The Lottery 3
Number of words: 443 - Number of pages: 2.... Tension builds before the lottery occurs, but the townspeople are still able to joke with one another. Tension increases in the story when the author, Shirley Jackson, implies to the reader that Mr. Hutchinson has drawn the marked paper. We assume he does because he walks up on to the stage with his family and they are then made to draw again from the worn out black box. Mr. Hutchinson reaches his hand in and grabs out a piece with his children and his wife following in succession. The one that holds the winning ticket is Mrs. Hutchinson.
We learn throughout the story that the power a .....
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Grapes Of Wrath
Number of words: 728 - Number of pages: 3.... to achieve this goal. However, one by one, family members leave the group for various reasons leading to the slow but sure disintegration of the Joad clan. The first to go is Noah; then Grandpa and Grandma die;Connie walks off and leaves Rose of Sharon; Young Tom leaves because he has gotten into trouble again; and Al becomes engaged and decides to go with his fiancee’s family. Ma deals with each loss as best she can. As the story progresses, we find Ma Joad becoming more and more concerned with people outside the family unit. She feels the need to share whatever meager food an .....
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King Lear -
Number of words: 419 - Number of pages: 2.... castle and ending in the alliance
of Edgar and Albany, that is is difficult to separate them. Gloucester, like Lear, suffers from filial ingratitude. It is in his
castle that Lear is humiliated by his daughters and flees into the storm. Gloucester's sympathy helps Lear to Dover to meet
Cordelia, yet leads to his own blindness and his going to Dover for suicide.
Edgar becomes embroiled in the main plot when, disguised as a madman, he meets Lear on the heath. His destruction of
Oswald, Goneril's steward and his defeat of Edmund in the duel leading to Edmund admitting he has given se .....
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Under The Influence
Number of words: 1310 - Number of pages: 5.... disgusting glance. After class was over, Mrs. Hoffman grabbed Celestine’s arm tightly as she was about to leave. Mrs. Hoffman had heard that Celestine had been to the bars so she threatened to send Celestine to the principal’s office the next time she went to those bars. Celestine did not let her anger overcome her and was victorious in that situation. Unfortunately for Celestine, this next encounter would have a different outcome. During another session, Mrs. Hoffman had asked Celestine who the
mayor of Battle City was. When Celestine couldn’t answer quickly, M .....
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Hamlets Troubles
Number of words: 826 - Number of pages: 4.... of an informant, instantly becomes a main character. To be an informant, is to be one who shines a new light on the situation at hand, and that fills in information where information is needed. Polonius is a character in the play for just long enough to give the reader a good start with what is going on.
Polonius is the one character who communicates and interacts with every other character in the play. Retrospectively he pieces the play and the characters together to make them more understandable to the reader. Communication is what Polonius does well, but it is also what he does for h .....
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Plato Versus Aristotle
Number of words: 1919 - Number of pages: 7.... word in discussing Aristotle because he believes it is the necessary element to creating a stable government. His less metaphysical approach to politics makes Aristotle more in tune with the modern world, yet he is far from modern.
Plato's concept of what politics and government should be is a direct result of his belief in the theory of forms. The theory of forms basically states that there is a higher "form" for everything that exists in the world. Each material thing is simply a representation of the real thing which is the form. According to Plato, most people cannot see the forms, th .....
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Death In Venice: A Tragic Vision Of A Flawed Artist?
Number of words: 1037 - Number of pages: 4.... was almost musical. Aschenbach would sit on the beach and watch him play, the young child that, in his point of view, looked like the god Apollo. Slowly but surely, he became obsessed with Tadzio, with his youth, beauty, effortlessness and his idleness.
Whilst being obsessed with this young boy with whom Aschenbach has no connection or relation, around him disease broods. The plague is sweeping over Venice, unnoticed at first and denied by the Venitians. They are all lying, denying and acting as to make sure the tourist business will continue to thrive through this period of silent turmoil. .....
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The Cause And Effect In A Very
Number of words: 750 - Number of pages: 3.... Gonzaga thought that the old man was an angel, not one sent by God but the angel of death. Therefore, Father Gonzaga warned the townspeople, "The devil had the bad habit of making use of carnival tricks in order to confuse the unwary." Although the angel seemed to pose a threat to the townspeople, the spider woman posed no threat and could speak their language. Both the angel and the spider women intrigued the minds of the people, but affected them differently.
The events surrounding the angel caused so much interest with the townspeople that, within a few hours after the priest had be .....
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Our Grandmothers
Number of words: 2473 - Number of pages: 9.... trade. During the time the play was written, the Queen of England had banned all blacks from entering the city. She spoke of them as "Negars and Moors which are crept into the realm, of which kind of people there are already here too many". It seems that Shakespeare is almost mocking the Queen by characterising Othello as a black man who has a high ranking position in the Army and who marries a white aristocratic women, against her fathers will.
Ruth Cowlig suggests that the presentation of Othello as the hero must have been startling for Elizabethan audiences. This may have be .....
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Battle Between Sexes Critical
Number of words: 1938 - Number of pages: 8.... O'Neil is sent on her way. Unaware that she is the political pawn of a "feminist" Senator, Jordan O'Neill agrees to become the first woman to train with the elite fighting force. If Jordan succeeds, then she will strike a blow for the idea of women in combat, but no one expects or even really wants her to succeed. Jordan, appearing as masculine as possible, bravely endures humiliation, ridicule, sabotage, and physical torture to prove she can do it. O’Neil suffers each of these indignities, and even shaves her hair to escape its encumbrance.
O'Neil finds herself fighting for resp .....
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