Characteristics Of The Misfit
Number of words: 1039 - Number of pages: 4.... The Misfit is a very well dressed man who looks very clean and innocent, according to the grandmother. He would not be mistaken for a criminal. This surprises the grandmother, because he not only is very innocent looking but he is acting very intelligently. He presents himself in a very polite manner, and his facial expressions and his clothing speak very highly of himself. He acts very polite under the circumstances, which is out in the middle of nowhere. The atmosphere shows how calm and collected he can be which shows no sign of a lunatic from prison. So what the grandmother read at .....
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A Separate Peace - Symbolism
Number of words: 1606 - Number of pages: 6.... Brinker had said, pasting each other with snowballs"(843).
Another of the principal themes in this novel is the theme of maturity. The two rivers that are part of the Devon School property symbolize how Gene and Finny grow up through the course of the novel. The Devon River is preferred by the students because it is above the dam and contains clean water. It is a symbol of childhood and innocence because it is safe and simple. It is preferred which shows how the boys choose to hold onto their youth instead of growing up. The Naguamsett is the disgustingly dirty river which symbolizes adulth .....
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Lord Of The Flies
Number of words: 1703 - Number of pages: 7.... arise as to their priorities. The smaller children (know as littl'uns) lose interest in their tasks; the older boys want to spend more time hunting than carrying out more routine duties, such as keeping the signal fire on the top of the mountain going, and building shelters. A rumor spreads that a "beast" of some sort is lurking in the forest, and the children have nightmares. Jack, (A ruthless, power-hungry person), promising to fulfil the children's desire for a reversion to the ways of primitivism, is chosen as the new leader, and the society splits into two sections: those who wa .....
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The Lottery-right Or Wrong
Number of words: 1506 - Number of pages: 6.... two previous residents (Peter Quint and Miss Jessel.) The rest of the novel is dedicated to showing the young lady's despair, and Miss Jessel.) The rest of the novel is dedicated to showing the young lady's despair, how she convinces herself that the children are aware of the apparitions, and how they all together are forming a conspiracy against her. At the climax of the novel, Flora becomes deathly ill and is taken away by Mrs. Grose, and Miles dies due to the shock of "seeing" Peter's ghost. In actuality, however, none ever sees, or at least claims to see, these apparitions that the yo .....
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Root 2
Number of words: 561 - Number of pages: 3.... heard their plan, they would know the prisoners had united. Therefore, they were always murmuring and muttering. On the other hand, the common word "talking" is more casual, louder and clearer. That is why I think Haley used " murmuring" instead of the more usual "talking."
Then, Haley used "toubob" instead of the more usual "white men," because the Africans meant "toubob" as an insult and they thought of the white men as devils. For instance, in Chapter 37, "So great was his fury that Kunta was barely aware of the women singing Toubob fa! And when he had finally been chained back down in his .....
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The Dual Qualities Of Nature (
Number of words: 0 - Number of pages: 0.... .....
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Lord Of The Flies - The Beast
Number of words: 1338 - Number of pages: 5.... it was assumed to be the over-active imagination of little children at work. At the same time it is obvious that Golding uses the early chapters in the book to set the scene for the chaos and terror of the beast that follows. Soon it became evident that even the older boys had begun to wonder whether in fact some kind of beast did inhabit the island. It was also apparent that nobody was willing to admit this, but the fact that many boys now cried out in their sleep or had terrible nightmares is further proof that they were all fearful of a beast.
The first signs of evil emerging from within .....
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Because I Could Not Stop For Death
Number of words: 952 - Number of pages: 4.... of the death of the poet. The second stanza reads, "The eyes beside had wrung them dry, and breaths were gathering sure for that last onset, when the king be witnessed in his power." This stanza deals with how God is brought upon by the speaker’s death. Onlookers surround the dead body and seem to be looking for clues to what may eventually await them when it is their turn to pass onto another possible world. In stanza three the speaker is preparing for a journey into an afterlife that may lie ahead. Dickinson writes, "I willed my keepsakes, signed away what portion of m .....
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Othello 2
Number of words: 802 - Number of pages: 3.... him look good in front of Desdemona. Iago needs to make Cassio suffer and manipulates Roderigo to do it by playing on Roderigo’s desire for Desdemona. Iago also uses Roderigo for his money as well as helping his evil plans,
“ Roderigo: I am changed: I’ll go sell all my land. Exit.
Iago: Thus do I ever make my fool my purse; For I mine own gain’d knowledge should profane,
If I would time expend with such a snipe, But for my sport and profit. “ (Pg. 665)
Simply put Iago explains that if it wasn’t for his plans and his desire for .....
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Number of words: 462 - Number of pages: 2.... to speak. Many people yell out when they are on a roller coaster or when their favorite football team wins a game. is often heard by cowboys in country movies. The word is not commonly used as a insult, it may be because of so many underachievers and the new slang. If someone wants to insult another person, usually more vulgar words are used. Many insulting words have evolved into very vulgar words and are used almost everyday.
For some reason that I have yet to find out, there is a web site on the internet called yahoo. The web site originally started at Stanford University, and the .....
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