yang
Number of words: 651 - Number of pages: 3.... particular afternoon, after we had finished eating, we draped ourselves
around her living room. I was sitting on a dilapidated couch, whose colors were
made indiscernible by time, and was looking around her room. My gaze swept from
the thin, worn carpet, bare in some places, to the scarred wooden dresser, to a
dirty doll with an eye missing. (My grandmother could never bear to throw
anything away). She came and sat down next to me, taking my hand in hers. The
tight braid at the nape of her neck was coming undone. Wisps of thick black
hair framed her square face. I looked down at .....
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Creative Story: Deadlock
Number of words: 1526 - Number of pages: 6.... and Mechanical Men hushed up that little incident, I'd be out of a job if
the whole world, the xenophobic and primally-fearful lot of them, knew about
that!" As she got out and buttered her toast, she mulled the day ahead of her in
her mind. Weekends were never truly weekends for Susan Calvin, as she was forced
to work for most of the weekend, with her only respite being Sunday, which she
was allowed to come in an hour late for. However, she usually found herself
working late into the night on Sundays, out of an artificially induced guilt
that she knew was not real, but could do nothing t .....
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Creative Writing: The Fossilized Story Of Mr. Allosaurus
Number of words: 497 - Number of pages: 2.... dissolved all my bones. They were then replaced, a molecule at
a time, by the minerals in the water. This long process involved all these
tingly sensations. I felt odd for the longest time, but now I'm a new me!
About 900 years ago I received company from someone up above. His name
is Mr. Wolly Mammoth. Wolly died because of a volcanic eruption, and was
trapped in the burning lava. He's my best buddy and I was so glad he decided to
come join me. We always talk about what we think goes on above us. Sometimes
the Earth rumbles in a strange vibration. Wolly and I call these vibrati .....
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Personal Writing: My Friend's Death From AIDS
Number of words: 403 - Number of pages: 2.... the time. The billions that are currently allocated to AIDS
research are sufficient if they are used properly. I would try to put
pressure on the legislators to have a bill passed that would define the
ways money should be spent, and to monitor the progress of finding a cure
for this deadly disease.
Second and more importantly is the matter of education. AIDS is not
just a gay issue, it is a problem that affects everyone of us. The message
of educating our children on drugs appears to be working. The same should
be done about AIDS. It is important for sex education to be taught in the
schoo .....
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Creative Story: Joel's Dream
Number of words: 1480 - Number of pages: 6.... a gold digger and was after Joel for his money, but she did stick by him,
they had been married for two years and if Joel got the contract Sharon would be
able to move to Milan and have everything and have everything she desired. So
obviously she was very determined to see this deal go through.
After arriving at the hotel Joel settles in and unpacks before going to
the Milan training camp to meet the players and his (hopefully) new manager,
Roberto Ravelli.
" Hello! I'm Erigo I will be your guide while you are in Italy. I'm sorry if
my English is no good but I am still getting les .....
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Personal Writing: Going To College And Studying Social Service
Number of words: 629 - Number of pages: 3.... the receptionists. I can honestly say that this was the worst part of my job, and I know the other receptionists I worked with felt as I did. Most of the patients were quite rude about having to pay this before they even saw the doctor, but if you didn't collect this co-pay the patient would never stop to pay it on their way out of the office. They would make us feel as if we were actually pocketing this money and going to luch with it. It was so humiliating at times the ruckus they would make, because it would make the other patients that were in the waiting area stare to see what all t .....
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Alone With Nature
Number of words: 367 - Number of pages: 2.... still filled with
many unexplored treasures and turn back into the foliage covered depths of
the forest. The sun is comfortably placed in front of the cotton candy
clouds, in the midst of the soft blue sky. The occasional bird soars
through in a last minuet attempt to catch a worm so it may feed the
yearning mouths of it's young. The rough dirt trail ends and you are
brought to the base of a rock. Your feet reach for the unfamiliar footholds
of the high rocky promontory, anxiously scrambling up the streaky pinkish
rock ready to explore any new treasures that lie beyond you. Once on top,
you .....
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Creative Writing: Conquest
Number of words: 1767 - Number of pages: 7.... abstract the laser alarm system path the agent lowered himself into
the room.
Waiting for the man, a smaller man yet more powerful. The door creaked open
slowly and an exhausted fat man entered. As soon as the door had been closed the
fat man's throat had been gashed and he lay in a pool of his own warm blood.
The United States had volunteered to be a "cut-off" regiment. We would
put pressure on Russia to remove their troops from Eastern Europe and detain
their troops in Russia. If they failed to comply with this mandate we would have
no choice but to supply aid to Eastern Europe.
My .....
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Personal Writing: My Life
Number of words: 475 - Number of pages: 2.... online chatting. I love flirting with guys, however I understand the importance of studying so I tend to have little time for that. Therefore, I gave them a Chinese riddle. I said I would talk to anyone who could answer it. The riddle is: What can walk without legs, eat without a mouth, pass through a river that has no water, and die without a soul? The answer is Chinese chess. The next day I got an email from someone who got the correct answers. She also said “Making friends is a very serious thing, why are you using a riddle to make friends? Now that I answered your questions, can I be .....
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