Joy Luck Club
Number of words: 1006 - Number of pages: 4.... Jing Mei does not understand the culture and does not feel it is necessary to her life. When she grows up it is not "fashionable" to be called by your Chinese name (26). She doesn’t use, understand, or remember the Chinese expressions her mother did, claiming she "can never remember things [she] didn’t understand in the first place" (6). Jing Mei "begs" her mother "to buy [her] a transistor radio", but her mother refuses when she remembers something from her past, asking her daughter "Why do you think you are missing something you never had?" (13) Instead of viewing the situation from her .....
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Number of words: 1262 - Number of pages: 5.... fire and they tied her up, if they would’ve taken her to the hospital she would’ve been killed. What as freaky was how she could see that there were big flames and fires in their near destiny.
Eliezer’s Father never showed any emotion until their town was effects by the Nazis. He was strength for the Jewish community. He helped everyone prepare to be evacuated. He was a leader and he helped him neighbors and friends as much as he could. I knew when he was in the back yard talking while they were in the ghetto that something bad would happen, then the nazis come and take him a .....
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Number of words: 1087 - Number of pages: 4.... same level of existence. The motive for the evil he commits is none other than to commit evil. Thus beyond all of the reason and thought that he cloaks himself in, Iago is really a character that is truly dark at his core.
Iago is a character who believes that there is no such thing as virtue in any individual that he meets. His animalistic perspective of individuals lets him believe that everyone around him has the same self-serving attitude towards life as his own.
"When the blood is made dull with the act of sport, there should be game to inflame it and to give satiety a fresh a .....
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Lord Of The Flies 4
Number of words: 1555 - Number of pages: 6.... ethical citizen, intelligent and responsible but, on many occasions, is caught up in the opinion of others. The leadership that Ralph offers isn’t as stable and organized because he isn’t able to control the “littluns” and the others after a certain point. This is when the society that Ralph tries to create starts to break apart and Jack takes control.
Then immediately comes Piggy, a chubby asthmatic but intelligent kid, who becomes “friends” with Ralph. He is teased relentlessly by the other boys but is highly respected by Ralph for his ability to th .....
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Munros Trademarks
Number of words: 1345 - Number of pages: 5.... My best friend was also in the same math class that I was in but much to my surprise she on the other hand hated math class. Her dislike of math class was solely based on the fact that she didn't like our math teacher. She thought that our math teacher was a horrible teacher who couldn't teach and her attitude problems. It was quit astonishing how I could only concentrate on Ms. Smith's positive attributes while my best friend was only able to the negative things of our teacher. Now that I think back I realize that our grade eighth teacher had both the positive and negative attributes .....
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Macbeth As A Tragic Hero
Number of words: 766 - Number of pages: 3.... the idea constantly reappears, Macbeth’s new honors sit ill upon him, like loose and badly fitting garments, belonging to someone else:
New honors come upon him
Like strange garments,
Cleave not to their mould
But with the aid of use (I, iii, 144-145)
This passage is clearly demonstrating that Macbeth cannot fit in these garments. They are not meant to and the clothing imagery is therefor effective.
The second form of imagery used to add to the atmosphere is the imagery of darkness. Macbeth, a Shakespearean tragedy contains and demonstrates the darkness in a tragedy. In .....
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Continental Drift
Number of words: 3066 - Number of pages: 12.... in his life in his attempt to become a good man. Bob wants to become a mythical male, "handsome, of course, and sexy and good-humored; he’s not rich, not yet, {…} he’s kind and gentle, tender to women, children and animals, without being sentimental, however, because after all, he’s a "man’s man" as well; he’s a stern yet jocular father to his children, and he can take care of his wife too, can assume a custodial role in her life, honoring and attending to all her needs," (Banks, 133). Odysseus represents the benchmark in Bob’s quest to rise above the mult .....
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Lennies Guilt In Of Mice And M
Number of words: 556 - Number of pages: 3.... few times throughout the story, especially near the end, Lennie realizes how much of a burden he is on George. George had always taken care of Lennie. Even when times were rough, George always made sure that Lennie was alright. Although most of the bad events the had taken place were Lennie's fault, George protected Lennie from people and things that might have caused him harm. George tells Lennie that he could have a wonderful time without him. Lennie knows that this is true. George could do many activities that he cannot do without having to watch out for Lennie constantly. He
c .....
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The Great Gatsby 5
Number of words: 695 - Number of pages: 3.... him in the least. Gatsby's whole efforts in this book are focused on trying to bring him and Daisy back to the point of time before he joined the army except this time, he has enough money for her. Gatsby says it himself (on page 111), "Can't repeat the past? Why of course you can!" Judging by Gatsby's death at the end of the novel, Fitzgerald didn't feel that such optimism was worthwhile.
Daisy is the woman Gatsby is trying to win back and coincidentally she is also Nick's second cousin. Daisy doesn't have a strong will and she cracks under pressure as is shown late in the book in th .....
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And Then There Were None
Number of words: 663 - Number of pages: 3.... queer..."
Anthony Marston
He's a character that uses brawn over brain. He's also is very gullible so anything you tell him. He'll most likely to believe it. He was brought to Indian Island because he ran over 2 kids. "His stunning strength proved pitiful inadequate against that of his unknown adversary."
Emily Brent
She like to keep everything secretive. She's too worried about trusting people. Many people refer to her as insane for the reason that she hides her emotions and prefers to be alone. She was brought to Indian Island for the reason that she refused to help a 13 year old girl .....
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