Macbeth By William Shakespear
Number of words: 1252 - Number of pages: 5.... on TV for England.
Both films tell a story of Macbeth. Three witches prophecy that he will be King and this leads him to kill Duncan the King of Scotland. He becomes more and more involved in murder and terrible deeds. He arranges for his friend Banquo to be murdered because he is afraid that Banquo’s after sons will become Kings. Macbeth goes back to the witches who tell him that "no man of woman born will harm him”and until Birnam Wood comes to Dunsinane (his castle) he will not be harmed. Macbeth gets so obsessed with this prophecy that he has Macduff’s wife and c .....
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King Lear Analyzing A Tragic H
Number of words: 871 - Number of pages: 4.... compassionate. He is wrathful, but at times, patient. Because of his good qualities, we experience pity for him and feel that he does not deserve the severity of his punishment. His actions are not occasioned by any corruption or depravity in him, but by an error in judgment, which, however, does arise from a defect of character. Lear has a "tragic flaw" - egotism. It is his egotism in the first scene that causes him to make his error in judgment - the division of his kingdom and the loss of Cordelia. Throughout the rest of the play, the consequences of this error slowly and steadfastly incr .....
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Number of words: 545 - Number of pages: 2.... other man I should have flown outright into a dreadful passion, scorned all further words, and thrust him ignominiously from my presence.” (2409) The next theme is man’s desire to avoid conflict. The narrator avoids conflict on several occasions. The first time refused to proofread a paper, the narrator simply had someone else do it instead of confronting him and resolving the issue right then. By ignoring the problem, he left the door open for more disobedience. As expected, continued to refuse to proofread and the narrator eventually gave up on asking him to do it. The narrator went .....
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I Know Why The Caged Bird Sing
Number of words: 373 - Number of pages: 2.... for her either.” (Chap 34, pg 264, line 2)
Eventually she decided to go to work. She had her mind set on becoming a streetcar driver. Even though her mother warned her that they didn’t hire coloreds, she was determined just as well. When she went to apply for the job, the white receptionist put great effort into discouraging her, mainly because she was black. However, this did not discourage Maya. She was even more determined to get the job, and swore “I would have the job. I would a conductorette and sling a full money changer from my belt.” (pg 268, line 3) .....
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Heart Of Darkness 8
Number of words: 1211 - Number of pages: 5.... supposed to command has been wrecked. He meets the local manager, who has no moral sensibility, only business sensibility. He mentions that Mr. Kurtz may be ill at his station upriver and that it is fundamental to reach him as soon as possible. Marlow learns a great deal about Kurtz in the time spent waiting for his steamer to be repaired. At one point he talks to a brick maker, who feels that Kurtz is admirable, yet he is resentful towards him because of his many talents which make him a likely candidate for promotion. On another occasion, Marlow overhears a conversation between the manager .....
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J.D. Salinger
Number of words: 1913 - Number of pages: 7.... prayer as a means of comfort for Franny. The prayer stands for the last hope for Franny in this situation. Franny would be lost if their was no prayer. (Bryfonski and Senick 71). Salinger shows us comfort in Catcher in the Rye. Holden Caufield, the protagonist, is very much in despair for losing his girlfriend, so Caufield reads a passage in the Bible. This helps Holden change his outlook on life (Salzberg 75). Holden was all alone at this point and had no one to turn back on, until he found the Bible (Salzberg 76). In both stories the characters had found themselves in bad situations. The .....
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Song Of Solomon A Search For A
Number of words: 2053 - Number of pages: 8.... off the weight of their burdens and be able to fly. Only a select few held onto remnants of the memory of flight. According to a legend in Hurston, the transgression, was eating salt. The Africans brought to Jamaica could all fly. They had never eaten salt. Those who ate salt after they arrived, stayed and became slaves because salt made them too heavy to fly. Those who did not partake, flew back to Africa. (Hurston 315). Whether Africans really fly or just escape a monumental burden, perhaps only through death, is a decision Toni Morrison has apparently left to her readers. Never the .....
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Jane Eyre - Analysis Of Nature
Number of words: 1898 - Number of pages: 7.... conjures
up the image of a buoyant sea when Rochester says of Jane: "Your
habitual expression in those days, Jane, was . . . not buoyant." In
fact, it is this buoyancy of Jane's relationship with Rochester that
keeps Jane afloat at her time of crisis in the heath:
"Why do I struggle to retain a valueless life? Because I know, or
believe, Mr. Rochester is living."
Another recurrent image is Brontë's treatment of Birds. We first
witness Jane's fascination when she reads Bewick's History of British
Birds as a child. She reads of "death-white realms" and .....
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Case Dismissed
Number of words: 764 - Number of pages: 3.... tun in Mrs. Wright is because she is a sensitive, creative, and submissive woman.
The bird that Mrs. Wright has and cares for shows the sensitivity of her soul. When the women step into the kitchen one of the first thing that they notice is the bird cage. The bird was sold to her by a door to door salesman. The bird also suggests the lonliness she has. Mrs. Wright cared for the bird so much that when her husband killed it, she avenged its death. She mourned the bird after it was gone and it served as the final straw that broke the camel's back. The women also noticed the untidyness .....
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Pygmalion 2
Number of words: 715 - Number of pages: 3.... discrepancy between Higgins' actions and his word, may not exist, depending on the interpretation of this theory. There are two possible translations of Higgins' philosophy. It can be viewed as treating everyone the same all of the time or treating everyone equally at a particular time.It is obvious that Higgins does not treat everyone equally all of the time, as witnessed by his actions when he is in "one of his states" (as Mrs. Higgins' parlor maid calls it). The Higgins that we see in Mrs. Higgins' parlor is not the same Higgins we see at the parties. When in "the state" Henry Higgins .....
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