Power 2
Number of words: 1274 - Number of pages: 5.... away someone’s name if they have disgraced their family and/or community. A name is very significant because it gives a person a sense of who they are, an identity. In “No Name Woman”, Kingston’s aunt had no identity except for the story her mother told her and in “Mary” Marguerite’s new boss, Mrs. Cullinan changed her name to Mary which then, in a way, removed Marguerite’s original identity and gave her a new one, one she didn’t want.
By changing Marguerite’s name, Mrs. Cullinan proves how much power she has over a little black .....
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Number of words: 1203 - Number of pages: 5.... lies within the first stanza of .
Any more, black shoe
In which I have lived like a foot
For thirty years, poor and white
Barely daring to breathe or Achoo.
Here the persona uses the simile "like a foot" to compare herself to a foot. Metaphorically she is describing how she has had to live her life without her father, entrapped in black sadness like how a foot is tightly enclosed within a shoe. The reader is positioned to see that life can become very grim growing up without an important figure in a person's life such as their father.
The second part of Daddy deals with World War II .....
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Pride And Prejudice
Number of words: 1383 - Number of pages: 6.... she overhears the comments he has made about her, she is anything but drawn to the man.
“Mr. Darcy walked off; and Elizabeth remained with no very cordial feelings towards him.(pg.12)”
The two seem destined to become worst enemies, in fact they seem to become anything but a couple in love, which is exactly what they end up to be.
Soon after their original meeting at the ball, Elizabeth and Darcy’s paths cross again. This time it is at the home of the Bingleys where Darcy is staying, and where Elizabeth comes to visit Jane, her ill sister. When Darcy see her this time, his .....
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Hamlet - A Comparison To Human
Number of words: 976 - Number of pages: 4.... What we have in the exploration and implicit
criticism of a particular state of mind or consciousness.In
Hamlet, Shakespeare uses a series of encounters to reveal the
complex state of the human mind, made up of reason, emotion,
and attitude towards the self, to allow the reader to make a
judgment or form an opinion about fundamental aspects of human
life. (192)
Shakespeare sets the stage for Hamlet's internal dilemma in
Act 1, Scene 5 of Hamlet when the ghost of Hamlet's father appears and .....
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The Sacred Pipe
Number of words: 723 - Number of pages: 3.... a chance and it turned out to be a good gamble. That was becuase this book was different in the sense that it got way more in-depth with the beliefs and different legends of the native Americans than all other books that I have read. That provided a new outlook and different feel which helped keep my attention.
What I also found interesting was the similarity of the religious beliefs that these particular native Americans had to Seventh day Adventism. Not so much that they belived in the same people or the same bible that we believe in but like I mentioned the God that they believed in, .....
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Singing To Cuba
Number of words: 598 - Number of pages: 3.... be taking a step so bold and defiant." This statement alone proves that not only does he wear the piece of jewelry for his love of god, but also to show his resistance towards the rules. Another big example of resistant behavior is the meer fact that the two family members converse openly throughout the story. Foreigners and natives are not allowed to speak at all in Cuba, and by conversing the two are leaving themselves at severe risk of being punished. These types of "little resistive fights" occur through the entirety of the story, one building to another.
Through resistance, the c .....
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Lesson Before Dying
Number of words: 803 - Number of pages: 3.... (Gaines 7-8). At one point in the novel, Jefferson smashes his face into his food and begins eating it as if he were a hog. He does this, because of the attorney's rash, insensitive and cruel remarks. This event marks the beginning of Jefferson's decline of self-respect and gradually decreases his belief in heaven and God. With the help of Grant, his beliefs are slowly altered and his self-worth is steadily improved.
"For the Reverend Ambrose, what matters is not whether Jefferson affirms his human dignity but whether he finds salvation" (Kenny 683). The fact that the Reverend doesn't c .....
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Death Of A Salesman - Analysis
Number of words: 740 - Number of pages: 3.... husband. Ending on a sad note, the flute appears in time of odd emotions. In the beginning of the play, a state of confusion is felt. During Ben’s visit, a state of pride is felt. At the end, a state of loneliness is felt, leading the reader to think if there is an ironic relationship between the flute, representing Willy’s father, leaving early and Willy’s sad end.
The play has a sense of joy in it. Willy’s flashbacks always occur toward the same time where the Lomans were happy. Starting with Biff’s football days in high school. The music in those scenes would make anyone feel .....
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Summary Of After The Sirens, Penny In The Dust, And Under The I
Number of words: 518 - Number of pages: 2.... The fact that the husband and wife are willing to sacrifice themselves to save the baby brought them closer together. The relationship’s of the character’s in the story After the Sirens were greatly affect by the setting and plot as shown by the above evidence.
In the short story Penny in the Dust the penny was what the relationship of the father and the son was based on. When the son lost the penny it was like he was losing his father’s respect. The setting has much to do with the story because now a penny is nothing, we find them all the time but back then it was a big deal when y .....
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Tomorrow When The War Began
Number of words: 835 - Number of pages: 4.... and other various things like bringing live stock into their camp site which is named “hell”. Issues from whom to take camping, to find out how to blow the towns main bridge apart. Issues were the main part for the book if it weren’t for the issues this look wouldn’t be as compelling
The book is written in an indirect way where you see it through a persons eyes by the name of Ellie. Ellie got chosen because she was known as the best writer even though this brought some controversy between Ellie and Chris “It's only half an hour since someone - Robyn I think - sai .....
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