Beauty When The Other Dancer I
Number of words: 781 - Number of pages: 3.... she didn't feel that she is that cute little girl anymore who was able to amaze the audience with her long Easter speeches. Furthermore, she started doing poorly at school, her contact with others ended, she did not stare at anyone anymore because she stopped raising her head up, students in her new school made fun of her. Her relatives kept telling that she did not change at all. Although, they knew that Alice changed.
Throughout the story the reader sees that Alice felt bad about herself. She had a great lack of confidence. Walker's fixation throughout life made her an oversensitive .....
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Oedipus Rex 6
Number of words: 549 - Number of pages: 2.... he was doing good for his people as well as himself, but eventually it brought him shame. Oedipus was humiliated and disgusted and stated, “…kill me; or hurl me into the sea, away from men’s eyes for ever(p882, 183).” Oedipus’ wanted to be isolated from the people of Thebes because all his respect and fame was destroyed by his fate.
Oedipus’ fate caused him to isolate himself by blinding himself. Ironically, when Oedipus had his sight, he didn’t know the truth about the murder or even his life. He thought a group of bandits killed Laios and tha .....
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Ovid The Poet
Number of words: 1815 - Number of pages: 7.... 785). When his formal training was complete, Ovid studied philosophy. Ovid then came home to start a serious career.
"It did not work. Fathers of poets seem to have a penchant for trying to turn their male offspring into lawyers, doctors, or engineers. Usually this stratagem is effective because most sons are not poets. Most fathers confronted with the problem of a versifying son, therefore, turn out to be right; Ovid's father turned out to be wrong" (Luce 785).
Ovid sincerely attempted to satisfy the demands of his father, but failed horribly. He abandoned his law studies and he drifted off .....
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The Stories Of A People
Number of words: 2437 - Number of pages: 9.... possess or at one time possessed and lived in terms of myths. Myths are different from fairy tales in that they refer to a time that is different from ordinary time. The time sequence of myth takes place usually in; an other time, the time before the world came into being, long before there was man, or long ago in a far away galaxy. Because myths refer to strange times and places, and to gods and other supernatural beings, they have usually been seen as aspects of religion. In the following paragraphs I, Scott Huan, will briefly illustrate some of the most important/common aspects of myt .....
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Monkey Island And Missing May
Number of words: 348 - Number of pages: 2.... lost. They were both caught in a world of disillusion and denial. Ob couldn't believe that May was gone and Clay's mother had a baby coming and was terribly confused. In the end, they both seemed to find peace.
I preferred Monkey Island because it seemed the most real to me. I couldn't "exactly" relate but I know what it feels like to be alone and scared. A friend and I were once homeless for a day. We went to New York with two dollars and a blanket. It was the most horrible experience of my life. I was cold and hungry and then it had to start raining. More than ever, I just wanted to be in .....
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Creon As Antigones Tragic Figu
Number of words: 1115 - Number of pages: 5.... (ll. 450-454)
Creon ignores the insight of her comment and likens Antigone to nothing more than a wild horse and a slave. (ll. 477-479) By disregarding her observation, he shows us that he truly does believe his word can refute that of the gods. He is set in his belief that his authority overrides the importance of spiritual tradition and divine order.
The second passionate challenge to Creon’s decision is his own son. Haemon attempts to offer his father advice rather than directly challenging him, but a fierce argument ensues. Haemon acts as an advocate for himself, his fia .....
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Professor Soruco As A Consumer
Number of words: 371 - Number of pages: 2.... his wife. Not too much working out though, Dr.Soruco likes to relax and watch his big screen, surround sound TV. Many weekend nights are filled with wonderful dinners at Monty's, China Grill, or other fancy romantic restaurants. Dr. Soruco loves to dance as well.
If Dr. Soruco were to go on a vacation, he would choose an exotic and romantic place overseas. A vacation place would vary from somewhere like France, Spain or Portugal to Hawaii or Australia. Many trips to museums would take place and Dr.Soruco would spend money on bringing back souviniers for all of his close family. Also, .....
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Blind Obedience
Number of words: 695 - Number of pages: 3.... The author is able to assume that we all share common experiences from our youth and our days in grade school, introducing the characters with a minimum of prose. The major theme is critiquing education systems that teach children what to think by repetition and memorization. Clavell uses the story to point out how that makes individuals vulnerable to manipulation.
How many education systems look at the students as individuals? Most education systems lump all the students into a nameless, impersonal mass. In the story, the “old” teacher doesn’t always remember the students name .....
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Jane Eyre - Fire And Water
Number of words: 1557 - Number of pages: 6.... "The fire is in Jane’s spirit and in Rochester’s eyes…St. John Rivers contains the icy waters that would put out fire, destroy passion" (Solomon, 73). As Jane wanders between these two points of temptation throughout the novel, the accompanying imagery of fire and water is most significant to the understanding of the themes and concerns of the novel. Bronte uses fire imagery to develop Jane’s character throughout the novel. As the novel progresses, the corresponding imagery changes to show different aspects of Jane’s nature. In the beginning, Jane’s overly passionate nature .....
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The True Witchcraft Trials
Number of words: 464 - Number of pages: 2.... She is expressing her need to act her age and to break out of the restrictions of Puritan law. Her struggle is to do what she wants in a society that believes in ordering her around.
It becomes obvious soon after the trials started that many people were going to be falsely accused by their neighbors as a method of revenge, and as an outlet for their maliciousness. When Abigail uses this case to attack Rebecca Nurse, one of the best Puritans in the Salem, John Proctor begins his efforts to stop the injustice. This increases when Elizabeth Proctor is tried and sentenced to death. This is John P .....
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