Number of words: 446 - Number of pages: 2.... by saying, "A man (beggar) may fish with the worm that hath eat of a king, and eat of the fish that hath fed of that worm," (pg 99, 29). This also makes sense, and is not quite as random; when confronts Claudius, and the king asks where Polonius is, immediatly begins the comparison by telling Claudius that Polonuis is at supper (the worms are eating him for supper, and so on). This proves that had some kind of planning for this degrading comment, and that his thoughts are not scattered and he is able to stay focused. There is a question of what being insane really is. Since it is agreeab .....
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Gods Grandeur
Number of words: 3610 - Number of pages: 14.... of some verses from the Book of Wisdom. The word "charged" leads one to think of a spark or light, and so thoughts of the Creation, which began with a spark of light, are not far off: "And God said, Let there be light: and there was light" (Gen. 1.3). Yet this "charge" was not a one time occurrence; "[t]he world is charged with the grandeur of God" (Hopkins 1). Or, in the words of Wisdom 1:7, "The spirit of the Lord fills the world" (Boyle 25). This line of the poem also sounds like Wisdom 17:20: "For the whole world shone with brilliant light . . ." Nor does the similarity end with the first .....
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“A Sudden Turn Of Events”
Number of words: 680 - Number of pages: 3.... turn. Unfortunately the darkness of the evening prevented him from seeing a huge limousine which was slowly approaching our car. In a matter of seconds, the limousine was in our car. We were pushed to the middle of the road and the car made a half turn. The windows blew up and pieces of glass landed on our faces. The driver’s door was smashed and he flew on top of me, as I hit my head on the door. Blood began dripping from my forehead and his face. All the while I was in shock and couldn’t stop screaming and crying. He tried to calm me down but he too was in shock. It seemed l .....
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Heart Of Darkness - Ignorance And Racism
Number of words: 1003 - Number of pages: 4.... in Conrad's book, but one must acknowledge that back in the eighteen hundreds society conformed to it. Conrad probably would have been criticized as being soft hearted rather than a racist back in his time.
Conrad constantly referred to the natives, in his book, as black savages, niggers, brutes, and "them", displaying ignorance toward the African history and racism towards the African people. Conrad wrote, "Black figures strolled out listlessly... the beaten nigger groaned somewhere" (Conrad 28). "They passed me with six inches, without a glance, with the complete, deathlike indiffere .....
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Anthem 2
Number of words: 867 - Number of pages: 4.... Making contact with a woman was prohibited but for when in the palace of the mating. The palace of the mating was where people were forced to breed. Equality thought touching a woman was shameful and ugly. Then one day while he swept the streets he found a grate that led to underground tunnel full of things from the unmentionable times. For two years he went to the tunnel and discovered a new glowing light. Then one day while in the tunnel decided that he must share his secret with his brothers. He decided that he would bring his secret in front of the world council meeting. When Equality en .....
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The Lottery: Symbolism
Number of words: 442 - Number of pages: 2.... psyche between compassion on one hand and the thirst for violence and cruelty on the other. An example of this is when the children are enjoying a break from school, playing and being children, and suddenly they are being joined by "rational" adults in stoning a mother to death. It appears that tradition has blinded these people in an irrational way, making them unable to think of a reason why this possibly should not be happening.
When forced with the possibility of death, human nature in all its complexity, comes down to one instinctive urge, that of survival. When Tessie was in no dang .....
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Tom Swayer
Number of words: 920 - Number of pages: 4.... feelings of guilt over troubles he hasn’t caused.
Tom Sawyer skipped school and went swimming. When he got back Aunt Polly asked him “ Didn’t you want to go swimming?” Tom tried to get out of this one but he couldn’t because of his half brother Sid. Aunt Polly forgave Tom but made him work on Saturdays. Tom hated working on Saturdays, while the other boys had a holiday. When she ever hit him her heart would almost break and when she lets him off her conscience hurts.
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
When Huck had found a dead cat he told Tom. So they both agreed to .....
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The Sovereignty And Goodness O
Number of words: 1184 - Number of pages: 5.... of the children. They were responsible for making clothes for the entire family, cooking breakfast, lunch and dinner and taking care of the children and cleaning. Women also expressed their devotion in church. Women of that time seemed to be extremely educated in the subject of the church and their religion. The book notes her as a Puritan saint who seemed to find divine providence in the grueling situations. Throughout her ordeal she uses quotes and scriptures to help her cling on to hope and to somehow stay alive through her deadly situation. In the beginning she would walk along wounde .....
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Creon Vs. Antigone In The Buri
Number of words: 527 - Number of pages: 2.... Creon says he is a coward to his city, not a hero, and therfore does not deserve to be buried with honor like his brother. He forbids the people of Thebes to touch him, to say a prayer for him, or to bury him, Anyone who goes against his commands will ultimately be put to death. Creon is speaking for the best interst of the state, not in terms of family. He feels that he has to set an example for his people to deter cowardly actions like Polyneices' in the future.
Antigone, on the other hand, is determined to bury her brother. She feels that he fouth just as bravely and died just as .....
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Number of words: 493 - Number of pages: 2.... "Planks creaked and she could distinguish the sounds of object being knocked over." (Pg. 358) The planks sounds like they are scratching on the wall as if it's going to tear its way in. The acts like people around her.
Another image that Dollarhide uses is the house. We quickly see how Dollarhide identifies the house as a living thing. "Now the house seemed to shudder around her like something alive." (Pg. 357) The house floats free struggles up from the clay, and swings out slowly with the pull of the river. The house protects her from the flood. To her, the house is th .....
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