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Term Papers on English

Beowulf 3
Number of words: 1229 - Number of pages: 5

.... in someone with low self-esteem or someone who didn’t believe in themselves. The people need assurance and they found that assurance in Beowulf. Beowulf reassures his people that the Dragon will be dealt with and gives them courage to withstand this threat. “ I lived in my youth through hard war-moments--- now here I am ready battle weary king battered with winters for final glory-time if that grim hall burner will come to meet me from his mound of gold” (pg. 81). Beowulf wants to reassure his people that he can once again succeed in defeating his enemies. The people .....

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Red Badge Of Courage 2
Number of words: 732 - Number of pages: 3

.... stages that Henry goes through during the story. Henry feels isolated by his cowardly actions. Trying to justify his act of running, he compares himself to a squirrel that ran from an acorn that he had just thrown. By saying that it was just because of the natural inclination of self-preservation, Henry makes himself feel a little better, but there is still that element of unclarity that he faces. That element however will be a Godsend to Henry, because it will indirectly leads him to his next stage of his consciencenes, acceptance of the war. Before he reaches that next stage of enl .....

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MACBETH, Analysis Of Come You
Number of words: 584 - Number of pages: 3

.... that the reader sees Lady Macbeth as more of an evil character, which in her own way conjures evil spirits. In the first part of the second line Lady Macbeth says, “That tend on mortal thought.” Literally, it means that she wants the evil spirits that wait on thoughts of murder or death to come to her. This phrase foreshadows the many deaths that await us by the end of the novel. By mentioning the spirits of death, Shakespeare prepares the readers for what is coming up next. By now, we are able to recognize Lady Macbeth’s nature. Her thoughts are bombarded with dark images and he .....

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The Myth Of Perfection
Number of words: 1278 - Number of pages: 5

.... or hot and cold. We can only perceive changes or comparisons based on what we already know. Through experience, we can tell what is hotter or colder, but never actually tell what the absolutes are. This is a central aspect of what makes perfection impossible to achieve. What exactly is perfection? Seeing as we have no inherent knowledge of what is perfect or imperfect, these ideals are usually set by the expectations of others who are in positions of control over us. Therein lies one of the fundamental dangers in attempting to achieve perfection. When the aims and goals of o .....

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Lord Of The Flies
Number of words: 529 - Number of pages: 2

.... all lined up like the keys on a keyboard. The diction he uses in this poem really lets you understand the differences between black and white in the African town of Rhodesia. The author uses great detail to describe his poem. For example he writes, “ Rhodesia, sweaty flank of the world,” which lets the reader understand that Rhodesia is a hot place. He also writes, “I read as quietly as they lay.” This means that he is reading as quietly as the dead Africans lay, meaning very very quietly. The detail the author uses helps the reader tremendously understand the poem and the setti .....

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The House On Mango Street
Number of words: 714 - Number of pages: 3

.... and vulnerable. In 'Cathy Queen of Cats' Esperanza's gullibility is obvious when Cathy tells Esperanza that "...[her] father will have to fly to France one day and find her...cousin...and inherit the family house. How do I know this is so? She told me so.". Another error in trusting others is that Esperanza is susceptible to betrayal. In 'Red Clowns' Esperanza is betrayed by Sally because Sally told Esperanza that the circus would be a fun experience, but instead she was raped. Esperanza blames Sally, the magazines, and the movies for lying to her about the circus. .....

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Analysis Of Platos Simile Of T
Number of words: 631 - Number of pages: 3

.... government today, many similarities can be seen. Citizens of our nation today are often “blinded” from the truths that are presented before them. They live their lives from day to day just knowing and accepting what is being presented to them blindly and have no concept of the reality that lies behind what they are presented. Unless these people are freed and allowed to find the truth for themselves, this is the way that they will always live their life. Plato symbolizes this by suggesting that one of these men is freed and ventures out of the cave into the light, or the world ab .....

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An Essay On Equus
Number of words: 710 - Number of pages: 3

.... would take away part of the person he is, part of the character he has developed and most important, the God he worships. When Equus leaves - if he lives at all - it will be with your intestines in his teeth...I’ll give him the good, normal world...and give him normal places for his ecstasy... Passion, you see, can be destroyed by a doctor it cannot be created.” Pages 92 & 93* Alan’s love for horses develops into devotion, a religious passion for the horses as all-powerful Gods. As Dysart envies Alan’s passion for horses, a type of passion that he knows .....

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The Great Gatsby - The Green L
Number of words: 1219 - Number of pages: 5

.... for most of us it is difficult to acquire all that is wanted. It is like the saying, "So close but yet so far away." There is money everywhere we go, but it's hard to get it. We can't just rob a bank, we have to earn our own assets. And in the same context, Gatsby could not go kidnap Daisy, he had to woo her and win her love. Color symbolism is really popular in novels written during the 1920's. One such example is Scott Fitzgerald's novel The Great Gatsby. There is much color symbolism in this novel, but there are two main colors that stand out more than the others. The colors green .....

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Fahrenheit51 4 8
Number of words: 701 - Number of pages: 3

.... this was almost the same as what was going on around him, as he wrote in his Coda, "There is more than one way to burn a book. And the world is full of people running about with lit matches. Every minority...feels it has the will, the right, the duty to douse the kerosene, light the fuse." To Bradbury ripping a page or even a paragraph from a book was one of the worst sins imaginable. One of the main characters in this book was named Faber, he was an elderly man who loved books but was too cowardly to join the underground movement of the book people. At one point in time Faber had be .....

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