Term Papers on Creative Writing |
The Rain
Number of words: 1201 - Number of pages: 5.... distinguishable as beats out it's own tune on the glass of the windows and the metal of the car. Visibility is reduced to almost the end of our noses as the water sluices down the windows. Moving the car ever so cautiously, my father pulls into a truck stop to wait out . Making a mad dash through the small rivers that are forming in the parking lot, we all pile out of the car and into the cool sanctuary of the diner. We are allowed to order anything we want, this is vacation, all the rules and regulations of home seem to have lost a few clauses. We do not drink soda pop with our meals at .....
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Personal Writing: An-Yang
Number of words: 651 - Number of pages: 3.... particular afternoon, after we had finished eating, we draped ourselves
around her living room. I was sitting on a dilapidated couch, whose colors
were made indiscernible by time, and was looking around her room. My gaze
swept from the thin, worn carpet, bare in some places, to the scarred
wooden dresser, to a dirty doll with an eye missing. (My grandmother could
never bear to throw anything away). She came and sat down next to me,
taking my hand in hers. The tight braid at the nape of her neck was coming
undone. Wisps of thick black hair framed her square face. I looked down at .....
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Number of words: 1985 - Number of pages: 8.... just after school, we were all walking home talking about how
much of a loser this new guy was. By the time we got to the end of the
street, we had all agreed that we should do something totally outrageous to
his cat because he had been bragging about it all week. On Saturday, we
all met up at the local park and brought along little tools which we
thought might come in handy for this sinister exercise. Grant and Rene
brought some rope and a switch-blade. Trent and Mark brought a bottle of
methylated spirits and some matches. Tim and Daimien brought a voice
scrambler and a mo .....
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The Murderous Miracle: Sherlock Homes - Creative Story
Number of words: 2532 - Number of pages: 10.... their daily hustle and bustle which was common to
northern London preceding teatime.
"Well, it appears you are right! People are at work, conducting their
business and the like. I'm awfully sorry, I'm just rather irritable in the
"Quite alright my friend, it's understandable, tell me, what else do
you see at the window?" Holmes calmly stated.
"Well, Nothing out of the ordinary, as I said before, just..wait!
There is a crowd of people around a car right next to our doorstep!" I
" Is the man a shady character with a dark beard and an umbrella on
h .....
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An Asian American In America
Number of words: 771 - Number of pages: 3.... second time, we escaped into Thailand and stayed there for about one year. My aunt living in the United States decided to bring my family to the United State, so we made the long and tuff struggle to America.
We went to the Philippine Island for six months so that were medically prepared to go to the United States. After six months we were given a departure date. During these times, my parents struggle to keep us alive through any means. They wanted us to have a future, an education and a good job.
After years of hard work, I am on my way to achieving my goals and in the process, my paren .....
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Personal Writing: My Dog Oso
Number of words: 660 - Number of pages: 3.... Jake slowly walked up to me. He had been supplied with money, and then instructed by my mother to take me to the corner store to buy candy and ice cream. At that time I was delighted, as the trip to the corner store was an epic journey, which I had never taken on foot, only by car. I did not notice or care that Jake, normally tyrannical, dictatorial, and abusive, was being unusually nice to me that day
Well, after the saga of the corner store ended, I was seated by my mother, who gently, nicely, and calmly told me that, Oso, after 16 years, was dead.
I knew what death was, my grandfathe .....
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Creative Writing: In An Oldster's Mind
Number of words: 1498 - Number of pages: 6.... is not much painful. The
crash stops me rolling but starts me getting recall of my friend, Angus. At a
time, my brain is working like a computer loading an enormous file. A picture is
appearing - a guy is walking towards me and gives me his saber. The saber is
sharp and shiny, it reflects an intensive light to my eyes. My eyes shutter
reluctantly. I see my school, my night school. I am glad that this recall is not
being erased. I remember that Angus sat beside me.
"Do your best. You are new to this subject. Everything here is brand new to
you. Don't worry. Just try your best." Angus hel .....
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Personal Writing: Christmas Memories
Number of words: 548 - Number of pages: 2.... around.....
Plates full of Christmas pastries, Christmas decorations, and
Christmas music lightly penetrates the air as the family socializes with
each other. The constant murmer of the voices, serves as a background for
the music. My cousins are running making their laps around the living room
while playing tag and laughing to their hearts content.
I hear a voice saying "My have you ever grown up!" I turn to my
left and stand up to address my complimenter. Grandma, awaken from her
heavenly sleep, stands slightly crouched with an antique smile painted
gracefully across her face. I rea .....
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Creative Essay: Moldy Bread
Number of words: 437 - Number of pages: 2.... peace, and would rather have all the credit to themselves. They are certain that there is no harm in long term mould digesting, but they state they are not 100% sure, as further tests are to be held. A man was seen leaving the A Crock research centre Late yesterday afternoon, but would not comment on his identity or part in researching the bacterial growth. With the crowd of reporters surrounding him, he seemed to find it hard to shut his car door with his third arm. People have been observed acting strange since this news was released, not just in America but in Australia too. Mr N C .....
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Creative Writing: The Nightmare
Number of words: 534 - Number of pages: 2.... off a meaty drumstick, I feed the genitals and
the guts to my Children of the Night, giving the young
first choice. There is plenty to go around. Often
mortals have asked why the wolves follow me and
why I allow them to do so. Ours is a symbiotic
relationship. I feed them, and they clean up after me.
Simple, is it not? One cannot just leave all of those
corpses and torn parts afield, now can one?
Our relationship has endured for thousands of years
and will continue as long as there are men who cower
in the darkness, afraid for their mortal souls and of things
that go crunch in the n .....
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