Difficulty In Making An Important Decision
Number of words: 385 - Number of pages: 2.... made me feel
uncomfortable and insecure. If I failed or could not find a new position,
what would my family think of me? Failing at a new career would also
cause me to lose confidence in myself. These concerns, failure and
financial, and not finding a new job made this decision very difficult.
The decision to choose a new career was an extremely important one. The
sole function of a career is not just to provide a means to make a
living; it should have a larger purpose. The work I was doing did little
for others, and in fact, served only a small, special interest group. .....
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Japanese Aristocrat
Number of words: 901 - Number of pages: 4.... the effects that could take place. Brutus can’t see motives that are less noble then is own, “Well, Brutus, though art noble; yet I see thy honorable mettle may be wrought from that it is disposed; therefore it is meet tat noble minds keep ever with their likes; for who so from that cannot be seduced?” Brutus makes two very grave mistakes because of his high principles, he lets Antony live and worse yet he lets him speak at the funeral of Caesar. He doesn’t stir up the emotion that the people were looking for when Antony did. But even though Brutus joined t .....
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Discuss The Representation Of
Number of words: 1845 - Number of pages: 7.... with the representation of women by their own dialogues, and what other characters say about them. The dramatic techniques Shakespeare uses to construct his female characters are the setting, the character's dialogue, including asides, and what other people say about them, especially behind their backs. Lady Macbeth and Lady Macduff are two very different characters, and there is plenty of binary opposition between them. The weird sisters, on the other hand, are 'things to be afraid of'. These characters give the audience an indication of how women were represented in Macbeth. Lady Macbe .....
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Great Expectations - Chapter Summaries
Number of words: 4553 - Number of pages: 17.... himself and limping. He had the chills and the fever The convict asked Pip if he brought anyone and he said no, and the man believed him The convict asked Pip where the man w/ the bruised face went. Pip pointed and handed him the file Chapter 4 Setting: At home; Christmas dinner we meet Mr. Pumblechook, Mr. Wopsle, and the Hubbles Pip was fearful on his return that there would be a police officer waiting for him at home, but no one suspected the robbery Pip made the excuse that he was listening to Christmas Carols The guests: Mr. Wopsle- Churc .....
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The Mark Twain Thesis
Number of words: 694 - Number of pages: 3.... friend’s similar dream , however,
did. The narrator tells us through a blanket of jealousy how this man was
perpetually annoying, and how, “there was nothing generous about this fellow
and his greatness.” Like many of Twain’s writings this excerpt shows us a
man with convictions as he looks at a seemingly good example and puts it
under a different light.
Convictions that shine through in what could quite possibly be a
realistic situation (in Twain’s accounts of them) shimmer with imperfection.
In a part of Roughing It Twain brings us to a cam .....
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Hamlet And Laertes Share Commo
Number of words: 571 - Number of pages: 3.... of his father's killer, Hamlet presumes the person spying on his conversation with his mother is Claudius. After Hamlet kills Polonius the Queen says "Oh me, what hast thou done?" (3,4,24). Hamlet responds "Nay, I know not. Is it the King?" (3,4,25) Sudden anger prompts both Hamlet and Laertes to act spontaneously, giving little thought to the consequences of their actions. Hamlet and Laertes share a different, but deep love and concern for Ophelia. Before his departure for France Laertes gives Ophelia advice pertaining to her relationship with Hamlet. Laertes tells Ophelia of Hamle .....
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To His Coy Mistress
Number of words: 542 - Number of pages: 2.... the flood” which to me means that he would love her from the beginning of time. He then continues by saying, “and you should if you please refuse, till the conversion of the Jews”. If the reader has any knowledge of the strength of the belief of Jewish people in their faith, then the reader would get the idea that the speaker meant to say that he will lover till the end of time, even if she was to refuse his love.
Next, the speaker compares his growing love for her to the expansion of great empires. In lines 11 and 12 the speaker says, “and my vegetables love sho .....
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Edgar Allen Poe
Number of words: 1399 - Number of pages: 6.... wife, Virginia. Poe become absent minded and began drinking heavily. ’s life experiences, particularly his repeated substance abuse and the loss of the women he loved, are evident in the stories that he wrote. Edgar Allan Poe Pg.1 On January 29, 1845, Poe’s most mystifying poem appeared, The Raven. This was a story that Poe wrote that helped us understand his feelings that were felt due to the loss of his wife(Double Day & Company). The words used to describe the raven in the story make the raven up to be death coming for him. The words such as "so faintly you cam tapping, t .....
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Catcher In The Rye
Number of words: 1006 - Number of pages: 4.... motive for wanting to know where the ducks fly in winter is that he cares for them because they relate to him. Similarly, Holden is subconsciously searching for help; he believes that by helping others, such as the ducks, he will find good in the world that will warm his heart and cure him of his depression. However, he finds the ducks do not cure his depression and again he discovers himself feeling lonely. Soon after the duck incident, Holden has his first encounter with Sunny. He starts talking to her and states his (phony) age. Sunny responds, "Like fun you are." (123) Then, Holden .....
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Justice In Plato Versus Justic
Number of words: 604 - Number of pages: 3.... many different factors. These factors (or pillars) upon which justice in Plato is constructed include but are not limited to education, interdependence of a communities sub-units, philosophy, the separation of public and private life, truth, as well as no movement.
In Plato's Republic, justice is defined in many different ways, none of which seem to keep Socrates content. Cephalus insisted that justice was telling the truth and paying one's debts. Polemarchus, Cephalus' son, maintained that justice was paying one's dues. Socrates refuted their argument by using a mad man as an example. H .....
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