Lord Of The Flies Passage Anal
Number of words: 546 - Number of pages: 2.... shows he is changing into an unadmitting fool because he chooses not to see reality due to fear.
The use of diction is also vital to the development of the characters in Lord of the Flies. The passage opens with Ralph “smudging the sweat from his face with a dirty forearm.” This conveys to the reader an exhausted boy who is at wit’s end. The words “smudging,” “sweat,” and “dirty,” connote savagery, and they show Ralph’s animalistic characteristics coming out. He has changed from a polished, civilized boy to a dirty savage since the arrival on the island. Ralph als .....
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Character Sketch Of Mr. Pignatti
Number of words: 337 - Number of pages: 2.... they want. Their parents never did that. As time goes on the
Lorriane and John grow more attached to Mr. Pignatti to the point of love.
While he is fooling around in his child like way Mr. Pignatti over exerts
him self and has a heart attack.
Mr. Pignatti must stay at the hospital to recover, amazingly he
gives the keys to John and Lorriane! Their parents would never let them
have the house for a week. Mr. Pignatti comes home and day early and finds
his house a mess he is very devastated. The next day John, Lorriane and Mr.
Pignatti go to the zoo to visit Boob. When Mr. Pignatti fi .....
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Number of words: 987 - Number of pages: 4.... s mind the witches sort of showed his conscious escaping. Also to show human weakness or temptation, which gives the audience, a lot to listen for.
The witches appearing in Act 1 had a huge affect on the story line. Even before we meet the witches we know the next few minuets will be very important, because of the significant weather change. You notice it has become very dark and tense this instantly makes the audience aware of their surroundings. When you do meet the witches you notice a good use of pathetic fallacy because the sky is dark and gray and so is the mood of the characters.
When .....
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The Scarlet Letter (colors)
Number of words: 352 - Number of pages: 2.... people may do as they wish.
The color gold is of dominance in this novel. It is used frequently to describe richness and luxuriance. “On the breast of her gown, in fine red cloth surrounded with an elaborate embroidery and fantastic flourishes of gold thread, appeared the letter ‘A.’” (60)
However, it carries an even more important reference to the sun in chapter sixteen, the sun also symbolizing guilt-free happiness. Pearl seems to absorb the sunlight while it flees from Hester and her mark of sin. In chapter eighteen, the two colors, green and gold, intertwines and .....
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A Fantasy Story
Number of words: 1974 - Number of pages: 8.... seen as we landed on the planet. This planet was weird, it was very dry and there looked like there was no source of water because of how dry it was. As we looked over the canyon I told my brother Jack, “Look how deep the canyon is, and how steep.” He replied, “Yea dude, it looks pretty nasty down there. I think we should just go and tell mom and dad that this place it pretty weird and we can’t live here.” I agreed with him for once in a long time, so we headed back to the starship to take off. We got back to the ship and those a couple of those creatures we had saw spotted us and .....
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Flowers For Algernon
Number of words: 972 - Number of pages: 4.... throughout his development, and helps him realise things about the world and himself that he never knew before.
Ms Kinnian cares deeply for Charlie, in this radio play, she believes Charlie is a " very fine person," but Charlie feels more than respect for Ms Kinnian. As Charlie's emotions develop, he realises that he is "in love with Ms Kinnian." It is questionable, however, if Charlie really does love Ms Kinnian, or just thinks he does for she is the one person that understands him.
In the beginning of the radio play, Charlie believes he has wonderful friends, who he has fun .....
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Brave New World
Number of words: 1281 - Number of pages: 5.... society of people all being alike. The year is A.F. 632 (After Ford; Ford is the equivalent to God in ) and with the available technology, citizens are mass produced. Island is a product of the rethinking of Huxley’s utopia. The ideas are a lot more real because the people are just ordinary human beings. Both of these novels have an underlying theme in common. The stability of Huxley’s utopian societies are centered around the loss of individualism. Individuals are considered a threat in Huxley’s utopian novels. In the novel Island, the utopian society is on a small island, name .....
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Les Liaisons Dangereuses
Number of words: 735 - Number of pages: 3.... of surrender, the more relentless is the pursuit.
The story begins with the Marquise de Merteuil corresponding with Vicomte de Valmont regarding a luscious new act of ‘revenge’, as she describes it, against the Comte de Gercourt. The young Cecile de Volanges has just come home from the convent and her marriage to Gercourt has been arranged. However, before he can wed the innocent child, Merteuil proposes Valmont ‘educate’ her, thus spoiling Gercourt’s fancy for untarnished convent girls. Valmont is uninterested in such an easy seduction and is far more aroused by the thought of l .....
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Generosity, Courage, And Strength In Beowulf
Number of words: 699 - Number of pages: 3.... might be remembered for his lack of charity instead, and that would be the equivalent of going to hell for the early Anglo-Saxons. Everyone wanted to be remembered, but only for admirable things. Being remembered for a shameful life would be much worse than dying.
Yea, death is better
for liegemen all than a life of shame!
Next, courage and strength were also looked highly upon during these pre-medieval times. In our time courage is often seen as foolish or ostentatious, while during Beowulf’s time it was seen as admirable and praiseworthy.
‘Twas now, men say, in .....
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Analysis Of Nathaniel Hawthorn
Number of words: 449 - Number of pages: 2.... became strangely withered and dried up, as with a week’s sunshine" (246) symbolizes the hellish powers of the devil.
Young Goodman Brown plays the middle man within the story. He is married to a beautiful wife and is urged to become bad in the hellish forest. He also finds that his religion teacher, Goody Cloyse, and the church minister, Deacon Gookin, was in this forest. Young Goodman Brown faces an internal conflict with good and evil. Hawthorne writes, "With Heaven above, and Faith below, I will yet stand firm against the devil" lets you know that Young Goodman Brown is stro .....
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