Leadership In Oedpius
Number of words: 1074 - Number of pages: 4.... of revelation, to learn there, if he can, What act or pledge of mine may save the city."(Sophocles pg 153) Once Creon returns with the message from the Oracle, Oedipus springs into action when he says, "I make this proclamation to all Thebans: If any man knows by whose hand Laios, son of Labdakos, met his death, I direct that man to tell me everything, no matter what he fears for having so long withheld it. Let it stand as promised that no further trouble will come to him, but he may leave the land in safety. Moreover: If anyone knows the murderer to be foreign, let him not keep silent: .....
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Sister Carrie
Number of words: 939 - Number of pages: 4.... something. New York ‘s character is different. It’s a city of lies, fall, impersonal isolation of "walled city where surviving is much more difficult than in Chicago. In New York, Hurstwood means nothing. The setting creates different expectations to people. During the reading of "", I was interested in searching and revealing the different kinds of desire. Generally we can say that Dreiser deals with the desire of wealth, social status, material things which are represented by money. Within this generalization, we can find and identify many other faces and forms of lu .....
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In Despair About Nothing
Number of words: 1348 - Number of pages: 5.... the existence of nothing: “Some lived in it and never felt it but he knew it all was nada y pues nada y pues nada y pues nada” (202). As existentialists, men are forced to make all decisions in their lives for themselves, with nothing to believe in except for the positive result of their choices. Existentialists are plagued with dread over their potential confrontation with nothingness, an anxiety that comes with the impossibility of finding ultimate justification for the choices they must make. In contrast, men of religious faith have little fear of nothingness because they b .....
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Number of words: 1714 - Number of pages: 7.... require parameters that further define what the command should do. An expression is a combination of operators and arguments that create a result. Expressions can be used as values in any command. Examples of expressions include arithmetic, relational comparisons, and string concatenations.
The basic form of a script for Dial-Up Networking follows:
; A comment begins with a semi-colon and extends to
; the end of the line.
proc main
; A script can have any number of variables
; and commands
variable declarations
command block
A script must have a main procedure, spec .....
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Number of words: 328 - Number of pages: 2.... for hundreds of years, and when it couldn’t get any worse, they found and fought with their leaders for what they believed in, freedom. Both the Egyptians and Hitler oppressed Jews for 5000 years, when he decided to wipe out their entire race. Women were oppressed for many years until they decided to fight for equality. is hatred, but must not be confused with prejudice. In the above examples, these people were pushed down further and further until they took a stand for what they believed in.
still exists today everywhere you go. It exists in anything that involves power. seeks .....
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Political, Social And Moral Me
Number of words: 1175 - Number of pages: 5.... Each side sets up a border patrol with mild protection. Over the course of the book, the weapons get more complicated and powerful until each side invents "the bitsy big-boy boomeroo," a very powerful bomb. Each side is ready to destroy the other when the books ends. These groups could represent the nuclear opponents of the time, mainly the United States and Russia. "In this book Dr. Seuss turns didactic and calls up many moral arguments adults make against nuclear proliferation." (Lystad 1) This book "ends without resolution of the issues" (Lystad 2) and leaves it up to the reade .....
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As Night And Day And The Heir
Number of words: 637 - Number of pages: 3.... away would make him lead a guilt free life. While leaving the house the voice of his grandfather stayed in his mind. He remembered his grandfather saying: “Everything in here is yours.” (Kiwon 494) Sogun knew what he did was wrong and what he did wrong led to Sokpae’s death. And for this he left so that he could not cause anymore problems or troubles to his grandfather and his uncle. His guilty conscience had overcame him making him feel like everything would have been better if he hadn’t gone to live with his grandfather.
In the story, “As the Night the Day” Kojo broke th .....
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The Crucible - Comparing Play And Movie
Number of words: 982 - Number of pages: 4.... in the movie as opposed to the play. First, the large group of "stricken" girls, which indeed had a greater number than did the group in the play, left the church meeting at the beginning of the movie to see about Betty's condition. Betty seemed to be much more violent in the movie and she tried to jump out of the window, which did not occur in the play. These details were most likely added to augment the idea of "mass hysteria." A scene was added in the movie, showing the hangings and cheers of the crowd watching, also to add to that effect.
Next, Tituba was not whipped into confes .....
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Marvells To His Coy Mistress A
Number of words: 927 - Number of pages: 4.... to take things as they come and enjoy them. This theme relates to all aspects of life, not just sex.
The rhyme scheme follows a standard AA, BB, CC, etc., couplet pattern. A few of the lines are irregular however. Lines 23 and 24 rhyme “lie” with “eternity,” and lines 27 and 28 rhyme “try” with “virginity.” It is interesting to not that lie rhymes with try, just as eternity rhymes with virginity. Marvell used this technique to change up the systemic flow of the rest of the poem. By highlighting these two couplets, the symbolism of tho .....
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Story Of An Hour
Number of words: 449 - Number of pages: 2.... the situation where she has longed for. ree, free, free! 71) The first voice of protest breaks out after those tedious, miserable years. Now she realizes the feeling approaching her and possessing her occupies her entire soul and body: his possession of self-assertion which she suddenly recognized as the strongest impulse of her being. Free! Body and soul free! 72) These unbelievably radical words show her enormous hunger for freedom, her strong wish to be herself again. Her husband sudden death has made her lifetime emotional torment come to an end, and she can be as free as a man now. .....
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