Ethan Frome
Number of words: 1471 - Number of pages: 6.... captain of the football team, so no one suspected a thing.
One night though, Amber went too far, and when she came home drunk and passed out on her bed, she scared her parents half to death. It was a rough patch in her life, and hurting her family like that made it even rougher.
Autumn never told anyone, but one of her greatest fears was losing all of her friends by getting too wrapped up in a boy. It seemed like it all just happened so fast, and in just one day Autumn’s friends decided that they were sick of being put second to Autumn’s relationship with her b .....
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Ethan Frome By Edith Wharton
Number of words: 1005 - Number of pages: 4.... Ethan's lack of financial means and Zeena's health are factors that will never allow him to leave Starkfield. Unable to find any solutions to this problem, Ethan and Mattie decide to commit suicide by sledding
into a tree. They figure it is the only way they can be together. The attempt fails, and the two are left paralyzed. Now Ethan's wife must care for the two for the rest of their lives.
There were many themes found in Ethan Frome, but the greatest of them all is loneliness and isolation. In college Ethan acquired the nickname "Old Stiff" because he rarely went out with the .....
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Iliad By Homer
Number of words: 1596 - Number of pages: 6.... might be trying to get across might be trying to favor Troy. It could easily be imagined that throughout time, only great things were heard about the Greeks mettle in war, and that Homer is attempting to balance the scales a bit by romanticizing the Trojan peoples, especially Hector, and bringing to light the lesser-heard tales of Greek stupidity. Shortly into Book Two, Agamemnon gives the speech to his assembly about his plan to rally the troops with reverse psychology. Agamemnon shall announce he is giving up on takingTroy, whereupon the individual army captains will then "prevent their doi .....
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Crying Of Lot 49
Number of words: 1322 - Number of pages: 5.... the Demon gained about what molecules were where¡¨ (p.105). Oedipa¡¦s purpose in the novel, besides executing a will, is to find meaning in a life dominated by assaults on people¡¦s perceptions through the use of drugs and the muting of communications. Entangled in this chaos, Oedipa has to do what the Maxwell¡¦s Demon does: sort useful facts from useless ones. Pynchon involves his audience in that they also have to interpret countless symbols and metaphors to arrive at a meaning.
One of the most effective techniques that Pychon uses to involve the reader in his fictional w .....
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Oedipus The King
Number of words: 493 - Number of pages: 2.... as in his conflict with Tiresias the blind prophet, Oedipus became rigid and refused to see the problem on any one else’s terms except his own. Oedipus only wanted things to go the way he thought they should go. Whatever stood in his way he tried to overcome publicly and without any compromise from the opposing party, which was illustrated in his argument in front of the palace with Creon over the murder of the former King Laius. Ultimately his attitude of confidence with no compromises contributed to his disastrous and sad end. In most cases, intelligence and diligence are valu .....
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Voltaire's Candide: Satirical Literature
Number of words: 730 - Number of pages: 3.... assumed he was the thief. She said that because the reverend slept in the same inn, and had been in their room that night, that he must have stolen the money and diamonds. The reverends affliction with the church did not phase her at all. Not surprisingly, it turns out that it is the Reverend Friar who stole Lady Cunegonde's money and diamonds.
Another great example of Volatires prejudice is shown when Cacambo is talking to Candide about Paraguay. Cacambo is going on and on about how wonderful it is and how they have a great government and how "the Fathers have everything, the people have not .....
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The Great Gatsby(symbolism)
Number of words: 522 - Number of pages: 2.... to eventually reach his goal. In his time everyone had this AAmerican Dream@ but only those few who took the time to do the work were rewarded with the fulfillment of their dream(Fitzgerald 181).
The acquisition of his wealth and material possessions was only the first step in his two-part dream. The second goal was winning back his first love Daisy Fay from Tom Buchanan. Money was the only way he thought he could win her back. Now that he was on her level monetary wise, he moved in to try to gain back the love that they had felt for each other. Although this may sound as if he were trying .....
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Oedipus Rex
Number of words: 740 - Number of pages: 3.... Laius and became the king of Thebes and married after answering the riddle.
After Oedipus became King his kingdom was hit by a plague and the only way to stop the plague was to avenge Laius’ death by executing or exiling his killer. Oedipus’ brother-in-law Creon tells him to ask the prophet, Tiresias, who the killer is. Tiresias tells Oedipus that he does not want to know who the killer is, but Oedipus keeps on Tiresias until he tells Oedipus that,
"I charge you, then, submit to that decree you just laid down: from this day onward speak to no one, not these citizens, nor myse .....
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The Joy Luck Club Anthro
Number of words: 2672 - Number of pages: 10.... was a symbol of all the hopes and dreams that the mother wanted to give to her daughter. This woman crossing a vast ocean, with only the company of a swan, yet she is not scared. She has dreams for her daughter, and this dream is the driving force of her actions. She is moved to realize this dream, that she is not even aware of the potential bad outcomes. There is no talk about hoping to have a daughter it says I will have a daughter just like me, and she will always be to full to swallow any sorrow. There is no single thought of failure in her mind. Her dreams have instilled in her .....
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The Untrusted Suitor - The Ody
Number of words: 932 - Number of pages: 4.... suitors in the book.
To upset either Penelope or Telemakos would only jeopardize his chance at becoming the next husband. That is why the book shows Eurymakos behaving wisely to Penelope and son. On one hand, Eurymakos seems genuine to the needs of both Penelope and Telemakos. When Telemakos feels as if his home is in havoc, Eurymakos assures him that he himself is only interested in his mother and does not wish to consume the property. Eurymakos also tries to comfort Penelope when she fears her son is in danger by telling her that he will see that no harm will come to Telemakos. As h .....
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