Yosano Akiko
Number of words: 541 - Number of pages: 2.... of the misery and pain he will put his wife and mother through if he dies, and how it will be hard for them to continue life without him.
I think the reason the brother wants to go and fight in the war is because he wants to be remembered as a great fighter of a war. Like in line 22, it says, "In death is your glory," the brother knows the consequences of going off to war. I think the brother sees it as the thing to do for his country, and the sister sees it as just suicide. She even says in lines 18 - 20, to let the emperor and other people go and die, but not her brother. .....
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April Morning
Number of words: 228 - Number of pages: 1.... to sign that muster book then and
there, I would have lost a son. Is that what you want? But I saw him there so
tall and strong I could have wept. You can't shelter him. There comes a time,
and this is that time" (page 75.)
I think that Moses had to die in order for the story to continue because
if he had lived I don't think that the Battle would have been such a alarming
experience for Adam, and because of the traumaticness of watching his father's
death Adam was able to grow up and become more of a man.
Some of the actions of Moses's death were Adam went into a state of almost
sh .....
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Odysseus: Heroes
Number of words: 779 - Number of pages: 3.... that did great things. In The Odyssey he
conquers a monster using smarts and strength. He also looks out for his crew
mates. He is faithful to his wife, well, in his mind he is. He kills many men
on his own in a battle at his home. He cries a couple of times in the story,
showing sensitivity. Overall, Odysseus is a brave and caring human that is a
little too conceited He is also very smart, like in the book when Odysseus said,
"He thought he'd find out, but I saw through him."(on page 750 line723.) Also
like most epic heroes Odysseus is physically strong, like when Odysseus said, "I .....
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Oscar Romero
Number of words: 569 - Number of pages: 3.... Grande, was murdered. Romero had known him. Now he observed that there was no official inquiry. He recognized that power lay in the hands of violent men, and that they murdered with impunity. The wealthy sanctioned the violence that maintained them. Death squads committed murder in the cities while soldiers killed as they wished in the countryside.
When a new government, which represented many powerful interests was elected it was seen to be by fraud. There was talk of revolution. More and more Romero committed himself to the poor and the persecuted, and he became the instigator for moral .....
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Famous Last Words
Number of words: 1252 - Number of pages: 5.... of who we are afraid. Not a Hitler who drives us to our feet. But an emblem whose magnetism pulls us upward." (180) The Duke sees himself as being more powerful and influential, more of a leader, than either Hitler or Mussolini. He compares his potential leadership to that of a country’s flag- someone people will respect and admire. He truly believes he can be their new leader and puts himself on a pedestal. The Duke and Duchess posses many secrets. Findley explains how, "…an agent of Churchill’s [was]-- playing on David’s [Duke’s] drunkenness to discover how deep his tr .....
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Inner Cities
Number of words: 268 - Number of pages: 1.... as it does not harm anyone. This is exposed in the novel when Scout is about to shoot the Mockingbird and Atticus halts him.
It is also a symbol for security and happiness. In the novel, when the mockingbird is singing everything is okay and everyone is happy. When it is not singing it is significant. The atmosphere is tense. Two examples of this from the novel are the rabid dog in the street (Part 1) and the court case (Part 2)
In the novel some of the characters are like mockingbirds. Tom Robinson was one of these characters as he was an innocent figure, he didn't harm anyone and .....
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Critical Analysis Of "Identity Crisis" And "Oppositional Dress"
Number of words: 785 - Number of pages: 3.... Gay Liberation Movement, the Punk movement, and the Skin Heads, who can
all be seen in some form today. In mainstream american culture some individual
sub cultures do get lost in the mainstream, but are not forgotten, however most
oppositional cultures resist assimilation into the main steam and continue to
define themselves on their own terms.
In Ibelema's essay, he says that the mainstream culture is so strong that
individual cultures assimilate into it. This proposition is not completely
correct. The examples Ibelema uses are derived from situation comedies that are
directed at a cr .....
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King Lear, William Shakespeare
Number of words: 1416 - Number of pages: 6.... "Out of my sight!," to which Kent responds, "See better, Lear,
and let me still remain" (I.i.160). Here, Lear is saying he never
wants to see Kent again, but he could never truly see him for who he
was. Kent was only trying to do what was best for Lear, but Lear could
not see that. Kent's vision is not clouded, as is Lear's, and he knows
that he can remain near Lear as long as he is in disguise. Later,
Lear's vision is so superficial that he is easily duped by the
physical garments and simple disguise that Kent wears. Lear cannot see
who Kent really. He only learns of Kent .....
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Scarlett Letter 2
Number of words: 1137 - Number of pages: 5.... still my father – what is this being which I have brought into the world” (Hawthorne 89)? Pearl would harass her mother Piyasena/Pine 2 over the scarlet “A” she wore. In time, Hester was subjected to so much ridicule from Pearl and others that she was forced into seclusion. Pearl represents the sins of both Hester and Dimmesdale. Pearl is said to be the direct consequence of sin (Martin 108). Their sins include lying to the people about the affair that led to Pearl. Hester realizes what Pearl represents when she does not hold Pearl up in front of the “A.” S .....
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Lord Of The Flies - Analyzing
Number of words: 825 - Number of pages: 3.... perhaps they will not be rescued at all. By insisting that the children should keep the fire going, he creates an external conflict with Jack whose values are different. Jack is enjoying life as a leader of the savages, and he fears that fire will possibly end his authoritarian rule over the savages. Both conflicts are resolved when Ralph finally meets the naval officer.
Ralph is one of the few boys who realize that the only way to survive is through peace and order. Because he summons the boys at the beginning of the novel with the conch he and Piggy find, they look upon him as th .....
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